Dec 26, 2018
The internal monologue of the character doesn't match the reality of that character's own internal thoughts? What?

There's no unreliable narrator issue here because the only thing that matters is what the protagonist thinks is happening. If she doesn't think she was raped, she can't have a traumatic reaction to being raped.
People don't just have their conscious internal thoughts, they also have involuntary emotional reactions that their consciousness will react to. You can absolutely have internal thoughts that are contradictory to how a traumatic event is being emotionally processed. In fact, people's internal thoughts often adjust themselves to be more accepting of the event to cope with trauma. It's what we call "cope", where someone tries to actively deny reality in favor of something more preferable to process.

This is getting into very complicated territory but one of the reasons suggested as to why individuals who have been raped may fetishize rape later on is because they're trying to reprocess the event on their own terms.
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Dec 26, 2018
I never got how the player character is supposed to be surprised and deeply mortified that she might have to engage in sexual activity with targets in the first place. Intelligence agencies are no strangers to having their agents use sex for espionage purposes, and it stands to reason that they would at least pick an agent who is ready to use sex to accomplish their goals (especially in such a dangerous setting). I doubt they would use an inexperienced agent for such a mission in the first place with no prior training and mental conditioning for these actions. Especially when she's got top level clearance to info that would compromise several other agents including high ranking ones. The parts of the story where the player character is so concerned about what her coworkers will think of seeing her have sex is kind of nonsensical, in reality they'd be shitting themselves watching this clueless agent who knows their names and faces try to sexually bungle her way into the enemy compound.

The game would have made more sense if the player character was someone who had the skills and psychological profile to be a honeypot/femme-fatale agent using sex to manipulate her way into the enemy organization. That's not to say that the player character wouldn't be traumatized by rape or other violent events, but she wouldn't be as clueless as she is in this story.
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Lezz kiss for peace!
Feb 7, 2018
here we go again!:sleep:

Hey guys! I'm sorry for being quiet here, and on Discord. I've been struggling with the writing in this episode, and it wasn't clear to me last weekend how to fix it.
For story reasons, we need to send the heroine back into the club for a barmaid shift. My idea to spice it up was to do something cool with wardrobe, and give her an excuse to wear some hot gothy fuck-me boots for a shift.

It seemed cool in the outline. Our illustrator lovely Victoria created some gorgeous art, and we had some cool scenes of the heroine getting the boots, the bargirls cooing over her new look in the dressing room, the regulars commenting on and loving her whorish new look, etc.

Shakedown run
Unfortunately, once I'd put it all together, when I tested it…I hated it. I hated it so much I didn’t even bother sharing it with any of the normal testers. It felt contrived and, worse – boring. I have been a very sad crab about this.

I know it’s just a porno, but the story’s so important to me. When it doesn’t work I get dispirited.

Still, fear and despair are all parts of the creative process, so I just accepted it wasn’t what I wanted it to be, and worked hard on fixing it.

In an effort to figure out what was wrong, I replayed the last episode, and at the end asked myself: as a player, what would I want to happen next?

When I pictured what I’d been planning, I realised that I’d just gotten the pacing completely wrong. ☹ Going back into the club as a topless barmaid is fine, but it needs to be a sexy little blast, not a long drawn out procedural.

An experiment: leaner episodes
I cut a bunch of stuff, rewrote it to feel more like a little montage than a step-by-step simulation of a barmaiding shift. It’s now much zingier, sexier and faster paced.
I’ve cut so much that it’s actually now too short to release, even as a mini episode. My plan is to skinny down the planned length of the Big Mac side quest and roll it into this episode. So, the structure will be:
– Short punchy scene set in the club
– Short punchy first date with Big Mac

I’m much much happier with this approach, and if it works out I think it’s got some important advantages going forward – not least that if the episodes are a little skinnier, then we’ll make faster progress towards the part of the story that I really want to write (the heroine bargirling).

I’m really sorry for the delay; I wanted to blast this out of the way quick and I messed up on my first pass at it. I’m working really hard on making a faster, better episode and I hope you’ll like it. ❤

Senor Smut

Aug 11, 2020

I’m much much happier with this approach, and if it works out I think it’s got some important advantages going forward – not least that if the episodes are a little skinnier, then we’ll make faster progress towards the part of the story that I really want to write (the heroine bargirling).

