"You enter a bland government office and sit down; the blandly handsome Jim McKenzie pushes a document over to your side of the desk.
Everything about him radiates confident authority, the kind shaped from a life of privilege and success."
"Jim" "I need you read into something. Sign and name here, please..."
"Being 'read into' a programme means you're about to receive classified information about it."
# TODO: <<emote-nose-wrinkle>>
# TODO: <<emote-mouth-smile>>
if k.job_agency == 'MI6':
"You always have to sign a form first, acknowledging your access – and reminding you that unauthorised disclosure of any part is a breach of the Official Secrets Act, punishable by discharge from the service and imprisonment for 14 years."
elif k.job_agency == 'CIA':
"You always have to sign a form first, acknowledging your access, and reminding you that unauthorised disclosure of any part is a breach of the Espionage Act, punishable by a 20-year prison term or the death penalty."
elif k.job_agency == 'ASIS':
"You always have to sign a form first, acknowledging your access – and reminding you that unauthorised disclosure of any part is a breach of Section 79 of the Crimes Act, punishable by discharge from the service and imprisonment for 7 years."
elif k.job_agency == 'CSIS':
"You always have to sign a form first, acknowledging your access – and reminding you that unauthorised disclosure of any part is a breach of the Security of Information Act, punishable by discharge from the service and imprisonment for 14 years."
elif k.job_agency == 'NZSIS':
"You always have to sign a form first, acknowledging your access – and reminding you that unauthorised disclosure of any part is a breach of the Official Information Act, punishable by discharge from the service and imprisonment for 14 years."
"You sign and print [k.personal_name_firstname] [k.personal_name_surname] with your [k.job_agency] ID number, and slide the document back to him to check."
"Jim" "Alright. I've had a personnel request from an interagency task force. Its codename is {b}NEPTUNE...{/b}. Have you heard of it?"
# TODO: <<emote-mouth-talking>>
k "No, sir"
"You shake your head."
if k.job_agency == 'MI6':
"Jim" "Technically it's a FIVE EYES combined task force. We and the Cousins the CIA do the heavy lifting, of course."
"He smiles wryly."
"Jim" "It neutralises funders of cross-border terrorism."
elif k.job_agency == 'CIA':
"Jim" "Technically it's a FIVE EYES combined task force. Directed and funded by the Agency, of course. It neutralises funders of cross-border terrorism."
elif k.job_agency == 'ASIS':
"Jim" "It's a FIVE EYES combined task force. CIA led, we share intel and loan them officers from time to time. It neutralises funders of cross-border terrorism."
elif k.job_agency == 'CSIS':
"Jim" "It's a FIVE EYES combined task force. CIA led, we share intel and loan them officers from time to time. It neutralises funders of cross-border terrorism."
elif k.job_agency == 'NZSIS':
"Jim" "It's a FIVE EYES combined task force. CIA led, we share intel and loan them officers from time to time. It neutralises funders of cross-border terrorism."
"You of course already know that The FIVE EYES is an intelligence agency alliance comprising the US, the UK, Australia, Canada and New Zealand."
k "Neutralise as in...?"
"Jim" "Capture, interrogate or... terminate. Donors, couriers, organisers;anyone they can get a fix on."
"His words hang in the air while he produces a thin dossier marked TS//QO5//OC/REL TO USA, FVEY."
"The markings means Top Secret; only for individuals read into compartment QO5; originator controls all access; never share beyond FIVE EYES. And with US security markings."
"He sets it down on the desk and looks at you."
if k.job_agency == 'MI6':
"Jim" "[k.personal_name_firstname], I know you've been eager for a foreign assignment..."
elif k.job_agency == 'CIA':
"Jim" "[k.personal_name_firstname], I know you've been pushing for an overseas mission..."
elif k.job_agency == 'ASIS':
"Jim" "[k.personal_name_firstname], I know you're keen for your first foreign mission..."
elif k.job_agency == 'CSIS':
"Jim" "[k.personal_name_firstname], I know you've been pushing for an overseas mission..."
elif k.job_agency == 'NZSIS':
"Jim" "[k.personal_name_firstname], I know you're keen for your first foreign mission..."
"Your senses jolt suddenly alert. Is this real? You'd expected to be ordered to write a report, or organise a committee, or something – are you actually about to get your first field posting?"
"{b}Don't blow it.{/b} You work hard to keep a poker face while he talks."