Female Protag Corruption games and what is wrong with them.


Active Member
Aug 16, 2017
Sorry, I have to say, I can enjoy neither. For me stupidity is the most repulsive quality a woman can have, so I don't like naive curruption games. On the other hand, I mostly like my female protagonists to dominate other women. It may be ok, if she got dominated by another woman in some occasions, but if there are some male assaulters in the game who want to rape her, I want to option to kill them - without any fear or tension, just power, in a non-sexualized way. So even, if, in some part of the game, she has to kneel and lick a domina's boots, she should still be powerful enough, to beat any wanna-be rapist to a bloody pulp.
That doesn't even happen very often out in the real world. Sorry to burst your bubble.


Game Developer
Jul 16, 2017
Who needs realism in a porn game?
Me for example...as 99% of what is out there is over the top or straight from the realm of fantasy world....it's getting boring at least to me ( probably played too many of these games over the years)...but anyways apart from realism you have a point...rape and abuse should be avoidable and if not some form of vengeance would be fine as well not by the same means a man would use though...a knife in the back...a visit while they sleep...a consensual second time waiting for the moment to strike...hiring someone to do the deed...so many options within the realm of realism to get it done in fashion.
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Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
Me for example...as 99% of what is out there is over the top or straight from the realm of fantasy world....it's getting boring at least to me ( probably played too many of these games over the years)...but anyways apart from realism you have a point...rape and abuse should be avoidable and if not some form of vengeance would be fine as well not by the same means a man would use though...a knife in the back...a visit while they sleep...a consensual second time waiting for the moment to strike...hiring someone to do the deed...so many options within the realm of realism to get it done in fashion.
I'd love to see fight options as well, however I admit thats a stylistic choice. As is the fantasy vs non fantasy argument... one which I definitely disagree on btw, It's really had to find a fantasy game that isn't garbage.


Active Member
Feb 15, 2017
So we've all been here, playing a game with a female protagonist who just pisses us off. Most of them because of this simple trope.

Now, the trope description is hilarious, and it points to all the problems, but doesn't offer many solutions. The most obvious I can think of is that the developers of female protagonist games need to start looking for a female perspective, because their characters are largely blank canvases with no personality. However I think there are a few other things that need to change as well.

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Just wanted to say that I totally agree.
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Active Member
Sep 11, 2017
Me for example...as 99% of what is out there is over the top or straight from the realm of fantasy world....it's getting boring at least to me ( probably played too many of these games over the years)...but anyways apart from realism you have a point...rape and abuse should be avoidable and if not some form of vengeance would be fine as well not by the same means a man would use though...a knife in the back...a visit while they sleep...a consensual second time waiting for the moment to strike...hiring someone to do the deed...so many options within the realm of realism to get it done in fashion.
Of course it's a question personal taste. For the protagonist of a corruption game, who dominates the other women of the setting, I want her to be powerful however. So running away from potential rapists and pouring poison into their beer the next day is not enough power for my taste. I want my lezdom protagonist to rip their heads off without a trace of fear or insecurity on her face.
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Active Member
Aug 11, 2016
2 games, one that i played and one that i read comments on: Sangeki of Gear and Katie's Corruption. The first i regret playing ( i gave up on it fast) and the second i'm never going to touch.

Sangeki of Gear had a nice start with a somewhat unique combat system that was simply wasted on it as it soon became a pointless addition to what i've since been told to be a fkn kinetic novel. I currently consider it to be a piece of crap masquerading as a video game.
I'm derailing... What i was expecting to be a story about a young, naive warrior growing up into someone who will not hesitate to kill in order to protect her village and in control of her newly discovered sexuality ended up as a collection of forced, brain-dead MC events that you have absolutely no control over. It's pure shit.

Katie's corruption is similar in the way that apparently you get choices, but it's game over if you pick anything other than the descent into sexual objectifying corruption. Why not just make it a kinetic novel instead?


There's this movie i saw a trailer of.. 'Run, bitch run' i think it was named, though i'm not sure... Basically the plot was that this girl was kidnapped and raped over and over again, then left for dead. Unlike these pitiful excuses some people like to call games, she didn't turn into a cock-starved whore jumping each and every dick coming in view. No, she went and got revenge in very gory and very amusing ways.

