Senor Smut

Aug 11, 2020
He mentioned he's been working "16 hours a day"
View attachment 3446380

I actually believe it, because I've worked with a couple of people that said the same thing (they were strictly in the realm of programming and testing though). The problem is that those two people were completely clueless as to how to do things.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, Crush might be milking patreons intentionally, but he's most definitely on some attention deficit disorder (I'm not a doctor, this is not medical advice and all that, but seriously)
Note that he doesn't say how much of that 16 hours/day is spent on his game. He could just be watching a shitload of kitten videos on YouTube.


Jan 21, 2018
Kitten videos are legit work though.

*Have you tried making kitten videos? It's tougher than fighting in trenches in WW1 was.

**Watching them is tougher than making them.

***If someone disagrees, they need to shut up until they have accomplished something 1,000th as difficult as watching kitten videos (which they haven't).
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Sep 29, 2019
The problem is, that you can poke fun about this or accuse him of lying and it might as well be true. But it might also be true, that he is just very insecure with his writing and constantly broods over every word. Like...that is not completely unrealistic.

I certainly wouldn't pay each month for that either way, though.
Lets say that he does brood over every word. It is my understanding that he is in his 40s or even 50s. He used to be a project manager of some sorts. He of all people should realize that this is not a healthy model to get anything done. If he's that inept or unproductive, bring someone in to to the writing and/or the coding. Instead of having the Lovely Lady Victoria design new clothes that nobody cares about, bring someone in, give them a few bullet points and let them do the writing.

Even he must see that this constant delay is absurd and is not good marketing. Then again, people keep paying him 6 or 7k... I can't get my head around it.

If anything you must admire his ability to make a living off of this. I mean seriously, as far as con artists go, he has it figured out.


Jan 21, 2018
Lets say that he does brood over every word. It is my understanding that he is in his 40s or even 50s. He used to be a project manager of some sorts. He of all people should realize that this is not a healthy model to get anything done.
People often need some sort of antagonist to motivate them. That's why a lot of people "hate" their boss and struggle with them all the time, but they show up every day for work and get things done for decades. Fans on Pateon, Discord, and here are sort of the antagonist in this setting, but with no power, people either just complain or not and it has no force.
Apr 3, 2019
Lets say that he does brood over every word. It is my understanding that he is in his 40s or even 50s. He used to be a project manager of some sorts. He of all people should realize that this is not a healthy model to get anything done.
Being a project manager doesn't necessarily imply that you are a good project manager. Project management in particular is one area where one can very easily fall upwards and have a lot of plausible deniability ("it's not my fault, it's all we can do with the budget/it's not my fault, we got unexpected delays/so on and so forth).

Also, while I don't know his full history of employment, it is very common for project managers to be people that simply got promoted to a level that they weren't prepared for (Peter principle). I don't know if it's the case here though, I genuinely think it's some kind of attention deficit disorder.


Jul 14, 2019
I think the reason he's struggling is that his premise doesn't fit the tone he settled on, nor plays to his strengths (or interests) as a writer.

Turning the agent into a bargirl in a way that makes sense given the tone and story setup is all but impossible. And if he did manage that, then he would be left writing a ton of pointless sex scenes that do nothing to advance the plot, and are lacking in the personal and psychological aspects that he seems to be both best at, and most interested in.


Jan 21, 2018
I think the reason he's struggling is that his premise doesn't fit the tone he settled on, nor plays to his strengths (or interests) as a writer.

Turning the agent into a bargirl in a way that makes sense given the tone and story setup is all but impossible. And if he did manage that, then he would be left writing a ton of pointless sex scenes that do nothing to advance the plot, and are lacking in the personal and psychological aspects that he seems to be both best at, and most interested in.
I definitely understand what you're saying. I suggest that Crush has been at least a little slow since the start. Crush has been slower since going full time, and has been especially slow since FA became a visual novel (not the same as the original game, which resembled some other stat-rich games out there). It seems like some fans said, "Don't be like that game" which is unlike the original plan--which seemed to be "that game" with mild graphics and a focused theme.
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May 25, 2017
What updates will there even be to play? A couple sentences about being groped in a Thai bar? There's nothing to love here except maybe the concept, and I think Crush knows as much.
I've played through this game a total of 2 times, the first being several years ago and the second last month. It was boring as hell, and I'm a person that can usually find enjoyment in even bad h-games.
Sounds like this is just not the game for you. I have followed/supported the development of this game for years and every aspect has improved through the updates. Not always, but typically.

Truth is, putting your creative work out there is a hard thing to do. But that doesn't absolve you from criticism. You will likely be putting out crap, like the vast majority of people who make any sort of content. And even if you aren't putting out crap you will still receive criticism.
The proper response is not to run to hugboxes or lash out at the critics who may or may not be accurate in their complaints, but to put your head down and work hard to make something worthwhile.
The attitude you have is very typical in amateur content creator spaces (amateur writers will know) and it's encouraged by both the creators and their fans. They're too caught up in the awesomeness of their ideas and never bother to wonder how to properly communicate those ideas to their audience. I'm not saying you should doomscroll through all your haters' posts 24/7, but that remaining in comfortable hugboxes is often a death sentence for creativity and motivation.
Not sure I understand for sure about the whole hugboxes thing. I just see a person trying to make a game and people here shitting on them pretending they could do better. Woulda could shoulda it be easier, faster, sexier, better. That's not how the sausage is made.

