Female Protagonist game lovers-Are you.....?

Fem-Pro lovers-Are you...?

  • Straight Male

    Votes: 1,088 66.7%
  • Straight Female

    Votes: 129 7.9%
  • Gay

    Votes: 23 1.4%
  • Lesbian

    Votes: 72 4.4%
  • Bisexual Male

    Votes: 191 11.7%
  • Bisexual Female

    Votes: 129 7.9%

  • Total voters


Game Developer
Dec 27, 2019
I care for a character im playing as such i get to attached to lets say female character its part of the reason why i dont play porn games with female protagonists, i would hate to run up on unexpected or untagged degradation of my character, so i just dont.
Im not into the wholesomes in my porn, im more into seeing how fucked up i can get as such i like playing as a male character.
If i wanted to read a wholesome yuri story then i would probs read some manga or a book.

Meaning Less

Engaged Member
Sep 13, 2016
video games are a completely different industry with different people, different audiences, and different goals, that is why what is popular in porn is not reflected in games
So why are you arguing if you agree? because the person that brough real porn to the equation was to deny my point that it is less popular in games.
Any guy looking for pure lesbian games probably isn't straight.
Lesbian porn is one of the biggest industries and one of the most searched terms on every porn website...i really wished that would mean most woman are lesbians, but nooo, the ones who watch most lesbian porn are straight guys...okay, i can understand it, i mean, who wants to look at dicks? Especially huge porn dicks ^^
Jun 6, 2022
So why are you arguing if you agree? because the person that brough real porn to the equation was to deny my point that it is less popular in games.
First of all I didn't follow that comment, someone here asked for numbers to confirm that lesbian porn is one of the most popular and I gave them to him.

Then the rest of the discussion happened because you and they started spouting bullshit like that guy saying why straights like lesbian porn, as if he knew what everyone thinks and likes, you trying to deny the above by bringing up arguments that in Japan it is not when it had nothing to do with it.

in previous comments you are the one who didn't want to accept that lesbian porn is one of the most famous by putting as an argument that was not on a hentai manga site.

also learn to read because she has not denied that point , all of us who seek lesbian games we know that this is the sad reality.
she was just counter-arguing the nonsense you say that.
Any guy looking for pure lesbian games probably isn't straight.
whether you were so dumb that you did not understand what she said is up to you.
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Meaning Less

Engaged Member
Sep 13, 2016
she was just counter-arguing the nonsense you say that.
Any guy looking for pure lesbian games probably isn't straight.
And how is this nonsense exactly... Where are they guys looking exclusively for pure lesbian games then?

If they existed there would be many of those games, reality is that most straight guys when looking for female protag games want to see them being fucked, simple as that.
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Jun 6, 2022
And how is this nonsense exactly... Where are they guys looking exclusively for pure lesbian games then?

If they existed there would be many of those games, reality is that most straight guys when looking for female protag games want to see them being fucked, simple as that.
Are you really that stupid? can't you read?

no one has said that lesbian games are popular, no one has said that lots of men like to play that kind of games.

You know that minorities exist? and before you come out with some other stupidity, I mean "statistical minorities", because it is stupid to say that if there are some men who like lesbian games there would be many more lesbian games, that there are some who like it does not mean that everyone likes it, and above all does not mean that they are the majority or a significant part of it.

those men exist some have commented here, they also comment in lesbian games, simply those men are a minority.

the nonsense that was being counter-argued is that you said that
Any guy looking for pure lesbian games probably isn't straight. They are in fact lesbians trapped inside a man's body.
You are the one who refuses to accept that they do exist because you don't like those games.

and also nobody has said that men who like lesbian games, just look for that kind of games, people have several and different tastes, just because I like football doesn't mean I don't like basketball and of course there are also people who only like one thing, everyone has their own tastes.

from the little I've been here I've come across some lesbian only games, that are played by several people and are doing well, and I doubt very much that only lesbians play it , especially when there are men commenting on those games and liking them.

well it will be better to ignore you, with everything I see you commenting here I only see an moron wanting to create debate when he doesn't even have reading comprehension, and I have no patience for morons.
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Meaning Less

Engaged Member
Sep 13, 2016
especially when there are men commenting on those games and liking them.
And do you know if they are straight?