You see, that's corruption too. Going full bimbo-slut is not the only type of corruption there is.

For example, take this scenario: A young girl in need of money is hired as a secretary. Over time her boss starts making more and more aggressive and sexual demands.
Now here's where it branches off:
1. she gives in, reluctantly, and eventually becomes more accustomed, more willing, more liberated. - the sexual corruption usually used
2. she keeps rejecting the unwanted advances until reaching a point of desperation(give in or be fired). Except she doesn't give in... Frustrated with this type of behavior, she decides that enough is enough and something must be changed. So instead of giving in and becoming a braindead cum depository, she becomes the dominant in the relationship through blackmail, allying herself with the boss' rival/enemy or whatever else. - the character corruption is used.


Some people like to say these two phrases from time to time: "if you don't like it, play something else" and "if you don't like it, make your own game"...

I was going to insult these people by saying 'bitch, are you retarded', but i won't because that would be childish.

For the first phrase, i can't play anything else because devs for some reason like to make stupid fkn pseudo-games and there freaking aren't any other fkn options.
And for the second phrase, a couple of things...
- My PC is older than you and i draw worse than a 5-year old, so fuck off.
- Please take a look at the sea of unfinished, unstarted, bug-filled, abandoned, retarded games made by people like me, who have no idea what the hell they're doing, but someone told them to 'make their own game' and so they did or at least tried to... and kindly fuck off.

My language here is a bit vulgar and many of you will disagree with my words (probably), but dammit i'm horny and you ain't giving me stuff i can fap to.

Thank you


Dec 3, 2017
I'll share a female perspective on the topic, not sure if unique here.
I'll start with agreeing that most corruption/female protagonist games seem to treat women like a blank slate. Personally I tend to believe it not to be because developers are sick dumb bastards. I believe writing a real good character is very difficult and writing a story to develop this character is ever harder. There is a reason there are only few masterpiece books or games or movies out there and countless clones with characters without depth and story without sense or continuity. It takes lots of talent, lots of knowledge and sadly a very lot of time. I know, I've written a few stories in my time and the amount of pages produced doesn't do justice to the amount of time invested. It's the same with games, even more so if they provide branching stories.
That being said I have to say I play games for the story. Even when I shoot at digital people in Wildlands with my BF, I play the game for the story and much less for the shooting itself. And to get immersed into the story I have to feel some emotional connection with the MC. In wildlands I feel like I could be that sniper wielding badass bitch.
And here it comes. There are only few corruption games where the plot makes even tiniest sense to me as a woman. I'm pretty old crow myself and I've been in some difficult situations. I've even been sexually molested. Guess what. I kneed the f*r in the groin and went my way. And at every time if I was in a relationship my partner would be more than a background noise. They were always supportive, sometimes to the point of teaching the f*r a lesson about life themselves.
Doesn't mean I don't have my kinks. Doesn't mean I don't enjoy some spice in my sex. But if I was told I can't have a phone call to my BF without doing a blowjob, I'd be walking 60 miles on my foot to next town. Because, really, if I ended up in a town from Road Trip, I'd figure it's still safer for me to walk the side of the road than stay in the perverted place.
So yes, I know that games, books and movies expect from us suspension of disbelief. But there is Star Wars New Hope. And there is Star Wars and Jar Jar Binks.
So while I wouldn't hold a grudge against the games that turn the girl into dumb mindless drone, there is only a handful of games I've played start to end.


Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
I'll share a female perspective on the topic, not sure if unique here.
I'll start with agreeing that most corruption/female protagonist games seem to treat women like a blank slate. Personally I tend to believe it not to be because developers are sick dumb bastards. I believe writing a real good character is very difficult and writing a story to develop this character is ever harder. There is a reason there are only few masterpiece books or games or movies out there and countless clones with characters without depth and story without sense or continuity. It takes lots of talent, lots of knowledge and sadly a very lot of time. I know, I've written a few stories in my time and the amount of pages produced doesn't do justice to the amount of time invested. It's the same with games, even more so if they provide branching stories.
That being said I have to say I play games for the story. Even when I shoot at digital people in Wildlands with my BF, I play the game for the story and much less for the shooting itself. And to get immersed into the story I have to feel some emotional connection with the MC. In wildlands I feel like I could be that sniper wielding badass bitch.
And here it comes. There are only few corruption games where the plot makes even tiniest sense to me as a woman. I'm pretty old crow myself and I've been in some difficult situations. I've even been sexually molested. Guess what. I kneed the f*r in the groin and went my way. And at every time if I was in a relationship my partner would be more than a background noise. They were always supportive, sometimes to the point of teaching the f*r a lesson about life themselves.
Doesn't mean I don't have my kinks. Doesn't mean I don't enjoy some spice in my sex. But if I was told I can't have a phone call to my BF without doing a blowjob, I'd be walking 60 miles on my foot to next town. Because, really, if I ended up in a town from Road Trip, I'd figure it's still safer for me to walk the side of the road than stay in the perverted place.
So yes, I know that games, books and movies expect from us suspension of disbelief. But there is Star Wars New Hope. And there is Star Wars and Jar Jar Binks.
So while I wouldn't hold a grudge against the games that turn the girl into dumb mindless drone, there is only a handful of games I've played start to end.
I'm a lot less forgiving than you on the "difficulty of story". Don't get me wrong, I recognize that it's not easy. However as a writer myself I strive for character depth above all. Because I can't bring myself to care about what's going on in games movies or books if I can't empathize with the characters. I'm not asking for every game to be Empire Strikes Back, however, I believe that the majority of the stories on here are as bad as the romance in Attack of the Clones, and that shit is a worse love story than twilight.
Aug 22, 2017
I'll share a female perspective on the topic, not sure if unique here.
I'll start with agreeing that most corruption/female protagonist games seem to treat women like a blank slate. Personally I tend to believe it not to be because developers are sick dumb bastards. I believe writing a real good character is very difficult and writing a story to develop this character is ever harder. There is a reason there are only few masterpiece books or games or movies out there and countless clones with characters without depth and story without sense or continuity. It takes lots of talent, lots of knowledge and sadly a very lot of time. I know, I've written a few stories in my time and the amount of pages produced doesn't do justice to the amount of time invested. It's the same with games, even more so if they provide branching stories.
That being said I have to say I play games for the story. Even when I shoot at digital people in Wildlands with my BF, I play the game for the story and much less for the shooting itself. And to get immersed into the story I have to feel some emotional connection with the MC. In wildlands I feel like I could be that sniper wielding badass bitch.
And here it comes. There are only few corruption games where the plot makes even tiniest sense to me as a woman. I'm pretty old crow myself and I've been in some difficult situations. I've even been sexually molested. Guess what. I kneed the f*r in the groin and went my way. And at every time if I was in a relationship my partner would be more than a background noise. They were always supportive, sometimes to the point of teaching the f*r a lesson about life themselves.
Doesn't mean I don't have my kinks. Doesn't mean I don't enjoy some spice in my sex. But if I was told I can't have a phone call to my BF without doing a blowjob, I'd be walking 60 miles on my foot to next town. Because, really, if I ended up in a town from Road Trip, I'd figure it's still safer for me to walk the side of the road than stay in the perverted place.
So yes, I know that games, books and movies expect from us suspension of disbelief. But there is Star Wars New Hope. And there is Star Wars and Jar Jar Binks.
So while I wouldn't hold a grudge against the games that turn the girl into dumb mindless drone, there is only a handful of games I've played start to end.
Hah, Road Trip is probably the epitomal example of the "Retard in Lechertown". Luckily the game crashed for me at the "Blowjob for a phone call scene" and I took this as an excuse not to have to play any further. But we don't even need super deep 5dimensional characters to make the story relatable. The MC is always the least interesting character in any game, because the protagonists actions are not guided by character motivations, but by player decisions. And in any game, when given the chance, players will always pick the most nonsensical or funny options just to see what happens, and the writing has to accomodate. And in a porn game, players will tend to pick the option that is most likely to result in lewds because they've been playing for X minutes already and wheres mah lewds.

