Female Protag Corruption games and what is wrong with them.


Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
Kind late in the discussion, but my main problem with female leads is the lack of agency some of have, for example when I played Anna I got the feeling she was only ever reacting to stuff the was done to her instead of being her own woman. I actually like the game, she's beautiful, but it could be better. Unlike say Max from BB, who despite being a shitty human being and the game very low on actual choices, still feel like everything that happens in the game is a result of his actions.

On the other hand one thing I really like about leading ladies is that they usually can have more different scenes, dudes usually only go different shades of mee>seduce>fuck and sometimes an FFM threesome, females on the other hand can do all sort of content.
I would have liked this but I'm at my limit for the last 12 hours. I agree with your entire post.
Aug 22, 2017
This is true. What is great about Ashley though is that she doesn't ever have to go full corruption. Obviously I told the gang bangers to fuck off. That said it's binary morality system bugs the hell out of me as a writer, too limiting in Ashley's choices. But still, exactly the truth.
A small aside regarding Ashley and the Gang bangers - Obviously you'd tell these low lifes to get lost. The whole spiel where Ashley visits them to get gang banged always struck me as one of the least believable parts of the game. But maybe this is one of those things were 90% of the men playing the game tell the gang bangers to fuck off, while the girls would immediately go along with it, because men and women work very differently when it comes to such things? Anyhow, Ashley then enjoys the Gang Bangers way too much and they just become regular "side dudes" for her, sort of abandoning the framing of the "blackmailed girl", which also struck me as odd.

I define Corruption by the subversion of and training toward a sexual morality that is not the socially accepted norm.
The norm would obviously have to be the socially accepted norm of the player, not the game world, because we don't have victorian age porn games where people show too much ankle. But then sluttery is pretty much socially accepted, and the only people in the west who would give a girl shit for not marrying the first guy she sleeps with, are alt-right internet trolls. Prostitution is already much less accepted, but for real norm breaking, we'd have to go into "violent rape" and "kiddie diddling" territory.

However, it is only corruption if the corrupted makes a choice to do these things. Otherwise it is invariably sexual assault. The reason for this is human psychology. If you are in a position where you're forced to do vile things to survive, you're going to do vile things. However, if you're able to get out you will always revert back to who you want to be, or more likely, take a harder stance on your sexual morality than before. However if you are willing to go along with the degradation of your traditional morality then you are corrupted.
I don't know. Consider a female protagonist who tries to engineer a situation where she would get blackmailed into sex. Like, stealing at a store not for the thrill of stealing but to pacify the store security with sexual services. Or planting digital pictures of her interactions with, say, a dog, so that the target may find it and blackmail her into sexual subservience. All the while she's playing it like "Oh no, please don't" but secretly getting off of it. With almost all of these corruption games, there's almost always the option to simply back out, to simply say no to the indecent offer. Going along with with the stupid schemes can be interpreted as "She's actually into that kind of thing", compare Ashley and the Gang Bangers. And I would be fine if games actually went that route - and they sometimes hint at it too.

Ayame from Fleeting Iris can choose to stop working when she gets molested by her boss for the first time, or continue, at the players discretion, but she herself does never go "Oh I hope Melvin molests me today", even when the player action as character action would indicate she's into it. So all we see is a - mildly retarded - girl get molested with increasingly (and insultingly) stupid schemes, or we abandon the storyline and work (to be molested) somewhere else. Is the player Ayame? Or is the player some sort of divine entity that subconciously forces Ayame to continue working at the place where she is molested, just to see her molested? The game does not get into the relationship between Ayame and the Player, the game does not get into what Ayame wants, except what she (externally) tells other people she wants. She externally disapproves of Melvin, her boss, molesting her, but does she really? Her molesting boss Melvin is one of the few people she can think about when masturbating. Is that an expression of her deep-seated desire to be used by Melvin in such a fashion, or is that just a technical limitation? The game has a really small cast, the only alternative at that point in the game to fantasize about is the useless husband character. So by making Ayame continue working at Melvins place, are we helping her sexual fulfillment come true, or are we forcing her to act in a willfully stupid manner just so lewds happen on the screen?