Because this discussion started with Virulenz claiming that straight guys don't play female protagonist games, only gays do. When in fact results point the exact opposite where gays are the least interested in them.
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Jun 6, 2022
And do you know if they are straight?

Because this discussion started with Virulenz claiming that straight guys don't play female protagonist games, only gays do. When in fact results point the exact opposite where gays are the least interested in them.
I didn't know I had to put the unwatch, so I got your last stupidity, I also didn't know that you could ignore a user by clicking on the profile picture, something I'm already going to do to avoid reading the new thing you will surely comment on.

but well, in response to your latest bullshit.

what she has said or not is irrelevant, because the nonsense we are discussing was said to mk97 and she has never said that, and the last discussions that started here started between you and her, not with virulenz.

I hope it doesn't bother them but

Straight Male, the only FMC games I was able to enjoy were the full lesbian ones, with no straight content. Games such as Bad Memories and Mythos even allow you to play as a straight male as well, so it's pretty much a similar experience as playing with your usual male MC.
I'll admit, I tend to play as female when it comes to role-playing games like Skyrim, not to bias my gender and sexual preference. I am a straight man after all. Plus when I get the chance, I'd like to play lesbian focused games or ones with a lesbian path in them. Lesbian is one of my favorite adult genres.
here there are 2 straight men who have commented here who like lesbian games something that according to you doesn't exist.
and that was just using the search, if I start reading every comment I might find another one and as I said it's only here, in lesbian games threads there are more.


Forum Fanatic
Sep 28, 2018
Lesbian paths are popular in FMC games. Lesbians like them for obvious reasons, and male players like them because they're typically more romantic than the other paths in the game and add more variety. And female on female corruption is usually more erotic than more standard male on female corruption. So stuff like that is extra popular, like Sophia/Ellie in AWAM or Jessica/Heather in JOHN. The most popular paths in Red String are the lesbian paths too.

And the whole thing about self-inserting....I don't think I've ever saw a female player on here say they self-insert. Pretty much all of them play for the story and erotic content. Porn in general, including lesbian porn, is targeted towards men. Porn games are no different. Men may be used to "self-inserting" but women are not, they just like porn and a story. When a guy plays a FMC game, lesbian or not, he isn't self-inserting. He just wants hot girls to do hot things. It's well known that lesbian porn is very popular among men.

Immersing into the story, and immersing into a character in the story are completely different things.
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Engaged Member
Sep 27, 2017
and what is japanese style?
In one word: censored

Meaning Less
You read what you want to read, not what people write. I never claimed straight guys dont play FP, in fact i even refered to the high number of straight males that voted here. I just said it feels unnatural if straight guys play dickhunter games. I also explained the self insertion aspect. Now add these two statements and you will see that guys who play dickhunter games from the viewpoint of everyone playing with self insertion look pretty gay in their dickhunt. If you prefer to get fucked by as many dicks as possible its just not a straight argument for a male player. But if you are just one of the horny apes who move their character from fuck to fuck so you can fap without giving a shit about story, characters or anything else regarding actual gameplay...well, then i give up trying to talk to you. I play games to play games, my protagonists dont do things i would never do irl. So my female protagonists never hunt dicks and every game that dont gives me the choice to avoid guys will end in my recycle bin and never gets a second chance again and my male protagonists build harems and never share girls with any other dick while i dont care if the girls play with each other or other girls. Its a shame there are so few lesbian harem games, the professional developers focus on romance and/or first time lesbian experience, well, at least there are a few, better than nothing. However, i digress, up to the next.

@...erm...name forgotten, thought i quoted it...however, the person who didnt believe the popularity of lesbian porn
Use the search engine of your choice and type "most searched porn"...aside from a few results for porn actors you will get millions of results from all around the world over the last 50 years, pick any result you want and lesbian will be in the top 5. You dont need to believe me, you dont need to be into it yourself, but you cant change the truth.

