And Sunshaded, well, I owed you a long response for a while, so...
Just to make a small note, in case it was on your mind: don't worry that I'd wondered where your response was all this time, because I'd just assumed you didn't respond earlier because you didn't have any more specific comments on the subject. Nice to hear more of your thoughts, though.
A lot of this is addressed to Mister_M, but I think that in general it is sound advice, especially the part about potentially contacting a mod to edit the OP with a link to the doc (Google or otherwise - ravenleaf also made a good point that it's perhaps better to use other software) with the updated list, although I'm not sure even the mods are allowed by website policy to do that kind of thing. (it's definitely worth asking though) I don't think Mister_M started working on anything yet, as we've both collectively agreed to give Aseratrix a 3 month period to return, and I've also been pretty busy and absent as of late.
Got it, I'm glad to hear you guys are on top of things!
Fair point, and yes I agree. "Reverse rape" to me is a femdom trait, but the most vanilla-leaning one there is, (I mean, it's just sex initiated on the female actor's terms with the male party often even enjoying it, just with him not having given consent or being at first embarrased by the act) so if the majority of a game's content is "reverse rape", but there are no other femdom fetishes depicted whatsoever, I will not really consider that a femdom game.
Agreed. The one point I'd add, since you used the word "initiated" there, is that IMO if it's initiated non-consensually but the male party
does have the physical and mental ability to effectively resist or separate but implicitly chooses
not to, it's not truly reverse rape by my definition. But even then, sadly a lot of Japanese games have ambiguous writing where it's just vaguely implied that the protagonist is too weakened or scared or whatever to physically resist, but it's far from made obvious that he can't. And often, I think the fact it's written like that is a deliberate attempt to also market the game to people who want to be able to deceive themselves into viewing it as a vanilla scene, or who just can't stand "humiliation". So this is why I agree it's very vanilla...
And I won't argue the terminology of "reverse rape" - yes rape is rape and it's ofc all morally repugnant irl, but especially on a porn site it's crucial to have a distinction between fictional media that depicts male-intiated vs female-initiated rape... The term has its problems, but, given that over 90% of all sex crimes are committed by males in most countries, it's a very... intuitive thing to call female-initiated rape "reverse rape", so I'm not opposed to using the term, especially as it already has wide recognition and replacing it with a better label would be hard to achieve.
More random Japanese facts from me, since I always think about this whenever people criticize the term reverse rape: For the record, the word "reverse" (gyaku) in this context is Japanese is a general cultural term which means "the expected sex[es] is/are reversed". For example, a "reverse harem" refers to a harem of men. "Reverse nanpa" means women picking up men on the street. And thus "reverse rape" means a woman raping a man (note that it doesn't mean a woman raping a woman). So, the term is not meant to be some comment on the idea that a woman raping a man is "backwards" or "wrong" or that it's in any way
not rape. Like you said, it's just shorthand for a woman rapes a man. Of course, you'd be justified if you criticized Japanese culture for creating this colloquialism which has a connotation of being less serious than ordinary rape, as being sexist. But it's not like we don't have awkward gender-reversed terms in English anyway, like man-whore (and it's not like
all cultures don't take rape less seriously when the perp is a woman or the
victim survivor is a man). Language is dumb.
This is extremely close to my definition (and I agree NNN might fit it - I just haven't played enough of it to accurately assess whether the majority of its scenes are femdom or not) and actually condenses all of my 3 points in a very succint manner - thanks! The only extra qualifier I'd strap-on to it (

- not that much of a pegging fan myself but pun intended

) is that if there is a relationship dynamic in the game between the sub and the mistress(es), even outside of sex scenes, that relationship should also be either a vanilla one, a secret "friends with benefits" type of deal or ideally either a proper female-led relationship or full-on femdom enslavement, not a male-led one. (so, I wouldn't judge it a femdom game if a male MC gets his GF to dominate him in bed but still makes all the decisions and acts dominant in non-erotic situations without that situation changing, although I've only seen this in a few stories, not in any games I can think of)
That's a good qualifier to add, one that I'm sure Aseratrix would agree with too. I mean, at some point, you can argue that someone just took a vanilla or maledom game, thought to themselves "Hey, if I add this one plot point, it'll technically be femdom if I interpret 'dominant' vaguely enough!" and slapped on some weak justification. Like how I think Aseratrix provided the example before of a "mistress" ordering a slave to rape her. And well, IRL I wouldn't look down on a mistress who did that (real women can be into both femdom and maledom if they feel like it) but in a game that's meant to appeal to me, as a femdom fan? No thanks. Anyway, this helps me understand how you felt about Tachibana in NNN.
This I actually wanted to ask about - could you recommend a few of these games with predatory heroines? (I assume female MC lezdom/femdom?) The only Moster Girl Games I played and liked, besides MGQ and MGQ Paradox ofc, (which have characters/parts of the plot I absolutely loved) were I think 1 or 2 MGQ clones I can't remember the name of (not the "Violated Hero" series - haven't tried all of them but I could never get into those) and Peniban quest. I'd really appreciate some more recommendations from a source I trust like yourself, even if these games are mostly focused on reverse rape!
Hmm... I'll give it a shot, but I think I might not be able to offer many good recommendations.

Maybe I should first say as a disclaimer that by predatory heroines, I meant that very broadly... in contrast to heroines who look at the male MC as not just a lump of flesh for them to fuck (an attitude which often leads to basically aggressive sex instead of reverse rape), "predatory" would just meant they see him as someone who they want to defeat, to dominate in the sense of make unable to resist, and then fuck, and that is what he primarily means to them. And so I'm not sure this is a "hard" enough scenario for you, because it doesn't necessitate her truly
looking down on him as a person would look down on another. I guess what I'm saying is that it's more about animalistic predatory behavior than human predatory/villainous behavior. To add to this, honestly, I haven't played too many monster girl or succubus game myself, as I'm partial to BDSM, and so I'm often bored by them and their largely cliche plots. So with all this in mind, as far as predatory monster girl (are you okay with succubi too?) heroines are concerned, I'll share the ones that I would say most fit the definition of predatory.
abadguy87 If, like baxtus said, by snu-snu you meant death by snu-snu, you might be interested in this too, specifically the first game Succubus Prison.