Recommending Female domination Games


Active Member
Apr 15, 2020
Honestly, while I had a bit of fun reading the backlog for this, I find it somewhat sad and indicative of how maledom-inclined mainstream discourse still is that on a thread specifically dedicated to femdom game recommendations brave heroes like Aseratrix, Arthas12 and Mister_M had to lose hours of their lives defending the very concept of femdom from people with offended sensibilities...

Juliette...I think I am doomed to like bratty, arrogant and relatively young Goddesses :)

Btw, the game Femdom Univeristy is also very good if you are into the more extreme femdom kinks. Sadly the game seems to receive low content on each update, and on each update gets things left out of previous incarnations.
Has Sallia added any new Skullgirls content to the best of your knowledge? That was one of the first femdom games I stumbled upon on the internet about 2 years ago I think and I tried it again this summer without much extra content! :oops:

Also, just for the record, your initial impression of Starless was exactly, and I mean exactly, the same as mine! Have you gotten around to giving it another try? I'm kind of out of content to play seeing as I'm finished with the updates to both Mistresses of the Forest and Karlsson's Gambit, as well as every game I liked from this original post by Arthas, so given some of the replies you have gotten I'm considering even giving Starless another try but I dread the thought of going through hours of cum and dick worship posing as femdom even if there is genuine femdom content later on...

Deleted member 1571565

Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2019
Honestly, while I had a bit of fun reading the backlog for this, I find it somewhat sad and indicative of how maledom-inclined mainstream discourse still is that on a thread specifically dedicated to femdom game recommendations brave heroes like Aseratrix, Arthas12 and Mister_M had to lose hours of their lives defending the very concept of femdom from people with offended sensibilities...

Has Sallia added any new Skullgirls content to the best of your knowledge? That was one of the first femdom games I stumbled upon on the internet about 2 years ago I think and I tried it again this summer without much extra content! :oops:

Also, just for the record, your initial impression of Starless was exactly, and I mean exactly, the same as mine! Have you gotten around to giving it another try? I'm kind of out of content to play seeing as I'm finished with the updates to both Mistresses of the Forest and Karlsson's Gambit, as well as every game I liked from this original post by Arthas, so given some of the replies you have gotten I'm considering even giving Starless another try but I dread the thought of going through hours of cum and dick worship posing as femdom even if there is genuine femdom content later on...
...Um, for the most part, basically everyone in this thread that frequents it is pretty friendly. I am not sure where you're getting this whole poor so and so stuff and whatever, for the most part the conversations are just exchanging ideas and philosophies. nobody was defending anything, people have different meanings from each person to person, its not like anyone is antagonizing or doing anything to cause defense. Most of us lament people whining and complaining about femdom, and honestly, that in itself is a pain, because as seen in the discussions, one persons femdom is totally different from others. I know a huge amount of people that equate assertive/aggressive female characters to feminist stuff and otherwise drums up negative stuff. That's not really whats going on here.

Sidenote: just like I told asterix, if you only played starless a few hours, you didn't get to the heart of it. Also you have to keep in mind, the family/girls were doing what THEY want to do, they genuinely enjoy that aspect, but yes, it goes so much further later on. Its not just a matter of liking whatever little things, you learn that they aren't just about getting off. Everyone in that family is all about total and complete control. Making guys nothing but cum buckets to feed them or jack off on command for their amusement is just a small part to a really bigger and darker overarching plot. It does take awhile to see it that far though.


Active Member
Apr 15, 2020
...Um, for the most part, basically everyone in this thread that frequents it is pretty friendly. I am not sure where you're getting this whole poor so and so stuff and whatever, for the most part the conversations are just exchanging ideas and philosophies. nobody was defending anything, people have different meanings from each person to person, its not like anyone is antagonizing or doing anything to cause defense. Most of us lament people whining and complaining about femdom, and honestly, that in itself is a pain, because as seen in the discussions, one persons femdom is totally different from others. I know a huge amount of people that equate assertive/aggressive female characters to feminist stuff and otherwise drums up negative stuff. That's not really whats going on here.