There are many yuri games out there and most of the professional VN developers made some, a few make even more yuri than straight, beast or lolicon. Point is, the professionals mostly show in one direction for each game, mixing stuff up and letting the player choose their route is rare in japanese games, at best there is one lesbian (or one gay for male protagonists) you could chase, but overall they focus each game on one genre. Its the same with the big western developers, they learned their community is not happy with straight only stuff in their games, so most games with romance options got an alternative character, see mass effect (the asari give a fuck about genders...dont know for the male protagonist because i never played a male there), dragon age (leliana and zefran, both bi and for male and female protagonist available, at least i think zef is not only talking about it, again, never played a male there) or whatever.
Ask the uploaders why they dont bring more yuri games over. Here however its mostly the learning and milking devs who upload their (unfinished) stuff to improve their hardware, buy assets, earn money without moving their ass, or just share their kinks and/or improve their scripting and arts. Many of them focus on quick faps because thats what the stupids here want (they call f95 a porn site and dont even think about the gaming and developers work in progress), some have a good story and builtup, however, they are here and to earn money here you need to make stuff that focus the majority...look at the poll results again and guess the majority here, then compare it to the last updates...

I am female and i cant play any game without self insertion. Thats the whole point of gaming in general. Just watching some interactive movie or book isnt gaming.
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Meaning Less

Engaged Member
Sep 13, 2016
I play games to play games, my protagonists dont do things i would never do irl.
And that's why you can't understand people playing games without self-inserting, because you don't care about the protagonist, you completely ignore her likes and dislikes and just care about yourself and what you like.

People that don't self-insert aren't horny apes, we just connect with characters without having to project ourselves into them, if I'm playing as a straight woman why would I force her to be lesbian?...

That was my whole argument previously, basically every lesbian that can play games without self-inserting will enjoy most femprotag games because they all are focused on a woman, regardless if she is lesbian/straight/bi a woman is still in focus on every sexual interaction.


Engaged Member
Sep 27, 2017
Ah, you care about the cumthirsty sluts you force into gangrapes and corrupted submission...good to know they have a white knight in cumming armor that knows how to make them feel however he wants...

I dont play straight woman and most lesbians will avoid the same...its not about that you play, but how...and lesbians are naturally no dickhunters ^^
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Meaning Less

Engaged Member
Sep 13, 2016
Ah, you care about the cumthirsty sluts you force into gangrapes and corrupted submission...
Well, if they end up turning into cumthirsty sluts and are enjoying it, why wouldn't I also enjoy it? That's the thing, most of those games depict the female enjoying it.
Correct if I'm wrong, but isn't the desire when being a lesbian to also satisfy your partner rather than just yourself? If you dated a straight woman that liked being penetrated you would probably use dildos and such.

That's one big flaw with many maleprotag games, they focus on the male being satisfied rather than the girls he is banging, most of them end up being neglected, which sounds a lot less appealing to me since I don't care about guys cumming.

Wolf Larsen

Active Member
Feb 25, 2018
so most games with romance options got an alternative character, see mass effect (the asari give a fuck about genders...dont know for the male protagonist because i never played a male there), dragon age (leliana and zefran, both bi and for male and female protagonist available, at least i think zef is not only talking about it, again, never played a male there) or whatever.
Male Shepard can romance Kaidan and Cortez. Kaidan wasn't bi until ME3, I think this was done to balance Liara and Traynor.

Zevran is bi (he harassed the hell outta my character until I finally told him that I liked women) and everyone in DA2 is bi except Sebastian, in DAI you have Dorian and Iron Bull as opposed to Sera and Josephine.

Most of the time things were quite balanced. The straight male usually has two options, just like the lesbian characters.

Edit: And I always play as a dude by the way. Some of the dudes kept hitting on my characters and the lesbians rejected me :cry:
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Engaged Member
Mar 6, 2019
You are not the center of the universe, just because you like it a certain way doesn't mean that others do too.
I just explain why in the ranking charts the lesbian porn is at the first 10 position...
you are saing just bullshit
Are you the center of the the Universe?
Why you are suddenly so pissed off with my great opinion?
maybe I hit a weak point of yours? :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
if you think it's just because the models are beautiful then surprise many of them also do straight porn, and it's also not the fact that there are 2 beautiful women on the screen because lesbian is more viewed than threesomes.
Very stupid replay!
but for sure i never said that!
(THERE was just some typing ,istakes,,, i have correct
I just say that in lesbian porn USUALLY there are more yonger and beautiful girl
try to read carefully before shooting bullshit
And also what kind of loser needs lesbian porn to try to seduce a woman, you are not able to do it by yourself? strategy of what, showing her something you can't give her?
I think you never gone in a date with a new girl...
What I was trying to say fits well with males who are trying to find a new girl ... and during foreplay watching lesbian porn together while sipping wine and champagne and smoking good weed can be a good idea to make the night a success.

