4.30 star(s) 44 Votes


Jun 12, 2020
Thank you my dude. I was doing all of that you suggested, except grinding the maniac level. I'll get on to it now o/
You also might want to replace your 6th Sortie to Beelzebub. If you have used her, you would know why. It helps massively on the levels with the hazards. Be sure to launch first with her though, if you're uncertain if you can complete the Round.

Aside from that, what I did when i played it :
-> Finishing the EX Stages and the SP stages for the Hard Difficulty.
-> Remove Libris from the Sortied members, and put in someone more hard hitting. Like a Lamia. Switch around and till you find the correct fit for you.
-> Massively upgrading the Equipment, usually through the reward chests. If you need Pec or Accesories/Insignias, consider grinding the Hard levels in Stage 5 Ex. Those are the easiest, when you figure out the Technique to get quick kills, especially Ex 5-5. But AVOID the 4th level at all costs! Otherwise, if you can clear it without a lot of trouble, look for the '1 Round' only Levels at whatever Maniac Stage you can take on. Verify how quickly you can clear the level in, and if it takes 3~ or less Rounds to complete, it's a good grinding spot. Either way you choose, do it a few... like 9-10 times, then take on the Maniac levels as they come again. As long as you complete the EX Stages after the Story Stages, you should be fine on track again.
-> Put on the "EXP UP" and maybe the "PEC UP" Insignias on a slow of your Sortied members. The level of the card doesn't matter. Also, put on the "Range Up" and "Trajectory Line" on your Sortied members, if you haven't already. The Latter needs to be in only ONE of your Sortied member's inventory, not all 6 of them. And only characters without a ranged attack might actually benefit from the Range up cards. So, Galeocerdo, Persic and Sudart are great uses, but Puella and Libris doesn't benefit much. Also, those with a Tracing attack, like Beelzebub, doesn't benefit from a range up at all!
-> Focus on getting the 3rd Tier Chests and many Coins. With the Insignias, you multiply your output Pec amount for just getting a single coin by MASSIVE amounts. With that Pec amount, and any useless Inventory junk that you can/should sell, buy enough of the EXP Up Insignias. Don't worry too much about the Weapons though, it's not worth it, unless you're struggling really bad.

-> I stated to remove Libris if you're having a hard time, because she is not tactically much advantageous in evenly balanced, or lower Levels. Dark aligned (Purple) enemies are rare to come across, and when they do, they are usually by themselves, and not in a group. But this is also rendered moot, because while 'Dark' is good against 'Light', and vice versa.... it doesn't actually mean that 'Dark' is bad against 'Dark' itself. So, Persica, who already hits really hard anyways and is probably your best _ attack stat-wise _ , unless you have have made use of a lot of Insignias and Accessories, because Inherently, Sudart is the heaviest hitter in the game (with an average level to party median level) and followed next by Persica.
But what makes Persica more valuable is her dash attack, which always travels in a straight line. Allowing her to not only fly over hazards strategically, while also killing enemies. But Sudart has a 1~2 hit change to deal massive damage, at the cost of falling in an arc and smaller range, even if for some reason, her attack lingers on the screen after her turn, and deals damage AFTER her turn has passed.
So what am i getting at? Persica and Sudart are the best heavy hitters in your team from base average stat-wise. Libris also suffers from small range, as well as a 5-way star attack that miiight sometimes miss your mark. She is SUPER useful though, when breeding, because you can make a 'Light' Lilith or Belzebub with her, and absolutely wreck the opposition, given they have some levels in them.
So, Libris... if you're having a hard time, put her to the sideline temporarily and use a good Child. But later, just do a few of the final Stages a 6-7 times, to round her levels up, because she can turn out to be useful in the Final Orca battle, and VERY much in the Tounmei stages.
-> The later Stages of the Maniac difficulty are bugged. They do not give out the rewards even on three stars, neither the first time attempting it, or neither redoing it again. This is HEAVILY prevalent in the Stage 5 onwards, including the Ex5 stage. I also had it happen to me on Stage 4-5 as well, so plan ahead to not rely on the 3-star rewards if you doing so.
-> I was well prepared for the Maniac stages, because i took to upgrading all of my pre-existing Child roster. Due to the Difficulty level, the roster wasn't at all suited for the Maniac levels, and leveling them up through combat, without the higher tier Insignias is very grindy. So, just upped their levels by a few notches immediately, by grinding for the children at my 'breeding grind' spots. I have a list of notes like that , if you would need.

Besides that, have fun. Because it's going to get ZANY near the end of the Maniac Playthrough with the 99 level enemies all around, lol.
...Wait actually, funnily enough, i was writing a game guide some days ago, and i thought i should write one for this too. Now remotivated, thanks!


New Member
Jan 21, 2019
Huh... I believe someone did, because i do have a savefile in my setups list for Tobihime. Unfortunately i don't know if i downloaded it from here, somewhere else, or was it different just a copy of my own Savefile.

