
Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2018
Crush won't change because he is making a very comfortable living doing absolutely nothing. Any change he makes is detrimental to him because it would mean he has to work instead of taking handouts from suckers. He is a scammer and he will be until the scam stops working.
and this is crucial point why our rantings and resonable suggestions have no influence: he is doing good "working" alone. sheeps getting milked every 1st of month and don't want any changes. even contributing with suggestions how to re-write existing scene from previous update, what he is happy to oblige since it delays new update (and gives him alibi for next 2-3 months of doing nothing.
if he accepted reorganization updates will be faster, end will be much sooner and he would be forced to pay something to team. shorter game's life-span and less money. why would he accept that?
Dec 26, 2018
You did miss something: the cut-and-paste "Why am I enjoying this degrading treatment?" internal monologue. Can't forget that, because that's like 15% of every. Single. Update.
This makes me think maybe it'd be a good idea to add some dialogue and action options for the sex scenes that aren't meant to have big story implications. Just some extra options contained within the scene, to make the storytelling more varied and engaging.


Oct 1, 2017
Could he even handle the plotting? It should be super simple to come up with one or a few barmaid scenes given he has supposedly been working on it for two months (not to mention 6 or 7 years of planning). I think the real problem is that Crush has no idea how to handle the transition to bargirl and where to take the story from there. Hence we keep getting detours like the Syria escapade, or Russian date stuff or Bangkok tourism.

It doesn't matter how many writers you have working for you if you have no vision or ideas for core story development.
I think you're right on the nail. There's nothing wrong with the actual writing. It's not great, not bad, just there to convey the story as opposed to drawing you in with glowing prose. And that's perfectly fine, we're here for the sex.

It's the storytelling where he falls down. There's nothing new or earthshaking about honey traps (which is the correct term, even though he says honey *pot* in the game). Every intelligence agency has used them and is using them right now. So there's way too much angst and way too much acting like nobody's sure how to deal with it at the CIA. They're plenty used to agents, male and female, fucking for the sake of their cover.

Played with a little more humor the bar cover could be fun and sexy and wild, and present the character with some genuinely unique situations.

But that's the thing- having her fuck on arrival and regularly get railed literally from the start of the assignment took most of the corruption suspense out of the bar. Now it's just a question of *when* she's taking dick in the VIP room, not *whether*. And it feels like he's at a loss for how to balance the notion that she's being corrupted with her established willingness to go as far as she needs to go.

A much better angle for the CIA spooks would be them pushing her to go farther. Like, have her report that a possible person of interest likes the VIP room and they're like "Okay, we'll set you up with some PrEP. Now go get him, tiger". Or have her mention drugs and they give her a rundown on exactly what effects she can expect from different amounts of blow or MDMA.

There's just no way on earth her CIA bosses would ever act shocked or discourage her from partying it up for her cover. They'll tell you right up front that you may need to do drugs for your cover, or "get close" to someone, etc. Hell, if your cover requires that you be comfortable with drugs, they'll supply the blow to get you used to it. The CIA doesn't clutch its pearls.


Sep 19, 2017
Funny thing is the discord seems to be on copium.

I bring up the point that there are issues with open world as a whore. When it's open you either have to account for the order of events and write different versions for each order (which Crush will never do) OR you write more generic scenes where the order doesn't matter. Not only that, there is more sex, which means you either need to describe more sex scenes, which slows game progression, or skip mundane scenes.

Half the people think he will hand write every single sex scenes to be unique and think it will not slow down the game... CRAZY! That doesn't even bring up the problem with progression in sex. IF you write vaginal sex over and over and over again, it will get boring. You need to increase the intensity slowly over time to make it interesting, which Crush has been doing well so far.

I personally think Crush is stalling, doing the pointless Christmas episode to not deal with this impending problem. If you haven't learned, your not being made a whore yet. I think there are logistical reasons he is stalling.


Active Member
Jun 30, 2017
It's funny how he made the Christmas special (which even has different paths) in less than a month without any problems, but when it comes to the main game he always finds excuses.
Are we sure that Cristmas special wasn't supposed to be released for Christmas 2022? But because it's Crush we're talking about he simply missed deadline by a year...


May 25, 2017
Over the past...18 months, 2 years, something like that, a professional writer and a professional editor came to his Discord at separate times and said essentially the exact same things: Crush was burned out on writing and it would not get better while he continues his current path. They both recommended the same remedy, too: Crush do the plotting, research, and high-level conceptual stuff and then delegate 100% of the writing to a volunteer "writers room", which would mimic the way virtually every successful television show works. Every single time the creator of a television show tries to do everything (except Aaron Sorkin, who seems to be the exception) burnout quickly results.

