OK, so now that it's April 2nd, I probably should clarify what's going on here...
First off, a bit of backstory.
A bit after I discovered the world of adult interactive visual novels, and after learning quite a bit about Renpy with a personal Lab Rats mod, I eventually found my way here to F95Zone. Mainly I registered to get access to the downloads, but soon took to this site like a fish in water..
Anyways, one of the big games at that time was Dating My Daughter. It's still one of the biggest games around here, but yeah it's in the pantheon of games that include Big Brother, Dreams of Desire, Summertime Saga, The Artifact, a bunch of others...
F95Zone launched in 2016, and Dating My Daughter came on the scene a little later. It's actually on Page 9 if you sort the game threads in chronological order by first post, to get a better idea of what games were around during that time.
So fast forward to earlier this year. I was wondering how long DMD had been around, as I like to do special fanart posts for milestones, 300 pages of DMD fanart thread posts being one example. And then I had the question, when exactly did DMD debut on the scene, and could I find the very first demo...
I did find a copy (elsewhere), it was late September 2016. So we are coming up on the five year mark now for DMD. Anyways...
So i checked out the 0.0.1 demo. There isn't a lot there, but there was what I feel is a significant difference. I can't come up with the exact word I want, but 'D' is essentially a lot more carefree and outgoing and seemingly more open minded! Particularly when Daddy accidentally shows her some porn...
DMD has went down what I feel is a rather different path from what the original demo was contemplating, and I found myself askng 'how could things have been different if 'D' was this other 'D' that we see in the demo... Note that the artwork is essentially still the same, it's the writing that changed, understandable as developers often 'find their way' as they write more and more. That's not usually a bad thing, but...
Then another question hit me: What if 'D' only had a single day to spend with her father? What if this more outgoing 'D' had been the one at Daddy's door as the game continued to develop?
So I reached out to a fellow artist,
RustyV and asked him if he might be interested in helping 'flesh out' this other 'D' that has come to life in my mind. He was interested, and we've been hammering away at this for a bit now!
So, what IS FmF?
In a nutshell, it's a similar story to DmD, but is told from a different perspective. The key differences...
1) This is essentially a 'Parody' of the original game, which is still ongoing as of this post. As such, there are some significant differences.
2) This is an UNAUTHORIZED parody, being done completely for free by fan artists... YARR!!!
3) The story will revolve around the Daughter, her two BFFs, and how Father ends up interacting with these three girls. The default name for 'D' is 'Dee', although you will be able to change this. I will henceforth refer to her as 'Dee' throughout this outline.
4) We will be somewhat briefly exploring the backstory of the Daughter in particular, with the story beginning several weeks before the 'Big Day'. As such, we will get to see her at her Mom's house (Rachael), interacting with Elena and her boyfriend Frank.
5) This 'flashback intro' will be essentially linear, and is designed to 'develop' this more open-minded (and dare I say, more fun?) daughter. When and how did Rachael and Frank happen? Why is 'D' suddenly more interested in her biological Father after all these years?
6) The first 'big change' involves 'Jennifer'. Note that you'll get to rename the three BFF gals to whatever you want to rename them to, with Jen and Elle being the 'Default' suggestions:
a) Jen is the 'Brainy' friend, who moved away recently to attend university, having 'skipped ahead' academically. She just so happens to be attending university in the same town that 'F', or Father lives in. He's been going to the coffee shop where she has been working for a little while now...
b) Jen lives in a 'college dorm' situation, and currently doesn't have roommates, so she temporarily has some extra room for Dee and Elle to visit her.
7) The characters have been 'reimagined' a bit. As RustyV and myself don't have the 'actual' Daz Studio character models available to us for use, and since this is an unauthorized parody, we've dialed in fairly faithful recreations, but with significant age related differences for Jen and Elle. They look more like young adult women now, with slightly bigger breasts, and a little less 'baby face' cheeks going on.
8) Once Dee has discovered that Jen is in the same town as her Father, whom she suddenly becomes a lot more interested in during the backstory flashback, she and Elle arrange to drop in on Jen for a couple of days, ostensibly to check out the university for themselves. They are about to graduate High School, so spring break provides the opportunity to drop in.
9) The story will then briefly cover the day before (Friday). Dee and Elle will check out the University, and we will get to see Father interacting with Jennifer at this point. THIS is when the game related decisions begin to happen.
10) The next day covers the rest of this game. Dee will show up on Father's doorstep at 10AM, and has only until Midnight to spend time with him (for now?). Dee and Elle are scheduled to fly back home the next day, with thier schooling resuming on Monday...
11) Elle and Jen will also be available at certain points in the story as the 'big day' progresses. Not going to get into a lot of detail here, as I don't want to spoil it fo ya, but this will tie in to the endings...
12) Depending on the decisions you make for Father throughout the day, there will be six different endings available. These endings involve Jen and Elena as well as Dee.
13) The game itself is designed to be fairly short, with replayability options built in to the ending. You'll essentially jump back to the day before to allow yourself to make different decisions, so that you can shoot for the other five endings.
14) As each ending is achieved, it will be noted in the 'Gallery of endings', and ending related scenes will be unlocked for each ending.
15) In a manner that is somewhat similar to the game this is heavily inspired by, Father will earn 'lust points' throughout the game with each of the three BFFs. There are only 'x' number of points to earn, starting on the day before, and how you answer specific questions as the game progresses distributes these points between Dee, Elle and Jen. At the end of Day 2 (Saturday), how many points you've earned with each gal will determine which ending you have earned.
16) Each ending will be tied to the point spread. I.E. if you didn't earn a required number of points with Dee, but focused on Jen when the opportunity arose, so you earned at least 'X' points with Jen, well it's gonna be a 'Jen' ending. The 'Harem' ending may be the hardest one to arrange, as the points will need to fall exactly a certain way.
17) This will be a 'complete' release. We aren't going to string you along with a bunch of updates and such. It's designed to be short and sweet, so no sense dragging this one out! We are doing this completely for free, as a homage of sorts to the DMD game, so there's no particular incentive to spread it out over multiple updates.
That's essentially it! There will be a 'Wallflower' ending which is a nod to the 40+ day experience that is DMD of course, but it's the other endings that I think most people will be most interested in.
In any case, that's Enough Blah Blah. I suppose I should close with a few teaser pics, that won't tell you anything but may possibly whet your appetite a bit...
RustyV threw these ones together BTW. Send the love his way!
I've shared some interface pics already. The Renpy interface coding is essentially complete, I'm just cleaning up a few things on the coding end. Once that is done, I'll continue to add actual story related elements to the code, as more and more of the renders and story dialogue continue to be banked by RustyV and myself.
As to when this will be ready, I'll go with 'soon' for now. It'll be a bit, but not too long... I'm being vague deliberately, as developers miss date targets all the time and I don't want to set false expectations.
In the meantime, Rusty V and myself may drop a few 'cutting room floor' and other silly pics here to whet y'alls appetite!
I just want to mention, again, that this is an UNAUTHORIZED parody, that we are doing completely for free, 'cuz we enjoy doing DMD related fanart! Yarr!!!
Hope that y'all will enjoy this one when it's finally released!