Anyways, i have a 100% savefile, but there's a catch.
I finished the game (quite some time ago) only on the Official Translation version, so the rewards for the Maniac stages are not in the inventory.
However, apart from that, I believe i have done pretty much all there is to do in this game.

- ALL Stages, including EX and Bonus Stages, completed and 3-Starred on all difficulties.
- All CGs gotten and Monster Child Bred. As well as one of every race sold atleast once.
- CG, Scene and Pixel Art galleries are already unlocked and all filled out.
- All Main Girls (Galeocerdo, Persica, Puellam, Sudart, Libris) at Max Lvl 99.
- One Child of Every Type of Element, from Every Type of Monster Race, bred and present in the Team List. (I.E. Total of 90 Children, all arranged in the Team list in the order of their listing in the game's "Bonus" folder. They all have the best or semi-best available gear equipped, but without Accessories or Insignias equipped, so pleas remember to do so, if using them. (Due to Inventory Limits)
- One of every type of Unique Cloth, Weapon, Accessory and Insignia (for the last two, only Blue and Red Variant, if multiple variants exists) in Inventory [Note: Glitched Insane Difficulty Rewards still missing!!]
- (not really relevant but) Cash for days. Something 6 Billion or so. So feel free to experiment and change up Equipment. (Plus, Sortied party is already equipped
- Main Party is already fully equipped with the most powerful gear, and can tackle any stage with ease (According to my playstyle atleast). All equippable gear can be found in Inventory, if wish to try out anything.

But be warned! Insane difficulty removes trajectory lines, so if you wish to play in a party WITHOUT Persica, you may need to purchase/change insignias to equip a "Trajectory Guide" card on any one of your active party members. In my party build, Persica has the necessary insignia equipped, on her Accessory.
Note, the "bonus" applies to the WHOLE party, so it doesn't need to be equipped on everyone in the party, just one single SORTIED member.

...You can tell my OCD took it's sweet time on this one. But it's just so addictive, to try and consistently pass each stage rounds in just one or two launches. Can't praise the game enough for that rush you get.

Anyways, How to Use the 100% Savefile:

The game keeps it's save file in your Programs cache. That is, under
[Your Local Disk C] / Users / %YourComputerName% / AppData / LocalLow / DefaultCompany / tobihime /

> AppData is a hidden folder. You may need to enable hidden files and folders, if you are unfamiliar with the File Explorer's address path manipulation.
> The folders "DefaultCompany" and "tobihime" may not exist if you haven't launched the game atleast once.
> There will likely already be a savefile present, named "tobihime.sav". You need to replace it to work. Keeping multiple files in the same folder doesn't work, neither making new folders under it.

Thank you for your patience.
Im trying to download the save but it only opens a link. Am I missing something?


Active Member
Jan 15, 2019
i'll never get why this game is so highly rated.
the combat is abyssmal. story is boring, really didnt care.
sex scenes only happen if you "scarifice" one girl for the current stage.
menus are sloppy and take forever to navigate.
items are confusing/stupid.

i just dont get why this is so popular.


Active Member
Apr 9, 2018
i just dont get why this is so popular.
Two words: Pixel Animation

Yeap. Believe it or not, this genre is rare, edging on non existent if you look at it compared to other art styles. The sheer amount of love for this game stems out of that one thing only. Story isn't groundbreaking, TL is spotty bordering on MTL but it still fills a void and that alone attracts the attention of its admirer.


New Member
May 19, 2020
anyone have a clue as to what the peach item does?

its obtained after clearing SP-5 on hard and SP through out Maniac mode. It doesn't seem to show up in inventory in any slot as well as shop.

This is bugging me way more than it should. If this has been asked before, apologies and could you kindly direct me to the thread

attached is its in game sprite after clearing SP-5.
Jun 13, 2017
anyone have a clue as to what the peach item does?

its obtained after clearing SP-5 on hard and SP through out Maniac mode. It doesn't seem to show up in inventory in any slot as well as shop.

This is bugging me way more than it should. If this has been asked before, apologies and could you kindly direct me to the thread

attached is its in game sprite after clearing SP-5.
that's a bug on the english version. i don't remember what the peach does though, it's been a while since i've played this game.


New Member
May 19, 2020
that's a bug on the english version. i don't remember what the peach does though, it's been a while since i've played this game.
that's a shame then, ah well. I think I've had my share of fun with iot it. I think ill shell out later then for the Japanese ver.


Jun 12, 2020
Im trying to download the save but it only opens a link. Am I missing something?
the file download should launch, unless you have chrome's security settings preventing it from doing so. I don't know what is the default setting, but the first few times chrome notices repeated downloads and starts to block them. I checked from both my laptop and phone, but the the untitled page launched a download and quit (automatically on phone).
Try again, or maybe use this link instead?

