I've only run into Ryuto near the pumpkin. I hope the dev continues to update the demo as the year goes on seeing as how they stated the game should fully be finished by the end of the year or next year. It would be nice to see some new npcs roaming around. I hope there is a lot to do seeing as this is the longest time it's taken for him them to develop.
If anything he will do some small fixes. He won`t be giving the demo any large content updates. That you can fight Kemomimi again is probably more so he could test if enemies dropped by the white flower can be correctly fought, as enemies turning invincible seems to be an easy bug to introduce in game maker games.
That it took him longer then the previous titles is simply because making a 2d game is far easier them making a 3d one.
He now needs to create fight and movement animation for all 8 direction for all enemies he plans to introduce.
And you wouldn`t believe how many bugs the 3d concept has caused. Especially bugs related to elevated position. Some enemies getting invincible when to high up, animations getting overlaid by terrain, love juices flying to the moon, turning invisible when graped in certain locations in water, enemies getting stuck etc. etc.
That he plans to get this game out at the end of this year or beginning of next year is well within expected timeframe for the game he tries to create alone.
In the meantime some western game dev`s i won`t name are sitting in development hell (or cashgrab mode) since 2018 for a simple 2d game with below 20 enemies running on unity...
Completely of topic, but where you get your profil picture?
Mishin isn`t drawing Kemomimi with the hair accessory and those underbob clothes as far as i know