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New Member
Jan 27, 2021
Did anyone ever post a 100% save or walkthrough? Having trouble just getting out of the first Chapter :/


Jun 12, 2020
Anyone know how to get the 2 second to last cgs (one with orca and one with red girl and 2 orcs) I 3-stared all levels on maniac but I still haven't unlocked them. Also does anyone know what the peaches you get on maniac level are for? I don't see them in my equipment inventory.
You would have found the answer if you searched this thread. I believe i already answered it just a few pages ago.

Nevertheless, to get the 3rd last and the 2nd last CGs, one needs to go to the "Event Scenes" option in the main menu. Only available once the game has been completed once, in any difficulty.
There, you will find two new scenes at the very bottom right, called
"Stage EX1 - Orca's After Story" and
"Stage EX2 - Lycaena's After Story"
Select either of those to get the scene to play, and unlock the CGs.

Note, it is UNCONFIRMED, if you need to have finished all the EX stages on map to get this to appear.
But I CAN CONFIRM, that you don't need to have finished the Bonus Stage, "Stage SP" in any difficulty to get this to appear. The special Touenmei stages are not related by any means.

Also, about the peaches on maniac levels, it's a due to a glitch, that makes the game not give out the rewards on 3-star completion. It ONLY happens on the Official version though. So, if you haven't already completed the stages, you can switch over to the Fan-translated version and get it. There is no need to replay the entire campaign for it, since the game keeps it's savefiles in your ~Appdata/Local folder, therefore the save is universal to both versions.
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Jun 12, 2020
Did anyone ever post a 100% save or walkthrough? Having trouble just getting out of the first Chapter :/
Huh... I believe someone did, because i do have a savefile in my setups list for Tobihime. Unfortunately i don't know if i downloaded it from here, somewhere else, or was it different just a copy of my own Savefile.

Anyways, i have a 100% savefile, but there's a catch.
I finished the game (quite some time ago) only on the Official Translation version, so the rewards for the Maniac stages are not in the inventory.
However, apart from that, I believe i have done pretty much all there is to do in this game.

- ALL Stages, including EX and Bonus Stages, completed and 3-Starred on all difficulties.
- All CGs gotten and Monster Child Bred. As well as one of every race sold atleast once.
- CG, Scene and Pixel Art galleries are already unlocked and all filled out.
- All Main Girls (Galeocerdo, Persica, Puellam, Sudart, Libris) at Max Lvl 99.
- One Child of Every Type of Element, from Every Type of Monster Race, bred and present in the Team List. (I.E. Total of 90 Children, all arranged in the Team list in the order of their listing in the game's "Bonus" folder. They all have the best or semi-best available gear equipped, but without Accessories or Insignias equipped, so pleas remember to do so, if using them. (Due to Inventory Limits)
- One of every type of Unique Cloth, Weapon, Accessory and Insignia (for the last two, only Blue and Red Variant, if multiple variants exists) in Inventory [Note: Glitched Insane Difficulty Rewards still missing!!]
- (not really relevant but) Cash for days. Something 6 Billion or so. So feel free to experiment and change up Equipment. (Plus, Sortied party is already equipped
- Main Party is already fully equipped with the most powerful gear, and can tackle any stage with ease (According to my playstyle atleast). All equippable gear can be found in Inventory, if wish to try out anything.

But be warned! Insane difficulty removes trajectory lines, so if you wish to play in a party WITHOUT Persica, you may need to purchase/change insignias to equip a "Trajectory Guide" card on any one of your active party members. In my party build, Persica has the necessary insignia equipped, on her Accessory.
Note, the "bonus" applies to the WHOLE party, so it doesn't need to be equipped on everyone in the party, just one single SORTIED member.

...You can tell my OCD took it's sweet time on this one. But it's just so addictive, to try and consistently pass each stage rounds in just one or two launches. Can't praise the game enough for that rush you get.

Anyways, How to Use the 100% Savefile:

The game keeps it's save file in your Programs cache. That is, under
[Your Local Disk C] / Users / %YourComputerName% / AppData / LocalLow / DefaultCompany / tobihime /

> AppData is a hidden folder. You may need to enable hidden files and folders, if you are unfamiliar with the File Explorer's address path manipulation.
> The folders "DefaultCompany" and "tobihime" may not exist if you haven't launched the game atleast once.
> There will likely already be a savefile present, named "tobihime.sav". You need to replace it to work. Keeping multiple files in the same folder doesn't work, neither making new folders under it.

Thank you for your patience.


Active Member
Jan 15, 2019
how exactly is this a 4* game? its basically angry birds (but every stage is unfair not in your favors at all) and the sex is like a 2 second thing which requires you to sacrifice a girl for for the rest of the stage. i honestly dont get the appeal of this game.
the menuing is terrible. its so awful.