Sidenote: just like I told asterix, if you only played starless a few hours, you didn't get to the heart of it. Also you have to keep in mind, the family/girls were doing what THEY want to do, they genuinely enjoy that aspect, but yes, it goes so much further later on. Its not just a matter of liking whatever little things, you learn that they aren't just about getting off. Everyone in that family is all about total and complete control. Making guys nothing but cum buckets to feed them or jack off on command for their amusement is just a small part to a really bigger and darker overarching plot. It does take awhile to see it that far though.
The sidenote is appreciated, although I was more curious how much time it takes to get to the more openly-femdom parts in Starless. Would you say 3 hours? 5? More? As for the earlier part of my post, I wrote it after reading most of vitalsign's early posts on the second page and being a bit frustrated by how long they dragged on with those arguments about copulation and biological imperatives to reproduce... Obviously femdom is a very catch-all term encompassing literally all fetishes that involve female domination, so of course there will be differences between the specific fetishes each of us likes, the overall atmospheres certain games cultivate etc, and all those differences are worth discussing! I wasn't lamenting the overall state of the thread or saying it's unfriendly - only that arguments like those (about femdom just being "unnatural") keep cropping up in femdom threads...

Deleted member 1571565

Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2019
The sidenote is appreciated, although I was more curious how much time it takes to get to the more openly-femdom parts in Starless. Would you say 3 hours? 5? More? As for the earlier part of my post, I wrote it after reading most of vitalsign's early posts on the second page and being a bit frustrated by how long they dragged on with those arguments about copulation and biological imperatives to reproduce... Obviously femdom is a very catch-all term encompassing literally all fetishes that involve female domination, so of course there will be differences between the specific fetishes each of us likes, the overall atmospheres certain games cultivate etc, and all those differences are worth discussing! I wasn't lamenting the overall state of the thread or saying it's unfriendly - only that arguments like those (about femdom just being "unnatural") keep cropping up in femdom threads...
That kinda gets me too...(saying unnatural for it)

As far as starless goes, it depends a bit on your reading and such (I really don't think you should rush it, even when you aren't a fan of what's going on, because it leads into how corrupted and messed up things get later) I think it should be less than 5, I'm going to go check the CG collection real fast and see if I can remember where it starts (its been literally years)
In terms of the CG memory room/I'd say the really rough stuff begins around the second page, which...I dunno how to explain without spoilers. I do know that some scenes do tend to go on for awhile so it could very well take 5 hours to get to those parts. Again, I have to stress, the mother in particular absolutely loves cum, so that's never going to go away, but that is truly her pleasure. If I'm honest, I actually think she gets off on how much control and power she exerts, she is absolutely the Queen. She controls when you get pregnant, if you can get someone pregnant, she makes you feed it to her on command, she denies you it when it amuses her to do, and I am pretty sure she gets off on dictating what the cum is ever used for (play further in, you'll find out she has other uses for all that cum, its not pleasant). Ultimately though I can see why that can be off putting, it seems like a perfect fantasy/dream world, but its honestly a nightmare as you'll see when it continues on. Mari in particular is like the polar opposite of a chastity cage, instead prescribing to an orgasm hell torture.

gah. I'm sorry, I really can't think of how to explain it other than it just gets way more as it continues, but it does take awhile, definitely more that 2-3 hours, but the ratio evens out since the game is actually stupidly long. For me to get everything and finish all content, I think I put about 50+ hours into it


Engaged Member
Dec 16, 2019
Honestly, while I had a bit of fun reading the backlog for this, I find it somewhat sad and indicative of how maledom-inclined mainstream discourse still is that on a thread specifically dedicated to femdom game recommendations brave heroes like Aseratrix, Arthas12 and Mister_M had to lose hours of their lives defending the very concept of femdom from people with offended sensibilities...