Edit: And this kinda works into the "Agency" problem the previous poster mentioned. Ayame doesn't want anything. She never expresses preferences. She has no goals. She's just a leaf in the wind, blown around between the player making her do things and a stupid game world full of stupid people. Meanwhile, Max from Big Brother - He has wants. He wants to see the girls naked and fuck them. And the player will have the same goal. Tabitha enjoys teasing and loves getting her holes dicked (if that's how you play her, at least) and Ashley loves being used by powerful men for sexual gratification. Sabia wants an orc army and will do whatever it takes. They have character motivations - Agency is only secondary to that. If your character does not have a motivation, the character can not have true agency either.
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Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
The norm would obviously have to be the socially accepted norm of the player, not the game world, because we don't have victorian age porn games where people show too much ankle. But then sluttery is pretty much socially accepted, and the only people in the west who would give a girl shit for not marrying the first guy she sleeps with, are alt-right internet trolls. Prostitution is already much less accepted, but for real norm breaking, we'd have to go into "violent rape" and "kiddie diddling" territory.
Again that is why I made the focus on the psychology of the character. The way that GGGB manages to make even the most mundane things corrupt is by adding in a social red flag. Most obvious in her game is cheating. She mines that one hard, and from the beginning. Also, she sets up the idea that Jack is a predator, someone that Ashley knows she shouldn't be attracted to. The way that she constantly second guesses the way she feels about him, makes it a taboo for her. And we as the player empathize with her, and thereby we feel the corruption. You joked about victorian age porn and ankles, I could make that work. Same concept. There's nothing technically morally wrong with Jack, but Ashley's perception of him makes it wrong. And therefore, there's nothing morally wrong with showing some ankle, but I could write a female character with that perception and I bet it would work.

I don't know. Consider a female protagonist who tries to engineer a situation where she would get blackmailed into sex. Like, stealing at a store not for the thrill of stealing but to pacify the store security with sexual services. Or planting digital pictures of her interactions with, say, a dog, so that the target may find it and blackmail her into sexual subservience. All the while she's playing it like "Oh no, please don't" but secretly getting off of it. With almost all of these corruption games, there's almost always the option to simply back out, to simply say no to the indecent offer. Going along with with the stupid schemes can be interpreted as "She's actually into that kind of thing", compare Ashley and the Gang Bangers. And I would be fine if games actually went that route - and they sometimes hint at it too.
I would agree with you, I'd play the shit out of a game like that. But the girl you are describing is already corrupt. She's already at the stage of having abandoned social norms for sexual behaviour. This would be a completely different genre of game that would be so interesting to play, as we got to explore the depravity of the character as she chose to go deeper and deeper. Closest thing I can think of to it now is Vis Major. However the writing on that isn't perfect and Cara breaks the 4th wall because you do control her actions. So if you make her not get dressed she comments on how she meant to wear clothes and wonders why she didn't.
Aug 22, 2017
Vis Major
Heh, I actually played that one a while ago but most of what I remember (other than 'Pink haired Daughter') is that it had very little content and an inane plot.

But the girl you are describing is already corrupt.
In a way, certainly, but we all have lewd immoral thoughts all the time (right? right?) and yet we don't act on them. Most of the time anyhow. But the only external difference between a girl planning and willfully putting herself in such a situation that she may be exploited, and the "retard in lechertown" type girl, is that we'd see the girl planning and setting up the whole thing. You could probably add a flash back scene to Road Trip where the girl masturbates about the idea of being stuck in some foreign country, away from her BF, and being forced to sexually service all the gross foreigners to get outta there. Would that immediately make it the best game ever? No, the shitty writing of the rest of it is still shitty, but then rewrite those parts a bit and you are close to "porn genius".

By the way, Tabitha arguably starts out as a lewd minx, the only "corruption" that happens is if she actually acts on those impulses. You can play Girl Life and have a hypothetical pervert, masturbating all day and reading romance novels and watching porn, who just hasn't yet gotten around touching a real penis. When does the corruption happen? Only after she touches the penis? Or is this shy virgin already corrupted?


Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
By the way, Tabitha arguably starts out as a lewd minx, the only "corruption" that happens is if she actually acts on those impulses. You can play Girl Life and have a hypothetical pervert, masturbating all day and reading romance novels and watching porn, who just hasn't yet gotten around touching a real penis. When does the corruption happen? Only after she touches the penis? Or is this shy virgin already corrupted?
I think there's a disconnect between her natural inclination towards lust, which we learn as the game goes on has to do with more than just her tainted status, and her actual personality. To put that in perspective, Tabitha herself is having sex with Lily, but other than that she just has dirty thoughts that she can't control. Every time you make her do something else you could argue that she's progressively becoming more corrupt. Now this is only really obvious if you let her do the more insane things, tasting the boys cum, going to the prince's room, dressing in front of the guards brazenly, you get in her head and see that she is getting the same thrill that others do from doing something taboo.

I think because of her tainted status and the other reason, she is naturally inclined to her behavior, but ultimately she is not just her tainted form, and has to make the choices to go further. I think its more coming of age, but if you take the more depraved actions on certain things the corruption aspects are revealed. Also if you don't do anything with courtney the scene with Caleb gets darker.


Dec 3, 2017
What do you mean with bubble??? Who needs realism in a porn game?
The problem for me is I don't play porn games. I play erogames. I don't watch porn to get into the mood and get aroused. I need to be in the mood and aroused to want watch porn. I need the game to have sensible story and emotional buildup before I get get off the sex scene at all. I need to anticipate it and wait for it and really start to want it otherwise its a lot of nice renders wasted on me.


Active Member
Feb 7, 2017
If the person itself is making the choices its not corruption, call it anything else you like but its not a corruption game. You guys don´t like corruption, and its fine its not a theme for everyone, but can´t you just avoid those themes and respect people why like it?That´s the problem these days, people trying to tell what you can or can´t like. Also, its true: many corruption games have rape ( if you want to adopt a broad version of rape you can even say all of them ), and so what?Its fiction, not real life, almost everything in these games have anything to do with reality, you you want incest in real word?Or people doing gang bangs on the streets?Its just games, you don´t have to like it but don´t criticize those who do. Also, good luck in you game.
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Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
If the person itself is making the choices its not corruption, call it anything else you like but its not a corruption game.
I already said this, but you couldn't be more wrong. No matter how many times you rape or molest a person that person will never change who they are to be a more slutty person. The only way they change is if they want to change. A perfect example is in Katie's Corruption, where if you beat the boss by getting the dirt to the news, you go back to your normal life, completely uncorrupted. It doesn't matter that your boss and dad blackmailed and molested you till then. You go back to normal.

You guys don´t like corruption, and its fine its not a theme for everyone, but can´t you just avoid those themes and respect people why like it?
If you were reading you'd have noticed that I'm writing a corruption game with a female protagonist who has a character in the game who she will corrupt. I do like corruption. I think it's a great kink. The problem isn't the kink, its the failure to execute that kink. I'm not saying you can't create this game. I'm saying there's a way to do it correctly.

Even the trope, the Retard in Lechertown, could work, if you changed one thing. Combined with the Born Sexy Yesterday trope which you've seen in countless movies, The 5th Element, Splash, Tron Legacy, Weird Science, etc. would allow you to have a main character in your story who doesn't understand sex or anything about how the world works. She could be easily taken advantage of and trained into a slut, because she has no frame of reference.

Instead the trope keeps giving us women who we are supposed to believe grew up in this reality and don't know how to defend themselves? I'm not mad that they made the game about a boss who wants to molest his hot employee, I'm mad they made me play as the employee and then took away my brain so that I couldn't act.

I've said earlier in the thread, and @IhaveNoPornAndIMustFap has expanded, if you make a protagonist who can think for herself you have a much better game. The player can choose to let herself be molested, she can choose to fight, she can run, or she can freeze. The Boss can corner her in a room, use tactics that people like Harvey Weinstein have actually used to keep her in that room and get her to fuck him. What happens most often, and something you never (except again in the case of Katie's Corruption) is that the boss gives the woman the job she needs with the pay she needs, then threatens to take that away from her now that she's got bills to pay and can't risk losing it. Or, lets take the scenario from Anna's Exciting Affection, you wanna make that interesting? Let Anna say no and go to fucking jail, then make the game all about proving your innocence from the inside and the depraved shit you have to do to survive.