In both the above cases, all Crush's squeeing fanboys jumped all over the professionals and then Crush told them their advice is irrelevant.

Crush won't change because he is making a very comfortable living doing absolutely nothing. Any change he makes is detrimental to him because it would mean he has to work instead of taking handouts from suckers. He is a scammer and he will be until the scam stops working.
So where's your successful game / book / community? By which I mean people willingly compensated you with their money for your work.

I didn't even know that you were writing erotica before I guessed it. Your shame is that, if you understand what is required, you won't take your own advice and make a game yourself.

I would both either: love to play your game; or hear your explanation as to why you learned it's so difficult to make a game and failed.

There's only so long you can sit in the backseat telling people how to drive before someone offers you the wheel.

Here's the wheel: you drive.


Oct 1, 2017
So where's your successful game / book / community? By which I mean people willingly compensated you with their money for your work.

I didn't even know that you were writing erotica before I guessed it. Your shame is that, if you understand what is required, you won't take your own advice and make a game yourself.

I would both either: love to play your game; or hear your explanation as to why you learned it's so difficult to make a game and failed.

There's only so long you can sit in the backseat telling people how to drive before someone offers you the wheel.

Here's the wheel: you drive.
That's silly. Are we not allowed to criticize politicians unless we've been elected? Can we not say a meal is bad unless we're chefs? I've never driven under the influence, does that mean I can't criticize the drunk that crashed into the light pole outside my house?

Really dumb argument.

Senor Smut

Aug 11, 2020
So where's your successful game / book / community? By which I mean people willingly compensated you with their money for your work.

I didn't even know that you were writing erotica before I guessed it. Your shame is that, if you understand what is required, you won't take your own advice and make a game yourself.

I would both either: love to play your game; or hear your explanation as to why you learned it's so difficult to make a game and failed.

There's only so long you can sit in the backseat telling people how to drive before someone offers you the wheel.

Here's the wheel: you drive.
Well, you see, I'm in mourning. My beloved wife of 17 years went to the doctor for procedure to remove a hangnail, but instead the doctor cut her into 148 pieces and DID NOT remove the hangnail. Some might call that murder, some might call that malpractice, but not me. I've never removed a hangnail so I can't criticize. After all, we are only ever allowed to criticize people when we know we can do their job better than they can no matter what they might do.


May 25, 2017
That's silly. Are we not allowed to criticize politicians unless we've been elected? Can we not say a meal is bad unless we're chefs?
Yeah, just don't pretend you can do better if you have no ideas yourself.

I've never driven under the influence, does that mean I can't criticize the drunk that crashed into the light pole outside my house?

Really dumb argument.
No. That's a at best and at worst. This has fuck all to do with drunk drivers endangering your property or life.

You shouldn't need anyone's permission to criticize, least of all mine. But I'd like to see you back up your arguments with how you in exactly the same circumstances would do better and an answer for why, if it's so fucking easy, you don't.

Ball's in your court, threatened homeowner near to the light pole targeted by the intoxicated.


May 25, 2017
Well, you see, I'm in mourning. My beloved wife of 17 years went to the doctor for procedure to remove a hangnail, but instead the doctor cut her into 148 pieces and DID NOT remove the hangnail. Some might call that murder, some might call that malpractice, but not me. I've never removed a hangnail so I can't criticize. After all, we are only ever allowed to criticize people when we know we can do their job better than they can no matter what they might do.
You clearly have a powerful and creative imagination. You, at one point, at least, cared about this game, so much that you are here spending your time wishing it would be better.

I see you have at least (presumably many more).

Instead of wasting your time on someone you feel is scamming you or everyone, why just not do better yourself and eat their lunch?

There's a board here on F95 for collaboration if you need help with programming, art, etc.

No kidding, I'd love to play your game. I do think you would find it significantly harder to make than you imagine (several have tried to make this game and not found success) but.... why not channel your energy into something positive?


Oct 1, 2017
Yeah, just don't pretend you can do better if you have no ideas yourself.

No. That's a at best and at worst. This has fuck all to do with drunk drivers endangering your property or life.

You shouldn't need anyone's permission to criticize, least of all mine. But I'd like to see you back up your arguments with how you in exactly the same circumstances would do better and an answer for why, if it's so fucking easy, you don't.

