It's fairly easy when you get the trick. But I use the controller so it might not be easy on keyboard and mouse.
I don't know how the legs are done or the gag is done. But the arms and hogtie are the same.Once the arms are done you can just take off the rest from the menu. If the MC is hogtied you have to do that first, then the arms.
If you go into the inventory you can highlight the bondage and hotkey it with pressing down the Right stick, and you can also go hit the X button and press up to go to start struggling. When you start struggling some of the sequence with appear on the right. I find that you have to do this at least once, after that I don't use it.
There's three types of struggles. You control the types with the left stick. Up - center - Down. Since we're working on the hands, press and hold the Left Bumper. Then to activate a struggle, select which type you want (up, center, down), and then press&Release the left trigger followed by the right trigger. It only works like that. So it's fairly simple LB, position stick, LT, RT.
There will be a sequence anywhere from 1 to 5 different struggles you have to do. You know you've started, or gotten the right struggle with a big checkmark in the middle. Remember that struggle you did. Then go onto the next one, if you got an X then you have to start from the first one again. Some times struggles are like center, center, center, up, center. Or up, center, down, center, up.
You'll know when you get a sequence complete by a different sound, and the health bar for the restraint will go down on the right. (getting that health bar up is probably why you need to 'start struggle' through the inventory the first time). After you've successfully done one sequence you have to discover the next sequence again.
Since there's only three types of struggle and the number of struggles in a sequence isn't too long it's fairly easy to work without going into the inventory and selecting 'start struggle' again. I just try each of the 3 until I get the first check mark and remember which one it is and then try again. It's faster to just try it then going through the inventory system. And Sandy makes some nice noises when gagged and fails.