Write your characters with free will and create a compelling story. Most Female Protagonist games don't do that. In fact, we should rename the genre to female Antagonist games. In games like Katie's Corruption, Anna's Exciting Affection, Elena's Life, the mc is the enemy to us having sex, the goal of all porn games. You have two choices and how the game moves forward generally leaves you with one. You give up, or you fight. If you fight you'll end up in a game over scenario really quick, if you give up you'll get a sex scene. In reality, almost all Female protagonist games are Kinetic Novels pretending to have choices.

That´s the problem these days, people trying to tell what you can or can´t like.
You're the only one who's told anyone what they do or don't or can or can't like. I've made it very clear it isn't corruption I have a problem with, its bad writing.

lso, its true: many corruption games have rape ( if you want to adopt a broad version of rape you can even say all of them ), and so what?Its fiction, not real life, almost everything in these games have anything to do with reality, you you want incest in real word?Or people doing gang bangs on the streets?Its just games, you don´t have to like it but don´t criticize those who do. Also, good luck in you game.
Not really needing a broad definition if I use the words sexual assault, as I often do, however I'm fairly certain in sweden it would all be recorded as rape, so yeah. And I'm again, not actually calling out a rape fetish. If that's your kink I feel sorry for you, but that's your kink. What I'm calling out is dressing up rape fantasy as corruption as if your manufactured consent means anything. That is toxic and it sends a very stark message in this day and age, where there are people who believe that the girls in this situation are consenting.

Incest? As long as its consensual I have no problem with it. Incest only adds a 1.5% chance of birth defects, and that's less than alcohol or cigarettes which are perfectly legal.

Gangs? Depends? Do they live in an oppressive capitalist system that makes it impossible for them to earn an honest living? Then yeah, I kinda do support gangs.

Again, I'm not saying don't make a rape game, or don't make a sexual assault game. But don't tell me its a corruption game, because corruption requires consent it's something that happens in the mind of the person being corrupted and nothing you do to them can make them change, it is all about them.


Game Developer
Nov 10, 2017
I'd love to see fight options as well, however I admit thats a stylistic choice. As is the fantasy vs non fantasy argument... one which I definitely disagree on btw, It's really had to find a fantasy game that isn't garbage.
Strong protagonist, even if she somewhat enjoyed the rape, she should still have a grudge. And if there is bad/evil element to the game, great, use it to make her vicious in that grudge.

I'll share a female perspective on the topic, not sure if unique here.
I'll start with agreeing that most corruption/female protagonist games seem to treat women like a blank slate. Personally I tend to believe it not to be because developers are sick dumb bastards. I believe writing a real good character is very difficult and writing a story to develop this character is ever harder. There is a reason there are only few masterpiece books or games or movies out there and countless clones with characters without depth and story without sense or continuity. It takes lots of talent, lots of knowledge and sadly a very lot of time. I know, I've written a few stories in my time and the amount of pages produced doesn't do justice to the amount of time invested. It's the same with games, even more so if they provide branching stories.
That being said I have to say I play games for the story. Even when I shoot at digital people in Wildlands with my BF, I play the game for the story and much less for the shooting itself. And to get immersed into the story I have to feel some emotional connection with the MC. In wildlands I feel like I could be that sniper wielding badass bitch.
And here it comes. There are only few corruption games where the plot makes even tiniest sense to me as a woman. I'm pretty old crow myself and I've been in some difficult situations. I've even been sexually molested. Guess what. I kneed the f*r in the groin and went my way. And at every time if I was in a relationship my partner would be more than a background noise. They were always supportive, sometimes to the point of teaching the f*r a lesson about life themselves.
Doesn't mean I don't have my kinks. Doesn't mean I don't enjoy some spice in my sex. But if I was told I can't have a phone call to my BF without doing a blowjob, I'd be walking 60 miles on my foot to next town. Because, really, if I ended up in a town from Road Trip, I'd figure it's still safer for me to walk the side of the road than stay in the perverted place.
So yes, I know that games, books and movies expect from us suspension of disbelief. But there is Star Wars New Hope. And there is Star Wars and Jar Jar Binks.
So while I wouldn't hold a grudge against the games that turn the girl into dumb mindless drone, there is only a handful of games I've played start to end.
Some liberties while writing out sex events are needed, doesn't mean there can't be "what if".
I guess blowjob for a phone call could work, but would require to make MC so desperate that she would be on the verge of losing her shit. And even then, I would expect some burst of outrage rather than willingly doing sex acts.
Funny thing about corruption games is this: Every time MC is some pure girl... Yeah, right, not buying that shit. Girls are perverted, way more than guys. And while they may not show it all the time like we do, in same not-fucks-given manner, in bed you can experience some weird shit while all you had on mind was to have sex.
So if you can get into head of MC, why not trying to exploit that for the plot? Sure, add some hyperbole, because it's a game, but don't overdo it unless she is totally corrupted or other things influence her (drugs, alcohol, etc).
tl;dr: The men in these games are even more unrealistic than the women. It's not a problem of "The writer doesn't know how to write women", it's a problem of "They don't know how to write the human mating ritual", the bit in between "Hello" and the fucking. Likely because they never experienced it themselves. And all they know is the feminist framing of it, where men use their male privilege to force women into sex somehow - which is just not how it is in real life.
Ahahahaha xD
That's so true. Even testosterone pumped men don't go and just say: Hi, you Jane, we sex now.
There is a lot in the background before sex itself, literally proving that you are a good mate to get in bed. A lot of men act like wimps those days, like women. Girls don't come to you, they often wait until you go to them and try impressing. Sure, you can get hint or two there while talking, but expecting a girl to make first move? Yeah, tell me later how that went for you... Still waiting for that first move? Gee, I wonder why?
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Feb 16, 2018
I dont know where you are going with this thread. If you just want there be more options for the player im all for it. If you just want to remove the slut/submissive/abused/bad endings to these games, then you are destroying the only reason i play these games :teary:

