Mack Truck

Jul 22, 2017
Bug report
initially picked "promiscuous" as single trait. Later in the game it said that I unlocked "rough sex" from a popup. But farther into the story the "rough sex" options were grayed out indicating that the trait didn't fire.
Apr 3, 2019
  • 108 x suntanned abs (for all combinations of skin colour, body shape & breasts shape)
  • 110 x suntanned breasts (6 bra sizes, bra & no bra versions for each, 3 body shapes, 3 skin tones)
  • 234 x suntanned eyes (6 eye shapes, open & closed versions for each, 3 skin tones, various eye colours)
  • 24 x suntanned pairs of feet (various heel height shapes, 3 skin tones)
  • 3 x suntanned jaws (used for the open mouth "o face" expression)
  • 144 x suntanned mouths (6 mouth shapes, many expressions, 3 skin tones)
  • 18 x suntanned noses (6 nose shapes, 3 skin tones)
  • 108 x suntanned sideboobs (the rear view of the boobs)
  • 234 x suntanned bodies (different tanlines, breast sizes, body types, skin tones)

In this instance I did, because I used a new technique to get the improved suntan shade.

That stuff with the script sounds great, but I don't know how to do that. It sounds like you're a much better coder than I am. (I taught myself coding just for this project, I'm an amateur.)
So, hear me out. I know basically anyone is going to ignore a comment made by someone that had a stroke while choosing a totally not throwaway username, but do hear me out.

Since you're not experienced in coding or project management as a whole, you don't really have the foresight for this, but there's a thing called "code smell". We refer to this when we want to say that "we don't exactly know how to make it better, but we know this is isn't the right way".

Without looking at the code, without looking at how the game does stuff, I can tell you, having 983+ suntan assets smells really bad. I'm not even getting in the "is this worth it" realm, I'm just saying it purely from a coding perspective.

You need to have that foresight. You've just redone the suntan assets. Cool, is this the last time you'll ever have to do any work related to suntans? I can tell you already: no. Definitely not. And I'm not saying that as a "They're still bad", but rather, "there will be a time where you'll have to either work with or make adjustments on the current suntan feature". And then you'd either have to redo the 983 assets again, or even just go through them to make sure they work fine. It could be something as simple as adding a modified facial expression, or a "dramatic zoomed in face"....anything, really.

"So what do you suggest?" you might reply. And the answer is actually very easy, but it's not one you, or other people, want to hear: Delay that feature until you're ready to tackle it properly. It's fine if you can't do something, nobody in their own head expects you to know how to make everything perfectly (and if you could, you'd be a fool working on a solo lewd game). Which is why it's just fine to do what you can do first, and add other features later.

Again, having that foresight is not easy, especially if you're not experienced. But you need it. If I boot up your game in the next update and my CPU fans start going crazy (for example), you're most certainly not ready to do whatever feature you've just added. If you have to work on more assets for one "tiny" feature than some games have for the whole game, you're not ready for that feature. If each sex scene transition takes 5 seconds to load (on a text game), you're not ready for whatever feature.

Really, it is way simpler than it sounds. I'm not saying it's easy, just that it's simple to know when you just take a few minutes to think about it before actually working on it.

And to everyone saying "they're just doing it out of greed", rememeber: "don't attribute to malice what can be explained by ignorance". And I say that in a positive way: They're not senior developers. That's fine.

On a related note, and mostly out of curiosity: are you all using any VCS (Git)? Or are you just uploading your work to a shared gdrive folder?

Deleted member 800965

are you all using any VCS (Git)? Or are you just uploading your work to a shared gdrive folder?
The "create a bug report" button (which is even inside Crush's local signature) leads to Bitbucket. Which should mean there's a git repository behind it.

So, hear me out. I know basically anyone is going to ignore a comment made by someone that had a stroke while choosing a totally not throwaway username, but do hear me out.
Maybe you better stop acting like an antisemitic Jew, really, mate - it's generally considered to be counterproductive. :unsure:It shouldn't be that hard to change a username if something around this thread concerns you. Or to keep silent - not that you should, though, that was a solid reply, even with this gem inside:
Without looking at the code, without looking at how the game does stuff, I can tell you,
On topic, though: while this
You need to have that foresight.
is as correct as it is unreal since Crush looks very much like a hyperactive and over-excited little kid running around his own head chasing all sorts of cool ideas flying around with very little focus or purpose or whatever just because he wants everything ...