Faster progress?


Oh, that Crush. What a card.


New Member
Oct 27, 2020
just realized how puch people are pledging per month. It's insane that this game has been dragging on for 7 years. Madness. Crushstation is milking them dry and they're too horny to realize it
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Mar 10, 2021
It has always been clear that Crush finds writing hard.

He can code but he can't draw and he can't write with any great ease. He can research places, he can come up with basic character concepts and he can even find voices for them but he's struggling with plot and character consistency. That's most of the way towards being able to write but clearly, his creative process isn't working for him and it's jacking him up.

I must say, I agree with the decision to ditch the stuff about the boots as it wouldn't have worked... the last update was all about the agent going 'WTF am I doing here?' and then suddenly she's buying boots and going goth? I guess that might make sense if she's thinking 'Oh... I'll assume a different persona, that way it's not me who is doing all this weird shit' but even then, I would argue that that's shutting the barn door after the horse has bolted. On a more basic level, she's already working in a topless bar! Putting on thigh-high boots and more eye-liner doesn't make her look more slutty. If anything it's woefully impractical as PVC is incredibly hot and South-East Asia is insanely hot. An hour working in those boots and you'd collapse.

Also, the boots are an obvious displacement activity. He doesn't want to write plot and so he's gone back to fussing with the assets and he hoped that introducing new assets would produce interesting scenes. If fussing with the assets for the first six years of this game's development didn't produce plot, why would it now? That's Crush drifting back into old habits.

I don't know if he pops in here (probably not) but I think he might benefit from focusing on characters a bit more (particularly as this is now a linear virtual novel rather than a sandbox) Delve into the agent's relationship with the Scottish guy or her male handler, how about the individual girls at the bar? Early sections suggested there might be tensions within the staff at the bar, it might be worth exploring those. Work on the characters, think about what motivates them, and quite quickly you start to develop some drama and drama can easily be turned into sexual tension that eventually yields sex scenes.

Either that or hire someone to do the writing. Seriously, he should find a smut writer he likes (there are loads on literotica and AO3) and pay them like 200 bucks for a chapter outline. Treat it like the illustrations. Most amateur smut writers would take his arm off at the shoulder for the opportunity.


Aug 22, 2022
It has always been clear that Crush finds writing hard.

He can code but he can't draw and he can't write with any great ease. He can research places, he can come up with basic character concepts and he can even find voices for them but he's struggling with plot and character consistency. That's most of the way towards being able to write but clearly, his creative process isn't working for him and it's jacking him up.

I must say, I agree with the decision to ditch the stuff about the boots as it wouldn't have worked... the last update was all about the agent going 'WTF am I doing here?' and then suddenly she's buying boots and going goth? I guess that might make sense if she's thinking 'Oh... I'll assume a different persona, that way it's not me who is doing all this weird shit' but even then, I would argue that that's shutting the barn door after the horse has bolted. On a more basic level, she's already working in a topless bar! Putting on thigh-high boots and more eye-liner doesn't make her look more slutty. If anything it's woefully impractical as PVC is incredibly hot and South-East Asia is insanely hot. An hour working in those boots and you'd collapse.

Also, the boots are an obvious displacement activity. He doesn't want to write plot and so he's gone back to fussing with the assets and he hoped that introducing new assets would produce interesting scenes. If fussing with the assets for the first six years of this game's development didn't produce plot, why would it now? That's Crush drifting back into old habits.

I don't know if he pops in here (probably not) but I think he might benefit from focusing on characters a bit more (particularly as this is now a linear virtual novel rather than a sandbox) Delve into the agent's relationship with the Scottish guy or her male handler, how about the individual girls at the bar? Early sections suggested there might be tensions within the staff at the bar, it might be worth exploring those. Work on the characters, think about what motivates them, and quite quickly you start to develop some drama and drama can easily be turned into sexual tension that eventually yields sex scenes.