I never assume im reading a story in third person about a female protagonist. In these games, im her, if i do anything stupid its me, with pleasure, and the badder the better. I like being abused, raped, blackmailed, etc by dominant people. Will you offer that in your game?


Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
I dont know where you are going with this thread. If you just want there be more options for the player im all for it. If you just want to remove the slut/submissive/abused/bad endings to these games, then you are destroying the only reason i play these games :teary:

I never assume im reading a story in third person about a female protagonist. In these games, im her, if i do anything stupid its me, with pleasure, and the badder the better. I like being abused, raped, blackmailed, etc by dominant people. Will you offer that in your game?
First and foremost, I'm a writer. As a writer there are things, technical elements of storytelling, that must be included in order for a story to be properly told. One of these, is that your protagonist has to be proactive. Which means the MC has to do stuff. The way most of these games are written, stuff happens to the MC. Of course, a good antagonist isn't passive either.

Conflict is what makes stories interesting. If we have a character who's actively working against their villain and then the villain does something that causes a failure, we care about and empathise with our hero and want to defeat the villain more. The retard in lechertown doesn't act on her own. She is constantly forced to react. There are numerous ways to deal with this. You can make it possible to fight. She doesn't have to win, but if she can fight, she becomes more active. You can make her actively seek out guys who might take advantage of her, again she might bite off more than she can chew, but still, she's acting. Almost every time the game works in way that it makes you do things you wouldn't do for reasons that make no sense.

To take Anna's Exciting Affection as an example again. Anna is written as intelligent, a college graduate who picks up new things quickly, day one she's the best barista ever, day one she's serving at the bar like a pro, 2 days of study and she aces a test to get a job as a secretary. She's also tech savvy, making a specific targeted critique of the receptionists failure to follow basic computer security protocol. And yet I'm supposed to empathise with her being so insanely stupid that she goes along with a blackmail plot that goes like this:

She gets a job with a boss who makes her dress like a slut
Day one he all of the sudden finds an employee is embezzling from him
That employee happens to be the friend who recommended you get hired
He decides that you must be complicit and attempts to blackmail you...

Here's how that would go down in real life. You'd walk out of the office, grab your friend by the arm, and go to the police to accuse the boss of framing your friend for embezzling in an attempt to coerce you into sexual favours.

By the way, he's not lying, your friend was totally embezzling, but the detectives would agree that it was suspicious as hell that he started this shit the moment he had the ability to use it to coerce you into sex.