The problem in Road Trip and other games of the "Retard in Lechertown" variety, is not just the female characters, it's the male characters as well - Male characters exist in femprotag porn games only to get the protagonist properly dicked. The whole game might as well have been written by a girl, what makes Road Trip so aggravating is that the writer lacks all understanding of even the basics of sexual interaction between the sexes. Asking for a blowjob in return for a phone call? As the local police chief? That's stupid on so many levels. That's 15 year old with down syndrome from india trying to hit on a girl for the first time ever levels of stupid. The average woman would simply offer a terrified face, turn around and leave. And then tell the nearest person what happened, that somehow a homeless crazy person got into the police station and now pretends to be the local constable. A more assertive woman would unleash on the guy, shout and lambast about how the guy would even dare to think to ask such a thing of a stranger. The full blown bimbo who has no qualms about prostituting herself, would laugh at the guys pathetic and desperate attempt to get some action, and negotiate a better deal, like offering road head for driving to a town where there isn't fluoride and viagra mixed into the drinking water. Even the perverted masochist who can only get off if they're actually being bullied and blackmailed into offering sexual services, i.e. the exact person who would get turned on by this kind of scenario, would get turned off by the sheer, impotent weakness of the attempt.

But now lets make the guys more realistic instead. The horny evil constable would stylize himself as the rescuer of the damsel in distress, and certainly let her use the phone without demanding anything in return. In fact, he would likely offer her a place to stay, push her into alcoholic beverages, food, and given that she (as controlled by the player) went along with it all so far and accepted all of this with the realization that it may come to it, emotionally blackmail her into performing "a service". Instead of being a retard who demands blowjobs from strangers out of the blue, he's just taking advantage of an easy girl he took home when she was looking for a place to stay. In fact, the guy would literally have to, as in most cultures, not at least attempting such a thing as an unmarried man gets you a reputation as a homosexual. In the west, this is slowly being forgotten, but even recently there were simply certain expectations of how adults of the opposite sex in an isolated place would behave. If you don't at least try to "hit dat", you're gonna get accused of being a faggot. An upstanding and decent girl wouldn't sleep at a strangers place anyways. Or does the police guy have a wife? Then why is he so desperate? Is his wife horrible and neglectful? Well then he has a sob story to tell the girl while gaining her trust, with the underlying message of unfulfilled desires, which ends the same way. Can frame him as less evil and more sad, or it's all made up bullshit, etc. So many more interesting options than "You wanna use the phone? Blow me first"

Or you could use the classic move of offering to drive the girl somewhere, and halfway there, stop in the wilderness and demand a blowjob for continuation of the taxi service. Grass, gas or ass. The girl can still leave the car and decide to walk the rest of the way while cursing him, but she would not go to the nearest person inhabiting the town of the police guy to tell them what kind of retarded sleazebag the police guy is. Or, much more likely, she'll just go through with it, and never tell anyone a word. Of course this isn't possible for meta reasons - the lecher town being the primary stage of the game.

tl;dr: The men in these games are even more unrealistic than the women. It's not a problem of "The writer doesn't know how to write women", it's a problem of "They don't know how to write the human mating ritual", the bit in between "Hello" and the fucking. Likely because they never experienced it themselves. And all they know is the feminist framing of it, where men use their male privilege to force women into sex somehow - which is just not how it is in real life.


Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
The MC is always the least interesting character in any game, because the protagonists actions are not guided by character motivations, but by player decisions. And in any game, when given the chance, players will always pick the most nonsensical or funny options just to see what happens, and the writing has to accomodate. And in a porn game, players will tend to pick the option that is most likely to result in lewds because they've been playing for X minutes already and wheres mah lewds.
I wouldn't call Ashley (GGGB) or Tabitha (Coceter Chronicles) uninteresting though. A good developer will allow you to both shape your character's personality, while personifying that character even more in that choice. I don't always agree with how Eva Kiss has Bad Ashley behave, for instance she talks shit about books for no reason, but I also enjoy seeing her change and behave more intensely as time passes. Tabitha has so much characterization built into her behavior. Some of it comes through in the art... little playful ways she acts. But the same goes for timid Tabitha, which I played to prove a point.

