Recommending Femdom Finder

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Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
Is that an Islamic prayer? (I'm not very familiar with Islamic religious terms, but that sounds like I've heard similar phrases before)
I think it means "his makima(?) is great", with "makima" a masculine noun.


Nov 14, 2020
Please vote on these pics, I need some feedback:
A tough choice. I'd underline the second one (because it has a leashed boy and headpats), but the tone isn't serious enough. The girl sitting on a boy is quite rad, but too cartoony. I'd concur with Ravenleaf on the last one's eyes, although checklist-wise for me, the eye-patched Nazi girl with a whip and thighhighs would take the gold (she doesn't seem so harsh... yeah).

Although at the same time, the lady in the rain is the most neutral of the bunch, would be relatively comfortable with putting her on my profile myself. Too ambiguous to misjudge.

Regarding the ones I didn't like: 1) because the pastel artstyle irks me the wrong way (amazing drawing otherwise); I'm not much a fan of skulls; and finally, the dragon/foot girl in the suit is almost perfect, but the sculpture scared me away.

...Dash that, the dragon/foot girl oozes femdom. That image is what I would instantly lose to in a typical plot-driven game. (I'm not into harsh femdom, I would personally rate maledom as 2/10, vanilla as 5/10, harsh femdom 7/10, gentle femdom 10/10, so I will usually take harsh, but as a means towards a gentle goal, though not towards anything vanilla.)

(This was merely my justification behind my reasoning for my personal ranking of the images, don't mind me.)
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Engaged Member
Dec 16, 2019
A tough choice. I'd underline the second one (because it has a leashed boy and headpats), but the tone isn't serious enough. The girl sitting on a boy is quite rad, but too cartoony. I'd concur with Ravenleaf on the last one's eyes, although checklist-wise for me, the eye-patched Nazi girl with a whip and thighhighs would take the gold (she doesn't seem so harsh... yeah).

Although at the same time, the lady in the rain is the most neutral of the bunch, would be relatively comfortable with putting her on my profile myself. Too ambiguous to misjudge.

Regarding the ones I didn't like: 1) because the pastel artstyle irks me the wrong way (amazing drawing otherwise); I'm not much a fan of skulls; and finally, the dragon/foot girl in the suit is almost perfect, but the sculpture scared me away.

...Dash that, the dragon/foot girl oozes femdom. That image is what I would instantly lose to in a typical plot-driven game. (I'm not into harsh femdom, I would personally rate maledom as 2/10, vanilla as 5/10, harsh femdom 7/10, gentle femdom 10/10, so I will usually take harsh, but as a means towards a gentle goal, though not towards anything vanilla.)

(This was merely my justification behind my reasoning for my personal ranking of the images, don't mind me.)
I'd give you a like for this comment, but I ran out of likes, the system tells me. But thanks for the feedback! :)


Nov 11, 2018
Okay, my two cents on the pics...
First comes the rain. She looks like she's taking her time planning how to torture her victim to get what she needs from them.
Second is the chrome. "what shall we do to him, dear Yorick", she asks, patting poor Yorick's skull.
Third is the dragon. "really?! I've dispatched your guards, and now it's your turn. Here, let me cover your gargoyle's head. They wouldn't like seeing what I'll do to you."
Hypnoeyes takes the fourth position, reenforcing her dominance and my submission along the way.
Red scar is fifth, walking away from the flames of her last conquest, a partial smile as she sees her next conquest - me.
Sixth is Ilsa, she wolf of the SS. I like the style, but she lost a lot of points for the Nazi symbols. She could've been just fine with different insignia, that don't carry that legacy.
The desserts are seventh. Does nothing for me.
The chair is eightth. She seems dissatisfied. He seems in bliss.
The shirt is last. It's a better drawing than the chair, but carries even less context.


Active Member
Apr 15, 2020
Aseratrix For me the favourite pics have to be 4, 9, 5 and 1 in this order, but I agree the 4th wouldn't work too well as an avater as probably the feet would be cropped out. 1 reminds of Kaileena the Empress of Time, a character from Prince of Persia: Warrior Within. (a game from some 12-13 years ago) She's a dual-wielding immortal being with time magic who rules over a mystical island of time and a pretty dominant badass. Also, when it comes to the swastika, I too missed it the first 2 times I saw the picture, and I really have no excuse given I just came back from watching an episode of "The Man in the High Castle", which is just full of nazi uniforms everywhere! :LOL: To be fair I told it's at least an SS-inspired uniform based on the Reichsadler and skull on the hat, but damn that symbol is easy to miss!

"A submissive woman can be assertive and demand you do things to her, but that doesn't make her sexually dominant which is the only minimal requirement for her to be a female dominant."

In this sentence of mine there is an obvious, pre-fetish condition: a female who is sexually dominant will not ask you to do things which expresses dominance from your part. This term, "expresses" is very important. You can't have a power dynamic without an expression of it, just like ideas need symbols or words to exist.