Either that or hire someone to do the writing. Seriously, he should find a smut writer he likes (there are loads on literotica and AO3) and pay them like 200 bucks for a chapter outline. Treat it like the illustrations. Most amateur smut writers would take his arm off at the shoulder for the opportunity.
Everything you said, people have been telling him for years and each and every time he rejects the advice and says “THIS TIME, he’ll finally make it work”
He clearly doesn’t want any help and as long as his sycophants on discord keep telling him that he’s the greatest writer since Hemingway, he’s just going to keep doing the same old shit.
Apr 3, 2019
He codes on the same level he writes, otherwise that would be a RPG and not a kinetic novel

He is very skilled in communications and finding excuses why he did nothing :WeSmart:
I know this has been said before but it's important it doesn't get forgotten.

The "hard" part of the code, for example the dice rolls, or the dynamic animations (the three or four that do exist), is not done by Crush. He has mentioned quite a few times that all that "hard code monkey stuff" is done by another collaborator, a certain Hyneman


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2018
Crush gonna Crush. Spends a month+ obsessing about something then throws it in the trash basically.
and that's how easy 6k$ went to his pocket in february.
whole month of work was in fact finding in google images gothic booth and copy/paste it into parteon with several words how hard working month was (truth or lie, it doesn't matter) for him. watching booth and thinking.

what is obvious now, new update will be another day in office as barmaid. and after year of repeating this bar scene in every update, he is now struggling how to do it. can i guess? pick a thong and heels, serve drinks at bar to bunch of foreigners, being gropped. repeat that with bunch of locals. dress up. go to street luring tourist. chatting with whores and barmaids about whoring, come back, serve drinks, go through floor into vip. serve drinks there, get gropped, reject money, get out. watch lesbian show from the floor. get gropped there too. return to bar. end shift. get fucked in office. take money and leave. did i miss something?

Senor Smut

Aug 11, 2020
Over the past...18 months, 2 years, something like that, a professional writer and a professional editor came to his Discord at separate times and said essentially the exact same things: Crush was burned out on writing and it would not get better while he continues his current path. They both recommended the same remedy, too: Crush do the plotting, research, and high-level conceptual stuff and then delegate 100% of the writing to a volunteer "writers room", which would mimic the way virtually every successful television show works. Every single time the creator of a television show tries to do everything (except Aaron Sorkin, who seems to be the exception) burnout quickly results.

In both the above cases, all Crush's squeeing fanboys jumped all over the professionals and then Crush told them their advice is irrelevant.

Crush won't change because he is making a very comfortable living doing absolutely nothing. Any change he makes is detrimental to him because it would mean he has to work instead of taking handouts from suckers. He is a scammer and he will be until the scam stops working.

Senor Smut

Aug 11, 2020
and that's how easy 6k$ went to his pocket in february.
whole month of work was in fact finding in google images gothic booth and copy/paste it into parteon with several words how hard working month was (truth or lie, it doesn't matter) for him. watching booth and thinking.

what is obvious now, new update will be another day in office as barmaid. and after year of repeating this bar scene in every update, he is now struggling how to do it. can i guess? pick a thong and heels, serve drinks at bar to bunch of foreigners, being gropped. repeat that with bunch of locals. dress up. go to street luring tourist. chatting with whores and barmaids about whoring, come back, serve drinks, go through floor into vip. serve drinks there, get gropped, reject money, get out. watch lesbian show from the floor. get gropped there too. return to bar. end shift. get fucked in office. take money and leave. did i miss something?
You did miss something: the cut-and-paste "Why am I enjoying this degrading treatment?" internal monologue. Can't forget that, because that's like 15% of every. Single. Update.


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2018
He codes on the same level he writes, otherwise that would be a RPG and not a kinetic novel

He is very skilled in communications and finding excuses why he did nothing :WeSmart:
indeed. this idea, concept (including even some material he wrote) what a great rpg game would be in hands of some masters of choice based games like eva kiss. prostitution and serving drinks were covered nicely in fashion business... instead game we have skilled trickster full of excuses. and yet he is bulletproof in supporters count.


Nov 19, 2023
Crush do the plotting, research, and high-level conceptual stuff and then delegate 100% of the writing to a volunteer "writers room"
Could he even handle the plotting? It should be super simple to come up with one or a few barmaid scenes given he has supposedly been working on it for two months (not to mention 6 or 7 years of planning). I think the real problem is that Crush has no idea how to handle the transition to bargirl and where to take the story from there. Hence we keep getting detours like the Syria escapade, or Russian date stuff or Bangkok tourism.

It doesn't matter how many writers you have working for you if you have no vision or ideas for core story development.
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