I'm currently working on a project where I plan to introduce a female protagonist in an environment and framework similar to Life is Strange, only without the time travel. In it, the main character Evelyn will have moments where she's given the opportunity to be timid bold or lustful in reaction to certain situations. As her personality is shaped by these actions I plan on writing completely different dialogue choices for a more bold or timid Evelyn. Lust dialogue will come into play when she's out at a bar and looking for a one night stand or something. Unlike a game like GGGB, I don't intend to have the more bold option make it impossible to be nice. However what nice is for a bold Evelyn is not the same as what nice is for a timid Evelyn. Her responses will be more bold. Similarly, timid Evelyn won't be incapable of being rude, instead of being overtly aggressive however, she'll be passive aggressive and sarcastic.

As a result, Evelyn will be a well thought out character no matter what you do with her. The only way she's not interesting is if you make her neutral for some reason. At which point you'll go through school doing nothing but homework.
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Dec 3, 2017
tl;dr: The men in these games are even more unrealistic than the women. It's not a problem of "The writer doesn't know how to write women", it's a problem of "They don't know how to write the human mating ritual", the bit in between "Hello" and the fucking. Likely because they never experienced it themselves. And all they know is the feminist framing of it, where men use their male privilege to force women into sex somehow - which is just not how it is in real life.

This is the part I strongly agree with.
Aug 22, 2017
I wouldn't call Ashley (GGGB) or Tabitha (Coceter Chronicles) uninteresting though. A good developer will allow you to both shape your character's personality, while personifying that character even more in that choice. I don't always agree with how Eva Kiss has Bad Ashley behave, for instance she talks shit about books for no reason, but I also enjoy seeing her change and behave more intensely as time passes. Tabitha has so much characterization built into her behavior. Some of it comes through in the art... little playful ways she acts. But the same goes for timid Tabitha, which I played to prove a point.

I'm currently working on a project where I plan to introduce a female protagonist in an environment and framework similar to Life is Strange, only without the time travel. In it, the main character Evelyn will have moments where she's given the opportunity to be timid bold or lustful in reaction to certain situations. As her personality is shaped by these actions I plan on writing completely different dialogue choices for a more bold or timid Evelyn. Lust dialogue will come into play when she's out at a bar and looking for a one night stand or something. Unlike a game like GGGB, I don't intend to have the more bold option make it impossible to be nice. However what nice is for a bold Evelyn is not the same as what nice is for a timid Evelyn. Her responses will be more bold. Similarly, timid Evelyn won't be incapable of being rude, instead of being overtly aggressive however, she'll be passive aggressive and sarcastic.

As a result, Evelyn will be a well thought out character no matter what you do with her. The only way she's not interesting is if you make her neutral for some reason. At which point you'll go through school doing nothing but homework.
I agree on Tabitha - At least when you're playing her as a slut, she is "playfully lewd" and sexually aggressive, and not just some passive cocksleeve that gets handed around. Might actually be my favorite female protagonist. However, I disagree on Ashley - I really enjoy GGGB because it does try to mix some pop psychology into the lewd going ons - But Bad Ashley isn't interesting at all. She isn't as forward and determined as Tabitha and tends to just go along with stuff. Meanwhile, Pure Lawful Good Ashley is too boring to play. The whole point of the pop psych exploration is (at least how I see it) that you need to find some sort of middle road, because both "Good" and "Bad" result in self destruction.

I'm also - theoretically - working on a femprotag game in my mind, but instead of having the character gain "slut" and "prude" points or whatever, I let the relationships between the MC and other characters gain frame. That means you can frame a relationship as a Femdom one, another one as slut/horndog, the next one as a masochist one, and the next as a platonic. That way it's not the character that gets locked into acting like a slut or a masochist, it's the relationship, allowing me to write specific characters and how they react in certain framings. But then I want to add a threesome mechanic where you can put the guy you have, for example, a "slutty" relationship with together with the girl you have, for example, a D/s relationship with and have the game work out what happens, and then it sorta becomes computationally unfeasible. And I'm also not sure how I should mechanically "lock in" the relationships.