Ball's in your court, threatened homeowner near to the light pole targeted by the intoxicated.
Well, no. It's not a strawman. It's an analogy. It directly addressed your argument, such as it was. To be a strawman, it would have to address an argument you had not made. And it's definitely not whataboutism. That would be bringing up something completely unrelated to duck the original point, i.e. my idiot uncle bringing up Qanon or Hillary's emails every time Trump's latest scandal comes on the news.

What you did was, in fact, a logical fallacy. One does not need to have made a game to criticize a game.

ETA: Just from a probability standpoint, what are the odds you'd end up being educated on logic by two people published on the same smutty story site at the same time? I'm SixtyMinuteMan on Literotica. That has to be six digits to one on the probability scale, right? Wow.
Last edited:

Senor Smut

Aug 11, 2020
You clearly have a powerful and creative imagination. You, at one point, at least, cared about this game, so much that you are here spending your time wishing it would be better.

I see you have at least (presumably many more).

Instead of wasting your time on someone you feel is scamming you or everyone, why just not do better yourself and eat their lunch?

There's a board here on F95 for collaboration if you need help with programming, art, etc.

No kidding, I'd love to play your game. I do think you would find it significantly harder to make than you imagine (several have tried to make this game and not found success) but.... why not channel your energy into something positive?
Years ago when I discovered H-games (I was VERY late to the party) I decided to try my hand at writing one -- not coding, just writing. It was a simple story (best to start simple for your first stab at anything) about a rich asshole who was magically cursed to very slowly transform into an airheaded bimbo. It would have started out mostly railroad but with more and more choice as you went so exactly what sort of bimbo you wound up as was up to you, as was your final state. It was going really well and I had maybe 45% done, and then I lost it all in a hard drive crash (my own faulty for not backing it up, I'm the first to admit) and I lost the ambition to do it. Since then I've occasionally been bitten by the bug and have done outlines and such, but I failed for the same reason that it takes me four to six months to write a chapter in one of my Lit stories: I have (literally) crippling depression and PTSD, which means that the days I can do anything productive are few and far between. I'm very proud of what I write (mostly because I write strictly for myself and don't give a damn if anyone else likes it or not) but my writing is SLOW.

But my criticism of Crush isn't centered around the quality of the game (which, gripes aside, is certainly in the upper quarter of H-games I've played). It's centered around the fact that he's raking in tons of money because he has convinced suckers to give it to him to do literally nothing almost all the time. My criticism is that he's a cynical scammer. And I shall not be convinced that you have to be a better cynical scammer than someone else before you can criticize them for cynically scamming. At this point I'm lumping him in with MLM people and cult leaders -- he's making a damned good living lying to people's faces and making them love it. And that is something I have never wanted to emulate.
Dec 26, 2018
It's the storytelling where he falls down. There's nothing new or earthshaking about honey traps (which is the correct term, even though he says honey *pot* in the game). Every intelligence agency has used them and is using them right now. So there's way too much angst and way too much acting like nobody's sure how to deal with it at the CIA. They're plenty used to agents, male and female, fucking for the sake of their cover.
There's just no way on earth her CIA bosses would ever act shocked or discourage her from partying it up for her cover. They'll tell you right up front that you may need to do drugs for your cover, or "get close" to someone, etc. Hell, if your cover requires that you be comfortable with drugs, they'll supply the blow to get you used to it. The CIA doesn't clutch its pearls.
Exactly my feelings as well. The CIA has been knee deep in all sorts of scandalous behavior and debauchery since its inception. They've done things like recording sex tapes to be used as blackmail, pushing drugs to pay for their operations, to even supplying terrorists with weapons to fight wars for them. The idea that an agent they hand picked for this dangerous assignment would be squeamish about being provocative and sexual to play the part is silly. Her colleagues that she's so concerned about aren't your everyday office drones, they're people involved in an international spy operation who have been involved in similar things or worse. I get that Crush is trying to build some kind of tension that plays off shame and sexuality because otherwise the player's actions carry less weight, but it doesn't really make sense in this context here.

I think a really good angle for the game is having the player character realize that she has free license to fuck most anybody and act scandalously because she's using a fake identity. No one she knows will ever learn about what she did, and she has an entire intelligence agency to cover her tracks if there are any. If Crush wants to create that tension using the player character's concern for her reputation I think it should be created within the specific operation itself using the people she encounters on assignment. For example her being overly slutty might get her closer to the target faster but she may lose friends with other bargirls and be shamed by them.