I'm just saying it purely from a coding perspective.
...this may not be entirely valid approach. It's more of an art perspective, followed by management perspective. Take the eyes, which are 25% of this shit. How can eyes be tanned in the first place? A visit to the asset folder shows that eye asset occupies some area around eyes, not just the whites and eyelashes, which needs to be recolored (or cut out) in order not to stand out. A mishap? Most probably. But whose one?
Of the artist who drew more than necessary? (remember - it's not Crush's personal art) Doubt that - kinda hard to draw the eyes without something around them. Or maybe he/she was just drawing what was asked of him/her - of Crush giving incorrect tasking, then? Or maybe of Crush not thinking about potential further tampering? But the entirety of v1.5 was driven by a slogan of "no changes to the avatar ever since", tans included, and it took 6 months. Arrogant much? You bet - but it almost worked, everything else works like a charm and looks beautiful, if very small, and even the size issue was partially solved, and much faster. Or of Crush not spending those same 4 days (or much more) writing a script which would do this stuff for him? But no experience in coding whatsoever - what is a script? o_O

In conclusion: the code works (mostly) fine. The art asset system is probably bloated, but I really can't think of an alternative with the same level of potential customisation in 2D, and it was probably conceived separately from the rest of the game and as a very simplistic system, hence the occasional troubles now. The project is... non-existent. It's not a project in front of you - more of a well-paid hobby of one guy having a job, getting some (not-so-)qualified help here and there, some paid, some volunteered, doing whatever he wishes as long as his wishes are shared by his patrons. I mean, the current update was the first one where a plan of the update and was written and the priority tasks were set before coding started. At the start of 3rd year of development. Make your own conclusions. :confused:
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May 25, 2017
...there's a thing called "code smell". We refer to this when we want to say that "we don't exactly know how to make it better, but we know this is isn't the right way".
No, we don't; and we do. A 'code smell' refers to identifiable bad practice(s) that unless exceptional (i.e. can be justified by the author) should be refactored. For example: we see code (or really any) duplication and suggest refactoring to remove the repeated sections for a suggested reason such as it would be easier to maintain.

Without looking at the code, without looking at how the game does stuff, I can tell you, having 983+ suntan assets smells really bad.
You don't how it works but you assume the authority to tell people it's bad?

I took a quick look. It's what I'd expect for a JS in-browser game (bearing in mind that I'm only looking at the distribution). Are there code smells? Yeah - mostly to do with using the framework. Do I care? Nope - the game works.

Why are there so many tan assets? Just look! Variations of body types, skin types, and body parts. That's not obvious to you?

Delay that feature until you're ready to tackle it properly.
I can't tell if you're speaking from a point of inexperience, simply regurgitating things you have heard, or your experience is dated from a bygone era.

There's a thing called "Make it Work, Make it Right, Make it Fast". We refer to this when we want to say that a developer should er... make it work first... then refactor, then optimize. So avoiding analysis paralysis and premature optimization for the same reason to release something (preferably early and often).

Because this person's game is working, and only a tiny minority would ever get a boner over code reviews, and, frankly, if your 'CPU fans start going crazy' playing the latest release of this JS game then you have a hardware problem, so I would simply encourage the developer to continue making their game work as best they can.

Keep up the progress, Crush! Don't let "experts" tell you you can't - it is far easier to criticize than to create.


Aug 31, 2016
There's a thing called "Make it Work, Make it Right, Make it Fast". We refer to this when we want to say that a developer should er... make it work first... then refactor, then optimize. So avoiding analysis paralysis and premature optimization for the same reason to release something (preferably early and often).
Before anything I must say I deeply appreciate dev's effort in keeping us updated every week. Patreon is not a platform just for monthly game update. Its a place where patrons communicate with the creators.

Game dev is a long process, you don't always get to deliver new playable content, especially for this game where the dev decide to go wide before going deep. But as devs you can still share your development manifesto. The reasons why you are making certain design decision could be very interesting to the players. And when the players know the design philosophy they can better understand and appreciate the game. Devs can also share the difficulties and the solutions so the players can witness the growth of the game. Hell it might not even be directly related to the game. There are so many things creators could do in patron yet so few decide to keep in touch with their supporters. The only other one I could think of is akabur.

back to this game, yes you have to of couse "make it work first". But do you have to add in all the possible player creation choices are the very begining? I just cannot agree with the decision to go wide first. A system that has 5 skin colors, 5 backgrounds etc could be expand to 50 skin colors and 50 backgrounds without much problem. And no matter how much effort you put into the system/engine you WILL find something new to add to it as the story progresses (the dev time is already over a year, and it will very likely take another year or two for bangkok, things will change and there will be new inspiration and new ideas coming). You will fine tune it as the story goes on, and the game can go wide on the way. This way you can also ensure all the traits are actually used instead of having 50 starting traits to choose from yet only 5 are used in the game. (just an over exaggerated example i know)

In the end its crashstation's game and they will create the game in their own way. While we are giving our opinions we are definitely not trying to force the dev to do anything nor to blame the game for their decisions. We all hope the game to work out great and I hope the dev don't feel bad due to all the comments we give.
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May 25, 2017
We all hope the game to work out great and I hope the dev don't feel bad due to all the comments we give.
Absolutely, yes. I'm as eager / frustrated as anyone else to get to Bangkok!