Right now I'm trying to work out a male character who I'd describe as "friendzoned nice guy who secretly creeps on the girl" or rather, the girls handling of it. The problem is, some red pilled girls will openly state and know there's no "nice guys that you can just be friends with", then there are those who pretend they believe in the platonic nice guy only to toy with those, and while I'm not sure theres actual adult girls who are this stupid, there would still have to be a point where the (possibly teenage) girl "gets it" based on experience. So I'm interviewing my female acquaintances for their experiences with "nice guys" (me never having been one, or with one, naturally) but I'm not getting far, because the responses are either "what's a friendzone" or "I don't keep men around that I don't fuck" because apparently the female company I keep is entirely sluts. So yeah, still looking for inspiration on that.


Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
but instead of having the character gain "slut" and "prude" points or whatever, I let the relationships between the MC and other characters gain frame. That means you can frame a relationship as a Femdom one, another one as slut/horndog, the next one as a masochist one, and the next as a platonic. That way it's not the character that gets locked into acting like a slut or a masochist, it's the relationship, allowing me to write specific characters and how they react in certain framings
There's a similar setting with mine. Each of the characters in the game have their own personality and the way the relationships evolve with evelyn will be related to who the character is. I have a romance, a corruption story, a girl who, depending on the MC is either a sub or a dom. Then I have other characters who aren't in it for the long haul at all, who might run into MC at the right time and be interested in some fun but ultimately don't care either way. Then still I have an antagonistic group who might get in MCs way, or prove to be a rival for your affection to the other romance, depending on how things progress.

I agree that Ashley gets boring, to an extent, at the extremes.


Active Member
Feb 7, 2017
There´s not much you can chance in corruption games, i like the theme and sometimes i too think they make too easy, you you an´t be too realistic in these games, most of them would be stopped in a swift lawsuit in real life. Also you don´t really want to bring this consent stuff to adult games right?Please don´t, its just a step to SJW brigade and for one i hate those people. Story can be improved but i think you are being too demanding, if the game were the way you wanted it would not be corruption anymore.


Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
There´s not much you can chance in corruption games, i like the theme and sometimes i too think they make too easy, you you an´t be too realistic in these games, most of them would be stopped in a swift lawsuit in real life. Also you don´t really want to bring this consent stuff to adult games right?Please don´t, its just a step to SJW brigade and for one i hate those people. Story can be improved but i think you are being too demanding, if the game were the way you wanted it would not be corruption anymore.
Actually, corruption doesn't happen to the unwilling, only rape. Good Girl Gone Bad is absolutely a corruption game, do you know what else? Ashley is a well rounded character with thoughts of her own and the ability to choose. If you want a rape game where you play as a protagonist who gets raped, fine, but lets stop hiding it behind stupidity and start actually writing a game where a woman is raped.

I know I'm not asking for too much, because I'm writing my own female protagonist game in a corruption format, that gives her the choices. If anything your standard for entertainment is too low. And moreover your use of SJW in this context disturbs me, as it shows you as saying people who don't like naive girls getting raped is some sort of over the top warrior for social justice, rather than a normal functioning person.
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Dec 3, 2017
There´s not much you can chance in corruption games, i like the theme and sometimes i too think they make too easy, you you an´t be too realistic in these games, most of them would be stopped in a swift lawsuit in real life. Also you don´t really want to bring this consent stuff to adult games right?Please don´t, its just a step to SJW brigade and for one i hate those people. Story can be improved but i think you are being too demanding, if the game were the way you wanted it would not be corruption anymore.
This is why I, personally, don't like the corruption stat. I know games can't be like real life. On the other hand I don't play games that are quick progression of next sex scenes and mostly forced. I believe myself rather liberal in my sexuality, but I don't find myself corrupted. And this freedom that I allow myself doesn't force me to do anything. t's more liberating yourself than breaking or wronging somehow. Not to try and introduce PC here, but I would call for a change of attitude: being Zoe from Zoe's Temptations or Suzie from New Paths I'd be making making myself more free as to my choices, not corrupted.