Has Sallia added any new Skullgirls content to the best of your knowledge? That was one of the first femdom games I stumbled upon on the internet about 2 years ago I think and I tried it again this summer without much extra content! :oops:

Also, just for the record, your initial impression of Starless was exactly, and I mean exactly, the same as mine! Have you gotten around to giving it another try? I'm kind of out of content to play seeing as I'm finished with the updates to both Mistresses of the Forest and Karlsson's Gambit, as well as every game I liked from this original post by Arthas, so given some of the replies you have gotten I'm considering even giving Starless another try but I dread the thought of going through hours of cum and dick worship posing as femdom even if there is genuine femdom content later on...
Thanks! :) I think overall this thread has become a good place for us femdom-lovers to share some thoughts and hopefully even more games as we come across them. Some male egos triggered by femdom is inevitable, but it happens more often in game threads, where comments like "is femdom avoidable?" on games clearly tagged with it, makes me wanna punch my monitor, hehe. But as long as there are devs who themselves love femdom, I am not afraid of it.

I just dowloaded a game from called Herencia: Prison Femdom. I hope its translated and not japanese. It seems there are still many Japanese games with femdom which have not yet been translated.

Salia has added a lot of new content, but she always also takes out some content, I am bit confused with it. I like the new additions tho, if you like some more extreme femdom with toilet-slavery and such. I definitely like it!

I have not yet tried Starless again, but I will, especially as Ravenleaf also said, we are kinda running low on new femdom games to try.

I think this whole adult game thing is yet to grow, this is only the beginning, and this site I truly believe plays a huge role in drawing in more and more people. Hopefully some of us will end up also making games at one point. I hope that I will one day too. TessSadist is an inspiration in this regard, she had no clue about coding and just started with Daz, and yet produced one of the best femdom games ever. In my opinion either the best or tied at number 1 with the Darktoz games.

If you don't mind RPGM and turn-based combat, then also try Peniban Quest if you haven't. Its a big one! Also Magic Femdom by Volbells is a cute one too. I also recommend Vicious Circle, the timed quests are refreshing, even tho it has some bugs and language issues.

Thanks again for your kind words:)

Deleted member 1571565

Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2019
I think this whole adult game thing is yet to grow, this is only the beginning, and this site I truly believe plays a huge role in drawing in more and more people. Hopefully some of us will end up also making games at one point. I hope that I will one day too. TessSadist is an inspiration in this regard, she had no clue about coding and just started with Daz, and yet produced one of the best femdom games ever. In my opinion either the best or tied at number 1 with the Darktoz games.

If you don't mind RPGM and turn-based combat, then also try Peniban Quest if you haven't. Its a big one! Also Magic Femdom by Volbells is a cute one too. I also recommend Vicious Circle, the timed quests are refreshing, even tho it has some bugs and language issues.

Thanks again for your kind words:)
I actually am getting to the point where I want to dip my fingers into making a game myself. I can't make any promises because 1) what I want to do is very ambitious and 2) time is an issue. If I do make it, its probably not something I'd actually share until it has a lot to it or its actually finished (rather than make people wait forever and wonder about updates, I think it would be really nice to have a game be like..."YO! here you go! This is it!". The exception being, since I'm no artist, if people reaaaally like it and throw money my way, I'll use it to get a legit artist or something).

