If game features something that make player to relive it, doesn’t mater hate or joy, it is good and foster gamers interest. Also, NTR is not the end of world, and if used correctly can really grow characters personality and yours if you got so attached to him.
We all like fairy tales when person starts poor and weak and then develops into successful and strong person surrounded by success and glory. That was already in FOTM, MS started as negligent orphan and end up being big dick Alfa, beside that Melinda multiple times (each update more and more) was warning him to not cheat, while we all know, it is is built in into game that he does, so reckon is coming

But, it is not end of story, If handled correctly it can let Daniel to mature and Melinda reconsider him as man rather than boy. Also, there is chances Melinda got pregnant already (that is why she so strict to him recently) so new twist can be used to win her back, plus pregnancy is unused fetish that SVN yet to monetize.