Ok, I just took a look at week 3. Originally I wanted to wait until it's finished, but after the talks in this thread I wanted to check it out because it sounded like deleting it instead of waiting for it to finish might to be considered.
The first thing I noticed that has nothing to do with the content itself, but the start of the game was weird. Week 2 ended with the MC in bed with Stacy and Week 3 next morning MC comes downstairs takes a look at the box and knows what's going on... Did he ever read the message on his phone? Does he even know he lost the challange? No reaction to this?
Then, what's with thoose "MC's Thoughts on Penis Cages"? It basically tells me the from the author intended way is the NTR cage. At first I thought why is the game not just labeled as submissive ntr game then? (In this case the ntr tag would also be missing on this thread as well.)
But after I overlooked the WT it doesn't look like there is any ntr content until cages are taken off. Which makes me think what the actual difference between those two is. Two different story endings or what? Not even the WT makes that clear...
At least it's true that you can get rid of it quite fast. At least if you have 3 Gold Stars... which is another thing. I might be wrong on this (because like I said I had 3 stars), but you get Gold Stars for kinky things, which means if you do less kinky stuff (because you are not into them) you might not have enough stars to get rid of the cage (which is a kink)... means if you are into less kinks you are punished by enduring a kink longer... nice!
But even though it's just 2 days there are still so many wasted sex scenes... I mean the one with Daisy was fine, but the Lyssa one really sucked, I wonder if we will ever get it back without cage... at least the decisions during that sex scene didn't look like final kink choices...
And the Min/Lydia scene looked like will get another chance without cage... but once again a "first off" scene was dominated by the story... first Stacy's first time, then Lydia's first BJ and now her first Watersport scene... that sucks.
I personally skipped through this first part of week 3 quite fast, taking the relevant story elements with me and am now waiting for the game to finish before I continue with hopefully enjoyable content again.
So, regarding earlier posts:
All true, but someone said there wasn't forced content. I was just pointing out that there is (pretty much the whole story) and then everyone wants to debate me or point out why it's ok. I just don't enjoy that so I'm done. I am now putting this thread on ignore so enjoy if this is your flavor of kink(s) but as I've said it's no longer of interest to me.
I don't know if you still read this, but I agree with you. It's definitely forced content.
And also:
- He did whip his dick out and jerk it to a girl while she was sleeping, irl, he's a creepy motherfucker
- He then chose to submit to the demands of an app rather than man up, admit what he'd done and face the possibility of Lydia reporting him to the police, the college and never speaking to him again which, irl, would be very much deserved
- He then continued to submit to the app when it demanded he have sex with 20 partners which, even given how loosely that was intepreted (Kevin counts? Really?) was obviously impossible. The cage was the obvious consequence since there's no way it was going to be a penectomy.
What's really funny is that, if Lydia
is the one behind the app then she already knows what he did and is only doing all of this because he didn't. I'm reminded of
This was one of my first critiques about the game here. I have no porblems with a story taking some darker turns, but this scene where the MC whips his dick out feels so awkward and illogical.
I mean the MC was never the smartest person but for that scene the author made the MC's IQ drop under 0 to force the story... which sucks.
And in week two he cannot even count to 20... I mean come on... For once I just want to play a story that doesn't result from the sheer stupidity of the characters...
Generally I think we will have to differenciate two things: Something forced onto the MC and soemthing forced onto the player.
This is a game, we have to handle the term forced this way. If the player has to do something if he wants to continue the game, that something is "forced" onto the player.
Because this game has a MC controlled by the player (ha, good joke) everything forced onto the MC is also forced onto the player.
But on top, even if something is not forced onto the MC because he could have acted differently, it is still forced onto the player if he didn't get the chance to controll these decisions of the MC.
In the case of this game, yes the MC might have had other options, but we as the players never got the chance to pick them. Therefore it's a force. We are forced to play a moron character.
PS: If Lydia (or whoever else)
is the one behind everything, I hope we will get an ending where we can strangle her to death. For me this would just be pleasure regarding the story, but I'm sure this would open possibilities for some kinks as well...
PS2: Before anyone complains again: Yes, this is all my
opinion and how I see things!