(of course instead lesbian porn you can use a romance regular movie.. but in order

How many dates with new girls have you done?
seems to be that are like some loser who has only been with one girl in your life and maybe now you are alone.

well done foreplay is the only way to have a nice evening with a happy ending and for sure lesbian porn is definitely a refined and not raunchy way to understand for the girl is ok to have sex or if she wants to be taken home.

unless you want to rape her in real life it is always women who decide whether or not to have sex ... obviously I'm talking about first dates
... the thing changes a lot if you have been in a relationship with her for many years.
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Engaged Member
Sep 27, 2017
Correct if I'm wrong, but isn't the desire when being a lesbian to also satisfy your partner rather than just yourself? If you dated a straight woman that liked being penetrated you would probably use dildos and such.
I generally only focus on the girls, i can even get off without anyone including myself touching me, all i need is a pussy to devour...seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling and tasting how crazy i make her is enough for me. I dont complain about some payback, but i dont really need it.
Try to think before you type, why should a straight woman date a lesbian or vice versa? And if you meant bi, i dont date bisexuals. I am in a poly lifetime relationship since childhood. We both had and have many girls on the side, some since childhood, others since 10+ years, some just for spontanous fun. A few are just in for the orgies and dont want any 1on1 or 1on2 action. I never touched a dildo in my whole life and i cant enjoy eating a pussy if my poor brain cant stop screaming "there was a dick in it"

Well, i didnt see many harem games were the girls dont orgasms like there is no tomorrow. But the male cumming part is really disgusting....i can life with cumming inside and having a clean finish, but the messy habit of some devs to threw liters of cum around...bäh

Wolf Larsen
I know that feeling...so many times i cheatedited savegames just to get tali in the captains bed...

What I was trying to say fits well with males who are trying to find a new girl ... and during foreplay watching lesbian porn together while sipping wine and champagne and smoking good weed can be a good idea to make the night a success.
You need alkohol, drugs and porn to get girls in your bed? They always say "be yourself" but if you need that all you may try not being yourself to get what you want much cheaper and faster...
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Meaning Less

Engaged Member
Sep 13, 2016
Try to think before you type, why should a straight woman date a lesbian or vice versa?
We aren't talking about dating, but porn games... I see you are one of those people that can't compartmentalize reality from fantasy.
Have you never fantasized about having sex with a straight woman? because every single guy that fantasizes about lesbian porn is because they are thinking of joining in or "turning them straight"... That's why almost every game that depics lesbian sex puts a dick in them after.


Engaged Member
Sep 27, 2017
We aren't talking about dating, but porn games... I see you are one of those people that can't compartmentalize reality from fantasy.
Have you never fantasized about having sex with a straight woman? because every single guy that fantasizes about lesbian porn is because they are thinking of joining in or "turning them straight"... That's why almost every game that depics lesbian sex puts a dick in them after.
You can try deny what you said, but i literally quoted what you said first thing in the post and only answered to it.
And you dont see anything...my fantasy world is a world without dicks while my reality is running a woman shelter with big sis and needing to listen to multiple terrible storys about guys 12h every fucking day.
Straight, bi or lesbian dont matters in fantasy because my fantasy is always dickfree. However, i dont waste much time with fantasy, if i see a girl i want i dont waste time with fantasies and just go to her, if she's not interestet there are enough other girls to try my luck or i just call one of the girls who almost never say no to me/us.

Meaning Less

Engaged Member
Sep 13, 2016
You can try deny what you said, but i literally quoted what you said first thing in the post and only answered to it.
Well, words are important, I clearly stated "if" which implies a fictional dating situation, and even then you couldn't imagine such scenario and had to bring your real life situation into the mix, which clearly doesn't matter, I don't care if you are a lesbian, if you are married, if you have kids or even if you suck dicks or not.

The only interesting thing to me was why do you hate straight guys playing female protag games so much, and in general I already figured out, it is because there are less pure lesbian games because of them.
It is basically the same argument ntr-haters have for people that enjoy swinging, voyeurism, bukkake and any kink that might involve another man.

It all boils down to some sort of dick envy or insecurity related to seeing a girl enjoying herself without "you". Which is something exclusive to self-inserters.
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