Well, this is the reality of a project made public before it's ready. That's why "mainstream" game companies, or hell, ANY software company put so much thought into the date of their public announcement. The mass opinion can be brutal, sometimes it can be damaging enough to never recover from.
Maybe the issue here is
Crushstation is selling the game as a spy/whore simulator in BANGKOK. Many people then feel that this lifepath part of the game is just the character creation, nothing to spend so much time and effort into. If, for example, Crush was selling the lifepath as a part of the actual game, like say, the Chapter 1 of the game, then maybe people won't get so antsy. There is no actual need to mention Bangkok at all, he could simply sell the game as a game where we follow the life of a female spy that find herself in lewd missions. People are antsy because Crush made a promise too early, I think.
If we treat this part of the game as the actual Chapter 1, then any progress to the Chapter 1 will be treated as the progress of the game. But currently, each progress to this part of the game actually made people feel that they're further and further away from Bangkok, the actual "meat" of the game. They feel that the dev just "tweaked" the engine "to death".