As I said, this is super ambitious, but since a lot of us have similar likes/dislikes, and we've all played many kinds of femdom games, I'll go ahead and share some thoughts, because honestly, while I'm leaning towards RPGM (I don't know what version atm, I'm told different ones are better for different systems), I am curious if I should tone it down and think of making a renpy version of it. Or, and this is if all else fails (I'm very good with HTML), I make it an HTML text thing and it becomes a choose your own adventure which...I kinda want to avoid, at least for what I want to do. Its worth noting a lot of "my" ideas span off of several systems and mechanics from a bunch of other games, it would be heavily inspired by several, so I don't think its going to be unique in anyway (a lot of the inspirations are from games that are abandoned, though some are being currently worked on. I do plan to ask and talk with active devs to find out what they will allow me to add/use in my game, and the abandon projects where I know the dev is still around/know how to reach, I'll talk to them too. People with systems/stuff but totally disappeared...I won't mind mentioning them for inspiration, but I highly doubt I'll get any issues with them)

Edit: Btw Asterix, you might give "Sex Valley" a look, its not femdom per se, but I absolutely love the whole submissive playstyle that is an option. Although be aware there is a futa (you can turn off, also she is probably the most aggressive I've observed in terms domination. Without spoiling anything, if you treat her more like her female-half, she acts more like that but if you praise and cater to her male-half, she becomes kinda the stereotype for toxic masculinity which is both a bit hilarious, and because I'm into futa, kinda hot)
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Nov 14, 2020
only that arguments like those (about femdom just being "unnatural") keep cropping up in femdom threads...
Everything that exists is natural, but also nothing is. On an individual level, we're atoms free to move and collide. But as a mass, we're quite mindless and predictable, and constrained and limited.

I find it somewhat sad and indicative of how maledom-inclined mainstream discourse still is
Still? Do you presuppose that a society must move forward and progress? Towards a certain goal, yes? And that aim encompasses femdom, certainly!

where comments like "is femdom avoidable?" on games clearly tagged with it, makes me wanna punch my monitor, hehe. But as long as there are devs who themselves love femdom, I am not afraid of it.
And even more irritates me when a game is tagged femdom for the sake of one tucked away avoidable character... All because people seem to hate any sign of femdom? If mainstream Californian porn is anything to go by...

I think this whole adult game thing is yet to grow, this is only the beginning, and this site I truly believe plays a huge role in drawing in more and more people.
Can you imagine that transhuman society of zero resource scarcity, with trillions of people, and where such a forum would number in millions of fans, and torrents of content (that your machine-brain would consume at the speed of light)!

Or this is the best we've got, and the future is a plateau if that. Both options make the present quite ephemeral.

If you don't mind RPGM and turn-based combat, then also try Peniban Quest if you haven't. Its a big one!
I actually started it, and it's full of urination and smegma. Why. I can even appreciate feet without having a foot fetish, or let a dystopic world slide, but not like this.

It's like Estate: Dominate that tries to push in mind break because that's the meme, the trope, the tag that exists. You know what I want? A believable world first and foremost, a secondary creation as per Tolkien, a story I can dive in and not come back. Worldbuilding and emotional baggage, and a touch of personality. Like in Mistresses of the Forest, every single broken barrel in the room can be approached and "touched", because the author clearly cared about it, thought about it.

(Meanwhile, in Estate: Dominate, you have aristocracy flashing their fancy cars, and tanning their skin. Totally fits, yeah.)
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Deleted member 1571565

Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2019
I actually started it, and it's full of urination and smegma. Why. I can even appreciate feet without having a foot fetish, or let a dystopic world slide, but not like this.
If you just started it or still near the beginning (sounds like you are), hang in there. It gets worse. A lot worse. If you want to know the "why" its spoiler to explain it, but the ladies have legit reasoning to what they do, and they are in fact planning/execute everything to get progressively more and more heavy handed. It will get to the point it really doesn't matter what the MC is feeling/doing.


Nov 14, 2020
If you just started it or still near the beginning (sounds like you are), hang in there. It gets worse. A lot worse. If you want to know the "why" its spoiler to explain it, but the ladies have legit reasoning to what they do, and they are in fact planning/execute everything to get progressively more and more heavy handed. It will get to the point it really doesn't matter what the MC is feeling/doing.
Not really, there is a soldier trying to give a kid his candy in the fucking starting zone. Kids are a no-no, but the imperialists only snicker.