Now, if, instead, you'd been able to get the job and move into the apartment of your dreams and then your sister lost hers, and then he decided to tell you that if you wanted to keep your job you had to do him sexual favours, maybe it would work. Because now you have a financial obligation to need to attend to, if you lose your job you won't be able to afford this apartment. So you go along with it.

Or, have him be a villain who has the cops on his payroll, so when you go in they were already tipped off and they arrest you and throw you in jail. You have the easy out of fucking him or the hard out of proving your innocence from behind bars, you're forced to do sexual favours in there to be protected from the hard criminals.

See, in my writing, you're still being constantly molested, but how you get molested and by who is up to you, and that makes a huge difference, it gives some power to the player. More importantly it forces you to choose how to use sex to get what you want, more fully creating a corruption in you as a player. By the end of the experiences you'd be the type of woman who takes charge using her sexuality, or you'd be the type of woman who prefers to serve. Regardless choices are made and a protagonist gains a personality.

So no, I don't want to stop these games where a protagonist is forced to use their sexuality to survive in a harsh world. I simply want the protagonist to have choices and for those choices to shape how the game moves forward. I want the protagonist to be proactive in their own story and stop being the obstacle in the way of the game's sexual content. I want good writing. And that is the point of this thread.
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New Member
Oct 15, 2017
I hate when they give you the thoughts of the NPC's in these games, because they're almost always cocky jerks who are certain they'll break the MC, and I just reject them as much as possible just because I don't like their arrogance.

Also this is my first time actually posting after lurking for months, so hi everybody.


Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
I hate when they give you the thoughts of the NPC's in these games, because they're almost always cocky jerks who are certain they'll break the MC, and I just reject them as much as possible just because I don't like their arrogance.

Also this is my first time actually posting after lurking for months, so hi everybody.
Hi, thanks for the feedback and welcome.
Aug 22, 2017
I dont know where you are going with this thread. If you just want there be more options for the player im all for it. If you just want to remove the slut/submissive/abused/bad endings to these games, then you are destroying the only reason i play these games :teary:

I never assume im reading a story in third person about a female protagonist. In these games, im her, if i do anything stupid its me, with pleasure, and the badder the better. I like being abused, raped, blackmailed, etc by dominant people. Will you offer that in your game?
You getting it all wrong. He's not about removing "slut/submissive/abused/bad" stuff. He's irritated about that stuff being badly written, it looks like the girl is functionally retarded and all the men are suffering from some brain damage as well, because that's how a lot of games and their blackmail/coercion schemes work - or wouldn't work, if the characters involved were functional adults. I made the same observation and made it a Trope in the , to which the OP refers to.

In fact, we should rename the genre to female Antagonist games. In games like Katie's Corruption, Anna's Exciting Affection, Elena's Life, the mc is the enemy to us having sex, the goal of all porn games. You have two choices and how the game moves forward generally leaves you with one. You give up, or you fight. If you fight you'll end up in a game over scenario really quick, if you give up you'll get a sex scene. In reality, almost all Female protagonist games are Kinetic Novels pretending to have choices.
"Female antagonist", that's a cute observation, I like it. I don't think *all* or "almost all" femprotag games are this bad though, it's just a significant proportion. But this brings me back to my previous observation: If you want a game where the female protagonist is molested and coerced and such, it may be wise to have the character actually be into it, to the point where they either engineer such situations, or at least call out the stupidity of the schemes and go along with them anyways, just to highlight that they're doing it because it's their kink, not because they're mentally retarded. Just so the player and the protagonist are on the same page and have the same goals.
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Also known as 'Blazblue'
May 13, 2017
Write your characters with free will and create a compelling story. Most Female Protagonist games don't do that. In fact, we should rename the genre to female Antagonist games. In games like Katie's Corruption, Anna's Exciting Affection, Elena's Life, the mc is the enemy to us having sex, the goal of all porn games. You have two choices and how the game moves forward generally leaves you with one. You give up, or you fight. If you fight you'll end up in a game over scenario really quick, if you give up you'll get a sex scene. In reality, almost all Female protagonist games are Kinetic Novels pretending to have choices.
This is so spot on, I full on hate you for getting it out there before I got the chance. From a game design point of view, there is something fundamentally wrong with getting rewarded for losing and punished for winning.
Remember those Krystal/Princess Peach flash games, where all you had to do was walk around and get fucked by everything? Same problem.
Still, I understand the appeal of any decent looking porn, so I can definitely see why many of those end up being popular. However, I do think we have everything to gain in making sure to differentiate those from actual games.


Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
This is so spot on, I full on hate you for getting it out there before I got the chance. From a game design point of view, there is something fundamentally wrong with getting rewarded for losing and punished for winning.
Remember those Krystal/Princess Peach flash games, where all you had to do was walk around and get fucked by everything? Same problem.
Still, I understand the appeal of any decent looking porn, so I can definitely see why many of those end up being popular. However, I do think we have everything to gain in making sure to differentiate those from actual games.
I like your breakdown that gets to the point. And I have to compliment you on your taste in fighting games.
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Feb 16, 2018
Agreed the writing not the best on these games. As much as i would love better writing, i dont think the creators of the games are writers themselves.

What i dont agree on is the multiple suggestions in this thread to empower the protagonist so the situation is not really done to her but she chose it, enjoys it and is in control. That kills my kink. I want to feel doom and losing control with preferably a bad ending. That can be done with good writing and more options.


Feb 16, 2018
I hate when they give you the thoughts of the NPC's in these games, because they're almost always cocky jerks who are certain they'll break the MC, and I just reject them as much as possible just because I don't like their arrogance.

Also this is my first time actually posting after lurking for months, so hi everybody.
Welcome! Im new myself. But i didnt get a nice welcome like you on account on having different tastes than the OP lol.

The arrogance, cockyness and abusive manners of NPCs is what turns me on and why I play these games. I agree with you that we shouldnt hear the NPC thoughts, that makes no sense lol. But i want to know that the guys are jerks, perhaps a better way is by overhearing them on the phone or just listening to him talk. Thats were the good writers here can fix this.


Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
Agreed the writing not the best on these games. As much as i would love better writing, i dont think the creators of the games are writers themselves.

What i dont agree on is the multiple suggestions in this thread to empower the protagonist so the situation is not really done to her but she chose it, enjoys it and is in control. That kills my kink. I want to feel doom and losing control with preferably a bad ending. That can be done with good writing and more options.
Then you didn't read my whole post. I didn't say give her fee will and then stop the actual rape, in fact I made a scenario where fighting it gets a lot worse. Where for instance in the case of Anna's Exciting Affection, she doesn't go along with the blackmail and does end up in jail, where she's forced to do depraved things to survive while trying to escape the charges. I'm not saying don't make a molestation game where the girl is fucked and can't stop it. I'm saying give her the option to try, and have the consequences still end in their own form of punishment. I'm saying make her a fucking "born sexy yesterday" trope and have her actually be as oblivious as the characters in most of these games so that she is able to be dominated and molested and lose all hope, but in the correct context of her character. Or, write convincing blackmail. Write the characters using actual sexual assault tactics like cornering, drugs, and coersion.

That said, I'd also love the game where the girl actively seeks to be molested and raped. Its a completely different and uncharted territory that would be really exciting. I get that you want a game where you're forced, that's fine. What would be really nice, is if we got both your game and mine in one.
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Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
Welcome! Im new myself. But i didnt get a nice welcome like you on account on having different tastes than the OP lol.

The arrogance, cockyness and abusive manners of NPCs is what turns me on and why I play these games. I agree with you that we shouldnt hear the NPC thoughts, that makes no sense lol. But i want to know that the guys are jerks, perhaps a better way is by overhearing them on the phone or just listening to him talk. Thats were the good writers here can fix this.
I dont know where you are going with this thread. If you just want there be more options for the player im all for it. If you just want to remove the slut/submissive/abused/bad endings to these games, then you are destroying the only reason i play these games :teary:

I never assume im reading a story in third person about a female protagonist. In these games, im her, if i do anything stupid its me, with pleasure, and the badder the better. I like being abused, raped, blackmailed, etc by dominant people. Will you offer that in your game?
Oh look at that, you didn't announce that you were new. Funny how I didn't look at your profile long enough to notice, as I was simply responding to your reply. For the Nth time, I don't want to get rid of molestation games. I want to see them done properly, and not called corruption games because that gives the impression that its not molestation.