My point here is just the whole corruption angle is hard to pull off for a CIA field agent you know? This kind of assignment requires the agent to fit a certain personality profile to even be considered. Someone squeamish about basically being a sex worker in a developing country would never be assigned to this operation.


May 25, 2017
Well, no. It's not a strawman. It's an analogy. It directly addressed your argument, such as it was. To be a strawman, it would have to address an argument you had not made. And it's definitely not whataboutism. That would be bringing up something completely unrelated to duck the original point, i.e. my idiot uncle bringing up Qanon or Hillary's emails every time Trump's latest scandal comes on the news.
Do you just not remember what you said or did yesterday? You absolutely made a strawman argument. You equated criticism of a game developer with criticism of drunk drivers, who are obviously typically socially indefensible pariahs. These are not the same thing and appealing to an extreme opposite is whataboutism, like you didn't get a free game is the same as the developer endangering your life.

I called you out on your bullshit because you are desperately trying to cancel the game you love. Now you're talking about your "idiot uncle", like embarrassing your family doesn't embarrass you? What happened to you? What's the matter with you?

ETA: Just from a probability standpoint, what are the odds you'd end up being educated on logic by two people published on the same smutty story site at the same time? I'm SixtyMinuteMan on Literotica. That has to be six digits to one on the probability scale, right? Wow.
So, you're a creative. That's great! But I can't find your stories searching for "SixtyMinuteMan". Can you post a link / URL?


May 25, 2017
Years ago when I discovered H-games (I was VERY late to the party) I decided to try my hand at writing one -- not coding, just writing. It was a simple story (best to start simple for your first stab at anything) about a rich asshole who was magically cursed to very slowly transform into an airheaded bimbo. It would have started out mostly railroad but with more and more choice as you went so exactly what sort of bimbo you wound up as was up to you, as was your final state. It was going really well and I had maybe 45% done, and then I lost it all in a hard drive crash (my own faulty for not backing it up, I'm the first to admit) and I lost the ambition to do it. Since then I've occasionally been bitten by the bug and have done outlines and such, but I failed for the same reason that it takes me four to six months to write a chapter in one of my Lit stories: I have (literally) crippling depression and PTSD, which means that the days I can do anything productive are few and far between. I'm very proud of what I write (mostly because I write strictly for myself and don't give a damn if anyone else likes it or not) but my writing is SLOW.
More power to you for doing what you love to do. I'm sure you have made a lot of people happy / with a happy ending!

But my criticism of Crush isn't centered around the quality of the game (which, gripes aside, is certainly in the upper quarter of H-games I've played). It's centered around the fact that he's raking in tons of money because he has convinced suckers to give it to him to do literally nothing almost all the time. My criticism is that he's a cynical scammer. And I shall not be convinced that you have to be a better cynical scammer than someone else before you can criticize them for cynically scamming. At this point I'm lumping him in with MLM people and cult leaders -- he's making a damned good living lying to people's faces and making them love it. And that is something I have never wanted to emulate.
So it's jealousy tinged with your projecting self-humiliation. That's fucking sad and I think you should take a look at yourself before criticizing others.

Like, only you can have trouble writing, getting things done? Not them, they are the worst scammer, but only you have real world problems?

Jealousy has warped your mind into thinking this game is MLM or a cult. That's outrageously weird.

Dragging someone else down won't make you happy it will just make you more sad. I hope you get help and get better. I hope you focus on your own content that makes a lot of people happy and find purpose and satisfaction in that.


Oct 1, 2017
So, you're a creative. That's great! But I can't find your stories searching for "SixtyMinuteMan". Can you post a link / URL?
Looking at your replies to me and to Senor Smut, you don't seem very genuine. Seems like you're arguing for the sake of arguing. And life's too short.

And my handle comes right up with the author search.


Jul 6, 2023
Looking at your replies to me and to Senor Smut, you don't seem very genuine. Seems like you're arguing for the sake of arguing.
no, we are just ruining his business model little by little with our's conversations and he feels pressure because some suckers may read it here and stop obidiently pay
Less suckers -> less money -> and voila! you need to consider deadlines and make something other than "I removed half of the text, because it was bad and I decided to exclude from release 80% of content I promiced. Sorry, guys. I need another half of the year to write something you would read for 20 mins"
3.50 star(s) 116 Votes