On a related note: it just turns me off when MC is groped and doesn't get it. Like Mother, Wife, Whatever, a grown up woman, she gets groped, she lets a boy "cuddle" her during cello lesson and she's thinking things like: It's for better understanding of music... I mean... Eh?

I don't rant about the "corruption" stat in games, since I believe it to be a part of story making set of tools, like major tropes in literature, but honestly, it does set kind of expectations that I find myself disagreeing with.
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Aug 22, 2017
Actually, corruption doesn't happen to the unwilling, only rape. Good Girl Gone Bad is absolutely a corruption game, do you know what else? Ashley is a well rounded character with thoughts of her own and the ability to choose. If you want a rape game where you play as a protagonist who gets raped, fine, but lets stop hiding it behind stupidity and start actually writing a game where a woman is raped.
If you wanna see a girl get raped and it still is kind of a corruption game, try Claire's Quest. It has a dark tone to it, and it's not exactly a *good* game, but at least it doesn't shy away from brutal rape, while also letting the MC work as a prostitute (optionally for horses) on the side. At least the MC isn't retarded, just "unlucky" in a shitty world.

I consider GGGB to be a deconstruction of the "corruption" porn game genre. While "bad" Ashley gets most of the dickings so far, but she's also a drug addicted prostitute pushing drugs for a gang that dropped out of college, who will - make no mistake about it - end up dead in a ditch. Meanwhile, "Good" Ashley also gets laid, because it's not the normal virgin-whore dichotomy. Sex is a function of the body, and the Good/Bad routes are more about how Ashley uses Sex, than making sex out to be a corrupt thing in itself.

On a related note: it just turns me off when MC is groped and doesn't get it. Like Mother, Wife, Whatever, a grown up woman, she gets groped, she lets a boy "cuddle" her during cello lesson and she's thinking things like: It's for better understanding of music... I mean... Eh?
That's the "retard in lechertown" to a Tee. The retard is on the mental level of a very slow 10 year old and doesn't understand that other people - men in particular - have sexual interests.

being Zoe from Zoe's Temptations or Suzie from New Paths I'd be making making myself more free as to my choices, not corrupted.
Zoe's Temptation is an odd one. All the interactions with males are of the "Retard in Lechertown" variety, while all the interactions with girls are self-determined hippie love stuff. My suspicion was that it was written by a tumblr lesbian, but I couldn't be arsed to learn more about the author.

This is why I, personally, don't like the corruption stat. I know games can't be like real life. On the other hand I don't play games that are quick progression of next sex scenes and mostly forced. I believe myself rather liberal in my sexuality, but I don't find myself corrupted. And this freedom that I allow myself doesn't force me to do anything. t's more liberating yourself than breaking or wronging somehow.
I don't rant about the "corruption" stat in games, since I believe it to be a part of story making set of tools, like major tropes in literature, but honestly, it does set kind of expectations that I find myself disagreeing with.
What is corruption anyways?

Is it meant to codify a certain process of maturation young girls go through somewhere between the entering of puberty and college age, where they begin to have sex, learn to love it, learn how to get it, and how to get things in return for sex? A process of maturation, a coming of age story? When we look at corruption games that have male protagonists, the non-protagonist girls that get corrupted usually end up as cum-addicted, mindless cockslaves in the male protagonists harem, ready to beg for some nookie, as a transparent sexual power fantasy. Just play Akaburs stuff for examples of that. You can make the argument that this actually is indeed an example of maturation - complete submission to a lover. But if it turns a girl into a perfectly subservient harem member, what is corrupt about it?

In "retard in lechertown" games, it is typically a series of progressively more degrading sexual acts. First she gets forced by her boss into tolerating a groping, later is forced to blow him, and so forth until we're at the rock bottom stage of "raped by dogs and other beasts", but the character remains unchanged and clueless, with only the tolerance for degradation seemingly increased.