Many subs - lets be honest - are tempted to manipulate or demand a partner to satisfy our specific kinks, the best way I heard this put by a dominant woman is, that in this case we are talking about a "service-dom", aka domination as a service <- in this case the male is only after satisfying kinks but he is not fundamentally submissive, and the woman may not even be dominant, just a service provider in exchange for money for example. While a real-life, sexually dominant woman would not be interested to just service the kinks of someone, she may use them as rewards instead if it agrees with her. So, this point is really quite the opposite of fetish-driven, but also recognizes that the type of actions [not just nameable fetishes] have an inherent top or bottom quality to them. Just think about it, if someone asks you to slap her, and you do, what really happened in that scenario? What worries me is, that by not recognizing the inherently passive/submissive nature of the demanded act itself, can basically flip the power-dynamics itself on its head. Just imagine a sarcastic game which would declare that its femdom, only for you to realize that you are beating, slapping, face-fucking and whipping females in it, because "they asked for it", so its it really? It would be ridiculous to say so in my opinion. The premised power-dynamics would be completely abolished and turned against itself by the actions which are supposed to express said power-dynamics.
I think I largely agree with this - I can understand how for someone who is mainly into maledom the female sub manipulating a sexual interaction with a dom and/or demanding things could feel not-maledom-enough, but I agree that viewing any such thing as femdom is probably something she does out of personal preference. (and she likely just rationalized it later with the "power-dynamic" logic)

Subs can be demanding, as you've outlined in the service-dom example, and even though I'd argue any narrative with a very demanding sub will always present dilluted femdom/maledom, how the domination is expressed, rather than who it is demanded or influenced by, is a far better criterion to tell which kind of domination it is and who is doing it. To be fair I actually argued against this point of hers most of the time when we talked, and I made somewhat similar points to the ones above, but damn I wish I could've come up with an example as good as the "sarcastic femdom game" to highlight the shortcomings of her perception of femdom! That one's a brilliant counterpoint and I'm stealing it from you! :LOL:

"In terms of fetishes femdom is literally endless, since there are many unique ways of expressing and receiving dominance, or how others have conceptualized it: power-exchange."

Sure almost - with an emphasis on almost any activity - can be done in dynamic circumstances which transform it into a dominant or a submissive act. For example if a female is tied up and receives cunnilingus, she may be interpreted to be in a passive, submissive position. This is why I once said to Ianuda, when he said that cunnilingus is the inherent femdom expression, that that's not true, it depends how that cunnilingus is received, demanded and performed, because by itself its part of regular vanilla sex. It is the intentions, the positioning, the verbal and circumstantial constraints which can transform cunnilingus into a form of femdom worship or a form of expression of female power by extracting pleasure from you as a service to her....

Anyhow, it was an interesting dialogue.
With regards to this point, I think we're actually all in agreement. Ultimately, the circumstances in which almost any sexual act is received, demanded and performed can heavily swing the balance of power one way or the other, and this holds true for blowjobs, cunnilingus and a whole slew of other kinks.

Interesting. But asking a sub female about femdom is kinda ambiguous, I think, everybody is trying to match things to their taste.
Just to clarify things a bit, I never went into that conversation trying to get a submissive straight woman to alter my perception of femdom - I merely found it interesting how she would focus on completely different elements of a sexual act than the ones I would look at to decide whether it's purely maledom/femdom. And that in turn made me think that while the chasm in our perception of female domination is certainly narrower, ("our" here refers to all people who like femdom) ultimately all humans have a partly-subjective view of concepts, ideas and actions, so in some cases what's submissive to most will be dominant or won't matter to others, ergo I do not think you, or anyone for that matter, can objectively define femdom in a way that's satisfactory to all femdom lovers. And that's fine - they'll still all appreciate the hard work you put into compilling this huge list even if they have slight disagreements with your definition, as there's bound to be at least something in there for everyone!

Good luck with settling on the avatar and, as always, it was a pleasure catching up with you!
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Active Member
Apr 15, 2020
Nazi(-inspired) swastikas were (are?) somewhat popular in Japan, a lot of bands (from Dir en grey through punk bands to some pop acts; less than 3 yrs ago there was a K-pop band that used swastikas as part of their gimmick) were using swastikas or nazi armbands with them as part of their costumes; just on 10th of October a nazi themed bar opened in Osaka. They often treat it mostly as a part of military theme and/or decoration (the same as catholic crosses [there is at least 1 vampire film, where vampire is using crosses, where the cross becomes symbol of evil]). Since the dawn of Internet this behavior becomes more and more rare (especially with internationally popular acts), I can't imagine guitarist of Dir en grey appearing with a nazi armband nowadays without causing an outrage online.