Jun 12, 2020
how exactly is this a 4* game? its basically angry birds (but every stage is unfair not in your favors at all) and the sex is like a 2 second thing which requires you to sacrifice a girl for for the rest of the stage. i honestly dont get the appeal of this game.
the menuing is terrible. its so awful.
I can only give two advices.
1. Patience is a Virtue.
2. Fantranslated version sucks balls. (Whoops! let my inner monk run away, lol)

It might seem too heavy to understand at first, but once you play a few rounds, and get a grip on how the game's mechanics works, it's a incredibly balanced game actually. You just need to play a few rounds to level up, and... you know...
<Insert Dark Souls Meme> *Git Gud*

And besides.... you sure you're in the right place? I think the description perfectly encapsulates what "The Appeal" of the game really is... And really, it's quite good. Not the best of course, and the visuals looks a bit rough, even if the pixel art is quite amazing (as always from PIXXEL).
In fact, the breeding mechanic is almost an sub, while the gameplay is the main hook for some, like me. You likely haven't properly figured out the gameplay mechanics, and why felt frustrated.
Otherwise, if you did actually get it, yet despite don't like it, then....
Uhh... Face it. Different People, Different Opinions.
And to present your case better, you could try to put a much better argument for the dislike instead of generic words. It's sounds almost like a pathetic denial, than a real reason for hating on it.

Oh and by the way, I have been shitting on you only because you you wrote "Basically just Angry Bird"
...Sorry for starting to sound childish myself for once but...

Fuck Off!
People and games can take inspiration from pretty much anything as long as it's not blatantly stealing (or even that, sometimes). Did you even play it, to so quickly dismiss it as *just some Angry Birds Clone, but with sex* ?
You needs some re-evaluations i guess. a "2 Second thing" that is actually a loop, and for fucks sake, explain to me how real sex is not *just repeated penetrations and withdrawal, till ejaculation.. maybe spiced up with some position changes* ?
The mechanics work fucking fine and dandy! And like hell would anyone be able to get up and walk about like normal after get beastially dominated like that, not to mention if they get PREGNANT right after... What the hell is with the ridiculous stamina requirements of fictional characters?

Oh... i forgot. The Trigger word was Angry Birds..
Fuck that games series!
After the original flash games started to get ruined, and the disastrous (atleast initially... it got better over time... but also really REALLY butchered as well) Angry Birds 2, i think the name perfectly synchronizes with my feelings for the franchise's direction. Damn fucking angry at it. So fucking hell don't compare it with that cash-grab! or atleast, even if you do (i have as well), don't call it BETTER than this!

Ugh.... i need to stop getting feisty over random petty slanders like that...
But... man.
I fricking will! This game scratched one of my all time itch regarding gaming in general. My OCD tendencies.


Sep 1, 2017
Are insignias bugged? I can't equip them.
Why does performance get shittier and shittier as time goes on btw?
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Jun 12, 2020
Are insignias bugged? I can't equip them.
Why does performance get shittier and shittier as time goes on btw?
Insignias are only equippable if you have an item in the Weapon, Clothing or Accesory Slot.
You need to select the Item in the Slot, to have the Insignia Panel open up.
Dunno if you knew that, but if you did, then i'm afraid you need to be more precise in what you mean

As for performance issues, some levels are a bit heavy for Unity's normally available memory limits..
So it slows down a little bit, specially during the underwater levels in the Stage 5 and EX. Same with the SP Stage of Touenmei (i think i spelled that wrong though)
Otherwise it might be due to the constant cacheing of textures as the stages are loaded and unloaded, which eats up some processing speed, specially if heavy background programs, like whatsapp, discord or a recording software is running.


Oct 29, 2019
This may be a strange questions but how do you start the game? When I load it up im at the starting screen and try every button imaginable but nothing happens. I can just kinda move my view?


Apr 18, 2020
Seriously can anyone make a second game for this?. I love this games loads, id love to see a second game with more monstergirls and combo moves that you could do by flinging the girls at each other.
That or can someone suggest a game like this?.
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Jun 12, 2020
PiXXXEL doesn't really make much games, but rather Cg-sets and Animated 2DCG-Sets.
But he is still rolling out updates for the last game that he made, and promised to continue working on the story further.


Here's the link. It's.... not really the same kind of gameplay, but made by the same dev and artist. So yeah... closest thing you can get to a full fledged game. Just one problem.
It's not translated. You need to use Reipatcher, to autotranslate, if you need to know what's going on. It's possible to play without it, but quite frustrating and headscratching at times.


Active Member
Apr 9, 2018
Any tips on beating the levels on Maniac? I was able to clear the first stage with just the 5 girls + wolf girl but having trouble with survival on the next chapters. Should I be using a team of specific monsters on specific chapters?


Feb 17, 2019
Any tips on beating the levels on Maniac? I was able to clear the first stage with just the 5 girls + wolf girl but having trouble with survival on the next chapters. Should I be using a team of specific monsters on specific chapters?
I would suggest find a manic level that you can clear fairly quickly and just grind it to raise the levels of
your girls....doesn't take as long as you might think....
Also the equipment and accessories you get for clearing manic levels are much more powerful than the
standard levels, remember to equip them i.e ATK boosters...HP boosters new weapons and armour ECT.
lastly you deal increased damage to the monsters of the opposite element...if i recall its...
RED beats GREEN......GREEN beats BLUE......BLUE beats RED.....LIGHT and DARK just oppose each other.
Of course this can work in the enemies favour too, ie if a green monster attacks your blue main character.
good luck.
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4.30 star(s) 45 Votes