My reply was to a specific previous comment because I just don't like to see people pretending to be experts ripping into developers telling them they are not good enough, don't know enough, or are too lazy to work on their own project.

Dev could do it in a release tomorrow:
$pc.firstname gets on a plane to Bangkok. It was not so nice but interesting things happened. And they all lived happily ever after.
But, I think, that's not what we're here for, my friend! It's in the details - which is clearly what this dev is good at!

It's the old triple constraint: Fast, Good, Cheap: you may pick only two. Honestly, I don't think I've seen people complaining about the quality of the game or the investment because it's not millions of dollars and a 100+ strong team. But the game they made is good and fun to play.

The dev is posting regular updates and interacting with the community. Let's not whinge about the work they are doing. Let's just keep it positive!


New Member
Jul 27, 2017
Hey, Crush, about your development cycle...

...Keep it up. Yeah, it may not be what I personally consider ideal, but I totally get it. I get what you're doing, and while I want more of the goods, I get the reasoning behind the why and stuff. Don't let the whining of others get you down. You're one of the most transparent devs that I've seen, giving constant updates as to your progress on individual functions and features as you work on them. Every single time I check your patreon, I immediately pick up on what's going on and why. I get that projects like these are a ton of work. So just keep it up, alright? Let the haters hate, and don't let yourself get discouraged by them. Some internet rando who you're never going to interact with in real life and whose opinions amount to a hill of beans has your back.


Nov 22, 2018
Sooo not only it takes forever to add any story content to this game, but in latest versions you actually paywall options when creating character? (can't chose two kinks unless youre a patron, it wasnt like this 2-3 versions ago). Well then no thank you, either put whole game behind paywall or dont do this shit.

Bite Me LLZ

Game Developer
Jul 11, 2017

I reenabled use of all kinks and breast size. I also made a max stat version. (You'd have to press continue on the second language screen to put this into effect. The game may lag a bit as it processes all the stat changes, but then it should be fine.) Also, if you get the scene where you are to learn another language, the only one you can learn is Arabic on the cheat version, as the other options arent options unless you dont know them.

I simply removed the doesnt know requirement for Arabic, so you could continue in the story.

Also, I'm no expert, I just know some things I've picked up from editing stats in other games.

To make it work, you must have the offline version, and simply plop it into your game folder.

Also if you like the devs work, please support them on patreon.


Files updated. With help of a friend, we got the back button feature to work. (Use the same link to get the updated file)
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Mar 17, 2019
Yeah, I don't like at all how the developper does his thing. Locking game features behind a paywall? That's just scummy. I would've preferred if he did like everyone else and made public post of the full game without features missing every 2-3 months and giving patreon early access to updates. I prefer to actually pay if I actually want to support the project, rather than being forced to pay to get the full experience.
Imagine assuming you're entitled to a free product rofl.

I actually agree with many of the complaints regarding development cycle and priorities but this one is just such utter trash I had to call it out. This forum is way too entitled for words, they literally expect all content to be free. If you're going to be a pirate at least have the decency to not get mad when the ones working on the product dont want to make your piracy easier.


Dec 27, 2018
Never really tried "text based" games, as they all looked like just grinding routine... But I tired this one because of interesting theme and pretty good character "avatar" pics (is there any games like this in terms of avatar and good enough story?). Really enjoyed the story, was surprised how long it actually took in story to reach Bangkok, as it was mentioned in the first place in the overview and, obviously, was really disappointing because there is no Bangkok yet. I mean, it is only thing in overview, and look like game is about 2 years in development, with a version of 1.5+...
Also it felt a bit weird to be able to get only 1 or 2 partners for a few periods during mission for pretty long time for a bisexual promiscuous girl with a model face, something like calculation for about 1 partner for each month should be fine i think.
I will wait for future updates, probably should support it on Patreon, and I just hope it won't take too long and Bangkok won't become something boring and repetitive...

PS I wish "she" had stockings in her "travelling bag", not just pantyhose :D Or we will be able to get new clothes on our own maybe?
PPS I was playing version with "unlocked" ability to choose many kinks and bigger breasts... I think it is fine to lock some of the features for free version, but it could be a good move to give at least give 2 kinks from the start, and some ways to get other later somehow (not really interested in bigger boobs tho).
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Aug 19, 2019
I was playing version with "unlocked" ability to choose many kinks and bigger breasts... I think it is fine to lock some of the features for free version, but it could be a good move to give at least give 2 kinks from the start, and some ways to get other later somehow (not really interested in bigger boobs tho).
(my bolding)

Haven't tried the 'hacked' version, but in the free version it is certainly possible to gain a second kink during gameplay.
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Active Member
Nov 19, 2017
When the update to the sex engine comes out, there will certainly be significantly more and, above all, much more variable scenes.
3.50 star(s) 117 Votes