Truth be told: I would love it if any of the critics here made their similar but better game because then we would have another game to play. But they don't. Because it's harder to create than it is to destroy. And you only learn that if you try to make something yourself.


Oct 1, 2017
Truth be told: I would love it if any of the critics here made their similar but better game because then we would have another game to play. But they don't. Because it's harder to create than it is to destroy. And you only learn that if you try to make something yourself.
You keep saying this shit, even though you know that several of us in this thread do actually create smut.


May 25, 2017
You keep saying this shit, even though you know that several of us in this thread do actually create smut.
Sorry, I should have qualified that by saying 'successfully'. As in people pay for your content. Anyone can post text.

I am unsurprised that in a straight female protagonist game people are not automatically interested in your "age difference" gay stories.

That's not to say you couldn't make a game like this, like Girl Spy. But you didn't. I played that. Wasn't for me but I thought it was pretty good!

Try it. If people hate on you for trying to make your game I would absolutely hate on them harder than you hate on this game.


Oct 1, 2017
Sorry, I should have qualified that by saying 'successfully'. As in people pay for your content. Anyone can post text.

I am unsurprised that in a straight female protagonist game people are not automatically interested in your "age difference" gay stories.

That's not to say you couldn't make a game like this, like Girl Spy. But you didn't. I played that. Wasn't for me but I thought it was pretty good!

Try it. If people hate on you for trying to make your game I would absolutely hate on them harder than you hate on this game.
I don't hate on this game, dude. Discussing the goods and bads of a game is not hating. I used to support this game.

And who to the what now about my stories?


May 25, 2017
I don't hate on this game, dude. Discussing the goods and bads of a game is not hating. I used to support this game.
Actually, sorry, yes, I can see that you don't. There is a negative attitude to this thread and it usually gets more toxic until a release. It's cyclical. I thought you were joining the usual malcontents, but no.

And who to the what now about my stories?
I'm saying: make your game if you have better ideas. More games for us to play! I'm also saying: it's a lot harder than you think to do that.

There's a gulf of ineptitude and inexperience (Dunning–Kruger effect) between making something and criticizing something e.g. why don't movie critics make the best films. Guess everyone is just lazy and stupid but me. Maybe they are doing their best.


Jan 21, 2018
If the only thing that can be said in response to critique is irrelevant, that irrelevancy is essentially saying that the critique cannot be dismissed by the speaker. In other words--disagreeing by criticizing someone else's game creation ability is tantamount to just agreeing with them spitefully. A valid response would start with explaining how other game creators can create good games with solid text and time-consuming graphics on a much more solid schedule, but how Crush has a special situation that explains it all. The special situation is a mystery that some of us aren't quite sure we've solved yet, even though someone else pointed out some Crush statements that could explain it. To me, I want to study the psychology of this--though admittedly I will never have enough personal information to be sure of it.

I have a great deal of information that could be used to easily work it out, but the anonymity of the Internet foils it all. It's not even clear if the observations describe one individual or two, but most likely we're seeing two people who need help, both with serious issues that are distinct in nature.
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Oct 1, 2017
Actually, sorry, yes, I can see that you don't. There is a negative attitude to this thread and it usually gets more toxic until a release. It's cyclical. I thought you were joining the usual malcontents, but no.

I'm saying: make your game if you have better ideas. More games for us to play! I'm also saying: it's a lot harder than you think to do that.

There's a gulf of ineptitude and inexperience (Dunning–Kruger effect) between making something and criticizing something e.g. why don't movie critics make the best films. Guess everyone is just lazy and stupid but me. Maybe they are doing their best.
Tell you what, man. By your own logic, you have nothing to say to my posts. If I can't criticize this game because I don't write games, then you can't criticize what I have to say because you don't create anything at all. I write. You don't. Who are you to criticize anything I write?

If you have specific responses to specific criticisms, share them. But this bullshit of saying people can't criticize unless they've done the thing in hand has been answered right here in this thread by me and others. Repeatedly.

Please, pretty please with sugar on it, quit with this shit. We have to sort through 90000 of your posts covering page after page just to follow the entirely legitimate conversation in the thread.
Dec 26, 2018
If you have specific responses to specific criticisms, share them. But this bullshit of saying people can't criticize unless they've done the thing in hand has been answered right here in this thread by me and others. Repeatedly.
At this point there's probably more total words from this fella defending Crush's content than the content itself :LOL:
And just like his hero he's just repeating the same boring lines over and over while wasting everyone else's time.
Apr 3, 2019
Sorry, I should have qualified that by saying 'successfully'. As in people pay for your content. Anyone can post text.

I am unsurprised that in a straight female protagonist game people are not automatically interested in your "age difference" gay stories.

That's not to say you couldn't make a game like this, like Girl Spy. But you didn't. I played that. Wasn't for me but I thought it was pretty good!

Try it. If people hate on you for trying to make your game I would absolutely hate on them harder than you hate on this game.
You keep trying to argue and prove your point but we don't quite trust it. Please, only try to come on top of your argument if you have proof that you've done so in court or a televised debate for example. Until then, anyone can post counterarguments


Jan 21, 2018
Quarterly check in

How's it going with the game?
There's probably something showing up next quarter. There was just a major meltdown on multiple levels, but it doesn't look like anything is queued for immediate release. I'm here eating popcorn and enjoying the situation. Also just saying--a number of other slow developers were off the radar from December until last week. Probably similar causes.
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