Still, don't you know any other hub for such games? Is this the one and only? A quick search has yielded me the following result -
Mitarashi danko – M man torture. Seems to be femdom bondage, albeit pegging.


Active Member
Apr 15, 2020
Everything that exists is natural, but also nothing is. On an individual level, we're atoms free to move and collide. But as a mass, we're quite mindless and predictable, and constrained and limited.

Still? Do you presuppose that a society must move forward and progress? Towards a certain goal, yes? And that aim encompasses femdom, certainly!
Ahem, your posts are rather thought stimulating, if a bit philosophical and all-over the place... As a dialectical materialist and secular atheist I agree with your first assertion - every compound that can be obtained, every being that can evolve, every state of matter that can be achieved, including those that can only be sustained inside stars or on Gas giants like superheated plasma or superfluids, are natural, let alone human desires or fantasies. Everything humanity has managed to replicate or create artificially works within the boundaries of the laws of physics and therefore can be construed as natural as well, so it seems we agree on this! Given the original discussion was solely about femdom and acceptance of it within wider contexts, why did you have to bring up how atoms work? It was quite clear I wasn't attempting to debate advanced physics or the absolute meaning of the word "natural"... Ultimately words, especially old non-scientific non-clearly-defined words are subjective to how humans interpret and redefine them. With my definition of natural (eg governed by the laws of physics, chemistry, biology and other pertaining scientific fields), everything is natural, including the discrepancy between quantum and large-scale physics that exists since the early 20th century, which I suspect is a gap in our understanding of the workings of the universe, not proof that "also nothing is (natural)". Again, if we have any disagreement here I think it is a very slight one and I believe the whole tangent is unnecessary.

As for your second question, what exactly are you asking? I would like to believe I want society to move towards a more scientifically-literate, less destructive, free and more equal state, not necesarely towards a gynarchy. I sexually enjoy femdom as a submissive male and I would be very glad if society evolves to accept it more, so if that's what you mean then yes the aim should encompass femdom.

I don't want any kind of oppressive system for any group to be forced to live under, so not a gynarchy either, although if you'd give me the option to live as a slave in a gynarchy that is far more climate change-conscious, less jingoistic and has embraced a freeer economic model (maybe an anarcho-communist one where female workers own all enterprises collectively or a UBI-based model where every woman receives monthly income from the state as well as the right to select a male slave for herself and most production is completely automated) OR as a wage-slave to some faceless corporate giant that is playing it's part in destroying Earth's climate and lobbying elected officials to neglect said destruction for its short-term profit-making goals, (like many of us do right now) I'd most definitely go with the enlightened gynarchy! :)) That's just me though...

And even more irritates me when a game is tagged femdom for the sake of one tucked away avoidable character... All because people seem to hate any sign of femdom? If mainstream Californian porn is anything to go by...
I agree with this.

Can you imagine that transhuman society of zero resource scarcity, with trillions of people, and where such a forum would number in millions of fans, and torrents of content (that your machine-brain would consume at the speed of light)!
I agree even more with this! :sneaky: I'm not awfully optimistic that human civilization will survive even to an interplanetary stage, let alone to a zero resource scarcity society of trillions, but great thing to imagine though if you've been browsing and trying abandoned games for a few hours now... :LOL:

Deleted member 1571565

Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2019
Not really, there is a soldier trying to give a kid his candy in the fucking starting zone. Kids are a no-no, but the imperialists only snicker.

Still, don't you know any other hub for such games? Is this the one and only? A quick search has yielded me the following result -
Mitarashi danko – M man torture. Seems to be femdom bondage, albeit pegging.
Pegging is my jam ^__^ Thank you! and this is one of like 4 sites I poke around in, others being either too shady or too toxic


Engaged Member
Dec 16, 2019
I actually am getting to the point where I want to dip my fingers into making a game myself. I can't make any promises because 1) what I want to do is very ambitious and 2) time is an issue. If I do make it, its probably not something I'd actually share until it has a lot to it or its actually finished (rather than make people wait forever and wonder about updates, I think it would be really nice to have a game be like..."YO! here you go! This is it!". The exception being, since I'm no artist, if people reaaaally like it and throw money my way, I'll use it to get a legit artist or something).