Also, don't forget to rename the file after download, to remove the starting string of numbers and the underscore.
So that the filename only remains as "tobisave.sav".
Then the instructions already given...

Anyways, How to Use the 100% Savefile:

The game keeps it's save file in your Programs cache. That is, under
[Your Local Disk C] / Users / %YourComputerName% / AppData / LocalLow / DefaultCompany / tobihime /

> AppData is a hidden folder. You may need to enable hidden files and folders, if you are unfamiliar with the File Explorer's address path manipulation.
> The folders "DefaultCompany" and "tobihime" may not exist if you haven't launched the game atleast once.
> There will likely already be a savefile present, named "tobihime.sav". You need to replace it to work. Keeping multiple files in the same folder doesn't work, neither making new folders under it.
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Jun 12, 2020
I don't have any bones to pick with you, but this feels more like whining. Also... i don't think Tobihime is really all that popular, when the whole of the pixel art genre in H-Games list is quite niche and lacklustre.... unless you were deliberately looking for something like it.

the combat is abyssmal.
Either your standards of gameplay combat are overrated or restrictive; Or you haven't really understood how the game itself works funcionally.

story is boring, really didnt care.
When the point of the game is the pixel animation, the breeding mechanics and the literal 'slingshot'ing of characters for the fun of it... yeah, the story wasn't the point. it barely even makes sense, i get it. And not much is explained about the world or what the f is going on, so this is understandable.

sex scenes only happen if you "scarifice" one girl for the current stage.
The Ryona section of F95 would like to have a word with you. Also most kinds of battle sex/rp games. Also... you can sacrifice multiple girls for the 'scene' but you just wouldn't be able to see it. Also, to balance it out, the rewards aren't given out if teh stage isn't completed afterwards.

menus are sloppy and take forever to navigate. items are confusing/stupid.
First part i'll give in. Either too detailed or too less detailed. also sorting through troves of equipment are a chore and you need to keep a notepad to remember what rarity you want to aim for next. YET, i don't know what the hate is about the items. SOme of the are funny, other useful. The ENG TR was a lot of questionable, but it never was questionable enough to not get what the item is supposed to be doing. ....Pardon me, but are you dumb, to not read what the item's effect does?

i just dont get why this is so popular.
It certainly isn't when you can see that the chats are not only almost dead by now, but the only activity seems to be about the gameplay bugs or problems. It was well received, but has died down. whatever you're using as a reference, is either old and outdated, or literally carved out for the niches that this game hits on the head.

In any case.....
I'll take a reasonable argument. Only think that raises my eyebrows enough to comment upon it is the snarky remark on why this is popular. It really isn't anymore....


Nov 26, 2019
dont understand logic of combat

what i need to do. kill all leaders in one move for each unit?
some time some unit dont act while in close combat
Last edited:
Jun 13, 2017
kill all leaders before you run out of units. takes a bit of unit attack power to enemy hp management. sometimes it's just impossible to clear a stage if you're under level or don't have enough units. in those cases you have to grind a bit on previous stages, increase units, or upgrade equipment.

some time some unit dont act while in close combat
can you give an example of which unit?


New Member
Jan 21, 2019
the file download should launch, unless you have chrome's security settings preventing it from doing so. I don't know what is the default setting, but the first few times chrome notices repeated downloads and starts to block them. I checked from both my laptop and phone, but the the untitled page launched a download and quit (automatically on phone).
Try again, or maybe use this link instead?

Also, don't forget to rename the file after download, to remove the starting string of numbers and the underscore.
So that the filename only remains as "tobisave.sav".
Then the instructions already given...
I have Firefox, and it is still giving me the same problem


Feb 17, 2019
what are some good places to level up at ?
I would just grind a level on maniac difficulty or hard if you are not that far into the game.....
you will level up and make progressing on normal difficulty a lot easier and in turn open up
new levels to grind on maniac for even more exp....also the rewards you get for 3 stars
on the higher difficulty are very powerful....you even get equip items that boost exp and money.
the only downside is that on higher difficulty levels you lose the dotted line guide,
but there is an item you get (feather i think) that you equip to get the line back.
good luck.


Jun 14, 2017
Is there an updated CE table? I don't want a 100% save but I also don't want to grind so much..


Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2019
Two words: Pixel Animation

Yeap. Believe it or not, this genre is rare, edging on non existent if you look at it compared to other art styles. The sheer amount of love for this game stems out of that one thing only. Story isn't groundbreaking, TL is spotty bordering on MTL but it still fills a void and that alone attracts the attention of its admirer.
And the gameplay isn't even that bad... I mean yeah it's janky but the concept is cool. But as you said we mostly give it a pass because of the great pixel art, you take what you can get.


Feb 4, 2020
Can someone upload the save game In the folder? I deleted it by mistake while moving it and i don't want to re-download whole game for a few scenes.
4.30 star(s) 44 Votes