BTW 卐 this was a swastika used by nazis and they never used this one 卍.
I think this might be related to how Japan tends to be very unapologetic of its Imperial past, not teach anything in schools about its many attrocities and war crimes (like unit 731, the rape of Nanjing, the Siam-Burma railway etc) and generally romanticizes its former fascist regime even in some anime and manga. I'm just spitballing here as I don't know the real reason behind the popularity of swastikas there, but I know for a fact that the Rising Sun flag is still openly used in Japan and that even high ranked government officials (including former PM Shinzo Abe) have in the last few years paid their respects to class A war criminals burried at the Yasukuni shrine, so even if the swastika phenomenon is completely unrelated to this, Japan still has many issues when it comes to its collective memory and educational portrayal of ww2. Still, glad to hear the internet helped curb this trend at least! :)
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Active Member
Nov 16, 2017
"Nothing is forever" is one of my favourite games here atm. It's a slow burn game, where women are portrayed
in a way more realistic way, than in most other adult VN, and therefore you won't see one sex scene after another from the start. I think it makes the eventual sex scenes more meaningful. It's a matter of taste though I guess. Well if you don't mind that, then you should definitely give it a try. It's really unique compared to many other adult VN. Content after two updates is quite big already too. Taking roughly six hours to play through, if you properly read the text.

Concerning femdom content there are three out of seven character I would already count as clear femdom options going forward. Quoting the developer of the game here, all characters will even have some form of content in that regard:
My idea is that, whether you play as a dominant or submissive, you will be able to have scenes with all the girls. However, the paths won't be the same length, some girls will have more content with dominant players, others with submissive players. Also, not all paths will lead to a "happy ending".


Engaged Member
Apr 2, 2018
I think this might be related to how Japan tends to be very unapologetic of its Imperial past, not teach anything in schools about its many attrocities and war crimes (like unit 731, the rape of Nanjing, the Siam-Burma railway etc) and generally romanticizes its former fascist regime even in some anime and manga. I'm just spitballing here as I don't know the real reason behind the popularity of swastikas there, but I know for a fact that the Rising Sun flag is still openly used in Japan and that even high ranked government officials (including former PM Shinzo Abe) have in the last few years paid their respects to class A war criminals burried at the Yasukuni shrine, so even if the swastika phenomenon is completely unrelated to this, Japan still has many issues when it comes to its collective memory and educational portrayal of ww2. Still, glad to hear the internet helped curb this trend at least! :)
You're absolutely right, but I wouldn't necessarily connect use of swastikas in pop culture as part of their imperialistic, racist desires (at least for the most part). A lot of bands that use(d) swastikas - especially punk groups or aforementioned Dir en grey at the early days - are for the most part anti-government and anti-imperialistic. With them it's mostly part of a shock tactic, "look how egdy we are" approach or (as with the mentioned Korean pop band) part of the militiaristic theme chosen purely from aestethic reasons without care/knowledge of the connotations. More often than not it comes from the ignorance and not real support of nazi or similar regimes. I'm not writing it to defend them, on the contrary, I am against blind usage of this and similar symbols, but I thought about adding some context. And it's not only about swastikas, just few months ago Japanese band Merry was bashed online for their use of blackface for the promo photoshoot. Writing this post I looked at their twitter to see if these photos are still there and their whole account is deleted now.
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May 30, 2017
"Nothing is forever" is one of my favourite games here atm. It's a slow burn game, where women are portrayed
in a way more realistic way, than in most other adult VN, and therefore you won't see one sex scene after another from the start. I think it makes the eventual sex scenes more meaningful. It's a matter of taste though I guess. Well if you don't mind that, then you should definitely give it a try. It's really unique compared to many other adult VN. Content after two updates is quite big already too. Taking roughly six hours to play through, if you properly read the text.

Concerning femdom content there are three out of seven character I would already count as clear femdom options going forward. Quoting the developer of the game here, all characters will even have some form of content in that regard:
My idea is that, whether you play as a dominant or submissive, you will be able to have scenes with all the girls. However, the paths won't be the same length, some girls will have more content with dominant players, others with submissive players. Also, not all paths will lead to a "happy ending".
Thanks for the answer. I tried but it feel somewhat vanilla compare to many thing I saw, the skill tree says different but for now just one girl seems to give the vibes of dom.


Engaged Member
Apr 2, 2018
Thanks for the answer. I tried but it feel somewhat vanilla compare to many thing I saw, the skill tree says different but for now just one girl seems to give the vibes of dom.
It's def a slow burn, but the dev promises gradual rise of the intensity of h scenes, but for now we have only one femdom scene, which is undeniably quite soft (especially when contrasted to most of the games we play here). Personally I like this more realistic approach and find the whole game interesting and rather rewarding. My only problem with the h scenes (the femdom one in particular) is that it seems to be mostly created for the plot reasons and less for the aim to arouse the player, so I liked it in general context but didn't find it particularly exciting.
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May 30, 2017
It's def a slow burn, but the dev promises gradual rise of the intensity of h scenes, but for now we have only one femdom scene, which is undeniably quite soft (especially when contrasted to most of the games we play here). Personally I like this more realistic approach and find the whole game interesting and rather rewarding. My only problem with the h scenes (the femdom one in particular) is that it seems to be mostly created for the plot reasons and less for the aim to arouse the player, so I liked it in general context but didn't find it particularly exciting.
I felt the same way but just as I said for now aside from the clear dom chracater the other doesn't feel like they will go anywhere, but let's where it goes.
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5.00 star(s) 10 Votes