As I said, this is super ambitious, but since a lot of us have similar likes/dislikes, and we've all played many kinds of femdom games, I'll go ahead and share some thoughts, because honestly, while I'm leaning towards RPGM (I don't know what version atm, I'm told different ones are better for different systems), I am curious if I should tone it down and think of making a renpy version of it. Or, and this is if all else fails (I'm very good with HTML), I make it an HTML text thing and it becomes a choose your own adventure which...I kinda want to avoid, at least for what I want to do. Its worth noting a lot of "my" ideas span off of several systems and mechanics from a bunch of other games, it would be heavily inspired by several, so I don't think its going to be unique in anyway (a lot of the inspirations are from games that are abandoned, though some are being currently worked on. I do plan to ask and talk with active devs to find out what they will allow me to add/use in my game, and the abandon projects where I know the dev is still around/know how to reach, I'll talk to them too. People with systems/stuff but totally disappeared...I won't mind mentioning them for inspiration, but I highly doubt I'll get any issues with them)

Edit: Btw Asterix, you might give "Sex Valley" a look, its not femdom per se, but I absolutely love the whole submissive playstyle that is an option. Although be aware there is a futa (you can turn off, also she is probably the most aggressive I've observed in terms domination. Without spoiling anything, if you treat her more like her female-half, she acts more like that but if you praise and cater to her male-half, she becomes kinda the stereotype for toxic masculinity which is both a bit hilarious, and because I'm into futa, kinda hot)

That's good to hear! Whatever you decide to do, we will certainly play it whence you share it with us, and I am sure you will get support. Take your time with it, release it when you think its ready. I would follow the same route. Your story idea sounds cool. I am not into futa, but the femdom tent is wide and hopefully accommodating :)

In fact I also have an idea. During the years I have read a lot of femdom stories, and I think some of them lend themselves narrative and femdom-wise to be transformed into a game. Of course giving credit to the authors of those stories if available. It could be called something like "Femdom stories for the discerning bedtime gamer" :) ...just kidding about the title. But yeah, something like a series, short stories like The Outer Limits. A huge game, each chapter another femdom story.

Could you please link "Sex Valley" here? The search engine lists too many results. Thanks.


Engaged Member
Dec 16, 2019
Ahem, your posts are rather thought stimulating, if a bit philosophical and all-over the place... As a dialectical materialist and secular atheist I agree with your first assertion - every compound that can be obtained, every being that can evolve, every state of matter that can be achieved, including those that can only be sustained inside stars or on Gas giants like superheated plasma or superfluids, are natural, let alone human desires or fantasies. Everything humanity has managed to replicate or create artificially works within the boundaries of the laws of physics and therefore can be construed as natural as well, so it seems we agree on this! Given the original discussion was solely about femdom and acceptance of it within wider contexts, why did you have to bring up how atoms work? It was quite clear I wasn't attempting to debate advanced physics or the absolute meaning of the word "natural"... Ultimately words, especially old non-scientific non-clearly-defined words are subjective to how humans interpret and redefine them. With my definition of natural (eg governed by the laws of physics, chemistry, biology and other pertaining scientific fields), everything is natural, including the discrepancy between quantum and large-scale physics that exists since the early 20th century, which I suspect is a gap in our understanding of the workings of the universe, not proof that "also nothing is (natural)". Again, if we have any disagreement here I think it is a very slight one and I believe the whole tangent is unnecessary.

As for your second question, what exactly are you asking? I would like to believe I want society to move towards a more scientifically-literate, less destructive, free and more equal state, not necesarely towards a gynarchy. I sexually enjoy femdom as a submissive male and I would be very glad if society evolves to accept it more, so if that's what you mean then yes the aim should encompass femdom.