In non-linear open world games, (Girl Life, Chloe18, but also Claire's Quest) female protagonists tend to unlock more sexual activities, and these come closest to "Corruption as coming of age" - You need this many "slut points" to use the glory hole for things other than handjobs in Chloe18, and you need to have been deflowered to use the glory hole for anything other than blow jobs in Girl Life.

One of my favorite female protagonist is Sabia from Kingdom of Deception - After she is backstabbed by her family and raped and abducted by orcs in the opening sequence (that scene was since removed because of Patreon rules) she has no "honor" to lose and decides to recruit the orcs as her army to get her throne back, and in doing so, is willing to cajole, murder, and fuck every orc she comes across if it helps her achieve her goals. Is that corruption? You may call her a whore, as the first 'sex activity' you unlock is blowing Orcs for money, but there isn't really an element of *progressive* corruption to the character, just an escalation of completely optional debauchery.

So what is Corruption? Is it sexual experience? Is it sexual submission? Is it increasing the pain threshold for abuse a girl can take? Personally, I prefer GGGBs interpretation: A self-destructive downward spiral initiated by focusing on short term hedonistic pleasures. Becoming a "liberated" nymphomaniac or a skilled prostitute should be understood as a coming of age story. And "progressively lewd things happening to mentally deficient girls" is something else entirely.

As a tag, "Corruption" is useless.


I want to break free
Staff member
Apr 30, 2017
Kind late in the discussion, but my main problem with female leads is the lack of agency some of have, for example when I played Anna I got the feeling she was only ever reacting to stuff the was done to her instead of being her own woman. I actually like the game, she's beautiful, but it could be better. Unlike say Max from BB, who despite being a shitty human being and the game very low on actual choices, still feel like everything that happens in the game is a result of his actions.

On the other hand one thing I really like about leading ladies is that they usually can have more different scenes, dudes usually only go different shades of mee>seduce>fuck and sometimes an FFM threesome, females on the other hand can do all sort of content.


Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
I consider GGGB to be a deconstruction of the "corruption" porn game genre. While "bad" Ashley gets most of the dickings so far, but she's also a drug addicted prostitute pushing drugs for a gang that dropped out of college, who will - make no mistake about it - end up dead in a ditch. Meanwhile, "Good" Ashley also gets laid, because it's not the normal virgin-whore dichotomy. Sex is a function of the body, and the Good/Bad routes are more about how Ashley uses Sex, than making sex out to be a corrupt thing in itself.
This is true. What is great about Ashley though is that she doesn't ever have to go full corruption. Obviously I told the gang bangers to fuck off. That said it's binary morality system bugs the hell out of me as a writer, too limiting in Ashley's choices. But still, exactly the truth.

So what is Corruption? Is it sexual experience? Is it sexual submission? Is it increasing the pain threshold for abuse a girl can take? Personally, I prefer GGGBs interpretation: A self-destructive downward spiral initiated by focusing on short term hedonistic pleasures. Becoming a "liberated" nymphomaniac or a skilled prostitute should be understood as a coming of age story. And "progressively lewd things happening to mentally deficient girls" is something else entirely.
I define Corruption by the subversion of and training toward a sexual morality that is not the socially accepted norm. However, it is only corruption if the corrupted makes a choice to do these things. Otherwise it is invariably sexual assault. The reason for this is human psychology. If you are in a position where you're forced to do vile things to survive, you're going to do vile things. However, if you're able to get out you will always revert back to who you want to be, or more likely, take a harder stance on your sexual morality than before. However if you are willing to go along with the degradation of your traditional morality then you are corrupted.

In this sense it isn't about the acts perpetuated, but instead about the psychology of the character. I would make the argument, from the outside, that Ashley, Tabitha, Chloe, and etc are all being liberated sexually. However from their perspective they are corrupting what they once were (a little less for Tabitha, but that's because of what she is). Conversely when we look at characters like Katie from Katie's corruption if she makes the intelligent and normal decision to fight, she reverts back to who she was before. Look at Anna of Anna's Exciting Affection and no matter how depraved the act she's coerced into, she goes right back to being her normal self. That's what makes those games so infuriating. The MC isn't being corrupted, she's being assaulted.