Alright, I'm not one to usually leave bad reviews, so I'll air my criticism here in hopes that it's me, not the game. Just had the first tutorial fight, and during that fight, basically nothing worked as explained by the game, which is almost worse than not having a tutorial at all. Namely, the game says I need to tap or hold 1 to heal, 2 to breath, and I forgot what 3,4,5 do, because they didn't do anything at all in the first fight. 1 and 2 seemed to be on a cooldown timer and I couldn't speed or slow that by tapping or holding or anything, so far as I could tell. I had a bar with a brain next to it, that I didn't seem able to refill, and I couldn't tell what it did, or how it was damaged, but when it ran out, I lost. Also, as the fight went on (maybe as the brain bar got lower?) I couldn't struggle as well, eventually Q and E/Left and Right-click did nothing to the struggle bar, but again, none of that was explained, so I'm not sure if those are related, or if it was just an in general you get less effective at struggling as the fight goes on, or what was going on.
I guess TL;DR version of my questions: Do you need to tap/hold 1,2,3,4,5 or are they on cooldown? What is the brain icon meter in combat? Can you restore that? If so, how? Does the brain meter affect your ability to struggle? If not, does your ability to struggle go down as combat progresses, or is there something I'm missing? Also, after losing this combat, I didn't wake up in my room, but instead behind the dumpsters behind the school, is this because I "died" on day 1, or am I missing something here as well?
Thank you, in advance, to anyone who takes the time to read and help answer these questions.