I don't want any kind of oppressive system for any group to be forced to live under, so not a gynarchy either, although if you'd give me the option to live as a slave in a gynarchy that is far more climate change-conscious, less jingoistic and has embraced a freeer economic model (maybe an anarcho-communist one where female workers own all enterprises collectively or a UBI-based model where every woman receives monthly income from the state as well as the right to select a male slave for herself and most production is completely automated) OR as a wage-slave to some faceless corporate giant that is playing it's part in destroying Earth's climate and lobbying elected officials to neglect said destruction for its short-term profit-making goals, (like many of us do right now) I'd most definitely go with the enlightened gynarchy! :)) That's just me though...

I agree with this.

I agree even more with this! :sneaky: I'm not awfully optimistic that human civilization will survive even to an interplanetary stage, let alone to a zero resource scarcity society of trillions, but great thing to imagine though if you've been browsing and trying abandoned games for a few hours now... :LOL:
I like how you think! I agree with your take on almost everything in the quoted post!
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Active Member
Apr 15, 2020
Thanks! :) I think overall this thread has become a good place for us femdom-lovers to share some thoughts and hopefully even more games as we come across them. Some male egos triggered by femdom is inevitable, but it happens more often in game threads, where comments like "is femdom avoidable?" on games clearly tagged with it, makes me wanna punch my monitor, hehe. But as long as there are devs who themselves love femdom, I am not afraid of it.

I just dowloaded a game from called Herencia: Prison Femdom. I hope its translated and not japanese. It seems there are still many Japanese games with femdom which have not yet been translated.
I actually learned a little bit of Mandarin as I am a history-buff and was always impressed with China's millenia-long history and with how a massive multicultural empire the age of Babylon managed to survive to the modern day. There are plenty of powerful ruthless women in China's history as well (mostly dowager Empresses, but some younger consorts as well and of course Wu Zetian, the woman who climbed her way from low-ranked concubine in a harem of thousands to the only Empress regnant in Chinese history), but now that I got addicted to femdom games I regret not picking up Japanese instead... :LOL: :ROFLMAO: I get a few words in Japanese like the numbers up to 10, which are almost identical to the Chinese ones, and a loan word once in a blue moon, but that's about it so I'm totally clueless in Japanese games lol

I think this whole adult game thing is yet to grow, this is only the beginning, and this site I truly believe plays a huge role in drawing in more and more people. Hopefully some of us will end up also making games at one point. I hope that I will one day too. TessSadist is an inspiration in this regard, she had no clue about coding and just started with Daz, and yet produced one of the best femdom games ever. In my opinion either the best or tied at number 1 with the Darktoz games.

If you don't mind RPGM and turn-based combat, then also try Peniban Quest if you haven't. Its a big one! Also Magic Femdom by Volbells is a cute one too. I also recommend Vicious Circle, the timed quests are refreshing, even tho it has some bugs and language issues.

Thanks again for your kind words:)
Wow I had no idea about TessSadist having literally learned to code after she joined this community! She truly is an inspiration then and I'm even happier to have chosen to become her patron! :giggle: Thanks for reminding me abut darktoz as well - I might've missed his last Femdom City MANTIS update! Peniban Quest got recommended to me by someone else as well some months ago but I didn't try it yet as I had some ideas for the novel I'm working on back then and I pretty much dropped everything except that and work for a while, and Magic Femdom I know about and I agree the girls are cute even though the story is quite simple!

I don't think I'll ever be good enough at making a game myself as I don't know how to code or make art for games, but I've written some fanfiction stories in the past and that novel I'm working on is a very-femdom leaning historical romance which I was loosely inspired to write by Mistresses of the Forest, (no direct inspiration or plagiarism as my novel is a historical romance in our universe, but greycrimson's game inspired some of my character ideas a little) so if I ever manage to publish it it would also be in part thanks to this great community.

