I understand. But I am somewhat of a writer myself. I've never written a game before. But when you actually break it down. The most difficult task crush has is writing, the coding even I could figure out and it becomes a copy and paste job. The art is handled by someone else.
So essentially all crush has to do is put words on a slide, and it's just super unbelievable that in 6-8 hour work days someone couldn't write 200 slides in 4 months. There is no way. I can write 1000 words in 10 minutes on these forums. I probably write somewhere between 1000-3000 words a day on the internet alone with different forums, discords, social media combined. Like come the fuck on...
If you actually plan a story and characters, writing is actually way easier than say an average person who may not consider themselves great at writing may think. It's because writing stems from a good foundation. Developing the foundation is both the easy and hard part, but it's also something that surely would have been done by now in the 4 years working on this game. IE you take 4 months, release zero update, but at least that whole time you worked on the foundation of 'female agent'. So essentially the whole game should be planned and laid out by now on a white board in someone's basement. Every plot twist, every side story, every character, it should all be done in at least a sort of very basic 3 sentence structure way, point form etc with overall topics. It's like writing a fucking essay. Your thesis, your introduction 3 body paragraphs, your conclusion. You fit in a lot more details in the body paragraphs, each body paragraph has the main points - the heroes downfall, the heroes rise, the climax of the story etc.
Sigh anyway... my point mainly is writing is easier and easier when you write. Because once you get content down, more flows, and once it flows, it means you have something to work with. And when you have something to work with it actually DOESN'T MATTER how horrendous, how horrible, how fucking utterly shit it may be, once you have it, you can now edit it. And so if it takes 1 month to write utter shit, you have something instead of NOTHING. And now you only need 1 more month to edit that shit into a perfect diamond. The fact it's taking 4-6 months, as someone who writes on the side... tells me he has NOTHING for the majority of those months, and then he finally starts writing when he feels the time crunch. It's either this or he's actually trying to get his writing perfect the first time, and that's fucking silly and not how writing works.
(or you know the claim of many hours a day isn't accurate and he's working very part time instead. which you know is fine, but then just say that, and give people the actual time it will release, like "i will have updates every 6 months because i'm only working part time" or even better just work something tolerable for you if it's 4 hours 3 times a week, that would still put updates in a 3 month range... like it's not insane to work that much when you make good money and updates would still be fast imo i just can't really picture why it's taking so long especially when the writer never releases a before and after comparison of what the update was like before they delayed it another 2 months).
Plus even if there was that whole method acting bullshit applied to writing, and the writer needs to get into the shoes and mind of a character. And crush is a male writer and his character in this story is a female, and he needs to understand the perspective and feelings of a woman... and 'oh it's so hard to understand a woman' (bullshit - they have feelings just like men). then EVEN with that as a justification, how long does it take for crush to get into character? 4 more years? He's already been at this 4 years, he should be a fucking pro and have a split personality now called Kate, he should eat, shit, think, dream and breathe this character already.