Anyway, I'll check again Darktoz and give Peniban a shot! Thank you for your reply!
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Engaged Member
Dec 16, 2019
I actually started it, and it's full of urination and smegma. Why. I can even appreciate feet without having a foot fetish, or let a dystopic world slide, but not like this.

It's like Estate: Dominate that tries to push in mind break because that's the meme, the trope, the tag that exists. You know what I want? A believable world first and foremost, a secondary creation as per Tolkien, a story I can dive in and not come back. Worldbuilding and emotional baggage, and a touch of personality. Like in Mistresses of the Forest, every single broken barrel in the room can be approached and "touched", because the author clearly cared about it, thought about it.

(Meanwhile, in Estate: Dominate, you have aristocracy flashing their fancy cars, and tanning their skin. Totally fits, yeah.)
You had some insightful thoughts, but also some quite judgmental sounding ones. Lets try and not police femdom games for their sub-fetishes based on our personal ones, that would only harm the variety we need - lets not act within femdom like those who hate femdom act against it as a whole. I would hate it if all femdom games were as limited in their fetish arsenal as Mistresses of the Forest is, I love boot&feet fetish, trampling, and all of that, but my taste in femdom is way wider than that. I had to augment the game with some imagination, because some "spitting", "urination", "ponyplay", and more were screaming in certain scenarios to be there...well at least in my head. But its ok, that they were in my head only, I wouldn't expect all games be maximally for me, and I still liked it for what it is: a foot-fetish focused femdom game.

I would also not over-think or over-politicize the chosen setting for certain games, Estate: Dominate is one of my favorites and not for the social stratification, which btw lends itself as a good narrative backdrop for any story about domination. I would't call the Lord of the Rings a more "believable world" than one ruled by haves and have-nots (like it has always been), and I do like realism, and as much as I like fantasy, when it comes to femdom, elves and dwarves do not help me suspend belief, quite the contrary, they kinda make me feel silly imagining myself inside that world in all earnestness. Its cute tho. And for each their own!

Also, Peniban quest has far too little urination (I have no idea about smegma, wtf?) and no scat, but I don't complain, I take whats good in a game and appreciate them for the femdom they have. Once I'll make my own game, it will contain all that I want it to contain, until then, I find something arousing and good in every femdom game made (except futadom, which I don't consider femdom) and I love them for it. I don't think that MOF has more thought put into it than Estate, nor do I think it has less. They approach the subject differently.

For the love of Artemis's bowstring, please cease being irritating, thanks!
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Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2019
Speaking of policing, I'm gonna quit commenting on off topic related stuff, this is supposed to be for femdom recommendations, as fun and philosophical as this all is, I created a topic where I explained my game ideas here, and if you all want to get philosophical there, I won't mind since those are all things I should take into account of how I want the attitudes/various ways people interact.

I'm not gonna lie, I'm a very selfish and indulgent person, so I tend to get hung up on the fetish side of things, I'll be perfectly happy with just some kinks being done, but I think it would be important to do right by the expectations of real femdom. Not BDSM, not a footjob, not cockworship hidden behind lusty assertiveness, but where the women are truly just the dominate role, not just sexually, but in all aspects of business, world, etc.

Anyway, sorry again, I'll stop going off topic, but yeah. I made a thread if you guys wanna go ham with philosophy there or give me some insights of what you think/would want to see


Game Developer
Jul 30, 2018
Reading comments here you can say one thing for sure: Femdom attracts philosophers. ;)
Schopenhauer would like to disagree lol.

I don't think I'll ever be good enough at making a game myself as I don't know how to code or make art for games
I definitely regret not learning how to draw at some point. Teaming up with an artist would be the next best thing.
Probably my favorite is louisethesmall. Pencil art with gothic style and fantasy stories coupled with art. Sometimes just creature designs. You would like him too I think, but be warned some of his giantess stuff has snuff/gore. I tend to tune those out while enjoying the milder works.
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