Ren'Py - Completed - Forgotten Paradise [v1.0] [Void Star]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    This game is an interesting, and sad, case.
    It had the true potential to be a 5 stars game.
    The plot was of not only a very good game, but an intimidating one. With an intriguing conspirational plot, of you joining a spaceship with monsters and authoritarian characters.
    Stuff happens, and then, when things are getting interesting, everything is thrown out of the window. The author gets rid of every character that he had been building up until now (only main character remains) and introduces bunches of new characters, and, as much as I liked the new characters, I was questioning myself how the old characters would develop and eventually end, but all that is thrown in the trash, as if the author became bored of his own game, or without ideas for it. I believe that happened because he already had another game in development at that point, but it's still a shame for this game.
    Without further ado, the first part of this game is solid, good renders, characters, story, music, everything 5 stars. The second part feeling rushed and lacking, with a vanilla story instead of an intriguing one.
    If you like distopian plots well done, definitely play the beggining of this game.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    To put it bluntly I do not like this game. The idea started out really good but everything just starts killing itself. The story starts to get really bad and it gets extremely crazy. I mean like... unicorn wonderland kind of fucking crazy. I thought the girls looked great but, I didnt' really care for the renders. I felt like everything you want and expect going into this game is exactly what you don't get. They give you other things instead.

    Also the beginning lol when the guy just says "yeah so your saying we can share an apartment with anyone here if we want so yeah you random girl I DONT KNOW want to share a room?" like ?WTF? and the husband was oddly okay with this. I mean I know he wasn't like "OKAY" with it and he was just acting. But, I am shocked he was able to hold back from saying anything. The game just overall really throws you out to the left field and the only quality it has is the variety of girls in the game.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    This is one of those few rare gems that you just happen to stumble upon while scrolling through this page. I think this game would've been much bigger if it had better producer since the beginning, and it didn't feature NTR (I'm not against this kink, yet it seems very hated in this community). Now there are a lot of aspects that to hold this game down, but it definitely deserves praise for trying to tell a different and unique story, with surprisingly good twists and turns, albeit with poor character development on the side.

    When the game first started, it really presented itself to be kind of passable, but that diminished quickly after learning a few aspects of the story. The game basically tells the story of the MC agreeing to be a part of an experiment abroad a spaceship with his wife and 2 daughters. Events transpire and certain aspects changes as he learns new information about the experiment. Now onto the bad and good aspects of the game (might be minor spoilers)
    The good:
    -NTR is well handled. There is an option to turn it off at the start, and there usually is a choice leading to NTR rather than it being forced upon you. The game CAN be played completely without any NTR scenes, although you might still hear or know about some NTR things happening, rather than seeing. As for the NTR scenes, they are pretty good for people who enjoy NTR, but i feel like they sort of go missing later on in the game, to the point of non-existent.
    -The renders get much better later on, at around the 75% mark. At first it really didn't look impressive, and cum straight up looked like paint, especially on the darker characters. This was changed later on and cum looked much better.
    -A decent amount of characters, not a lot, but just enough. And they mostly look really good, even some of the parody characters look quite good in the game.
    -The overall plot really pushed to tell a story, rather than just blending in with other p-games and their basic story telling. Here there is an overall arc, and even full circles of events that you learn as you play along. The ideas and story does feel like it followed a structure, or at least it was well thought out.
    The bad:
    -As mentioned before, the game didn't look all that impressive when it first started. The lighting and quality felt a bit off, so it was nice this was changed later on.
    -Most of the characters barely have any screen time, especially the family of the MC. This becomes even worse when the MC decides to ditch the ship and go to another place, and a whole new cast of characters are introduced, who all have more screen time than people on the ship, yet it still didn't feel like it was enough to really connect to any character.
    -Game length is disappointing. I honestly wish the game was much longer, with way more content so that all the characters get the screen time they deserve
    -One of the best endings in p-games in general, but very poorly handled. The plot written for it was great, but the actual execution was just disappointing. After being separated from the characters you knew all along from the start for about half the game length, you finally meet up with them again at the end, and all you get is a few lines of dialogue for each character and then poof, the game ends. The actual journey to get to the end was okay, but the ending itself is just not good. Why are there no porn scenes in a porn-game ending? It's like you finally get all these characters together expecting a few porn scenes, and then the game just goes "nope bye bye". I really wish the dev of the game would just add an epilogue to the game, that would really negate a lot of the negatives for this game.

    TL;DR: Game might be good if you can overlook the rushed ending and the kind of boring beginning, and are looking for a change of pace from all the Harem games with boring plotlines
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I really liked this game a lot! It has some minor issues, but you feel that author put huge amount of effort and soul into the game. Graphics are good and a plot is breath catching, especially in the second part of the game. Narrative design isn't that complex, comparing to some games on f95zone, but whole. I believe it is a secondary asset of a porn game.
    If you a Sci-Fi fan you should definitely check this game out.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    This game starts out great. But after a couple updates it went to shit.

    The models are great and some of the scenes are good. But as soon as the story starts it seems like the writer just wanted it over. Time skips like crazy after the second or third day. Then it abandons all the characters for new random ones you don't care for. Then its over and nothing you did mattered.

    TLDR: The story is goes to shit 10 minutes into the game.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    This is so hard to review., expect SPOILERS BELOW.

    Sooo, you go into space, your wife gets her memory wiped and within 10minutes has decided to shack up with some dude ... you get to fuck your "daughters" other crew mates and honestly it feels all a little forced without much build up ... then about half way through it switches from scifi to fantasy and nothing matters pretty much except the last thing you do before the switch...

    Sooo, like tons of the girls in this are hot (and no beachball tits thankfully), and the renders well done ... but then the little back and forth sex animations are comical and pull you right out ... there's also a bunch of characters from large IPs thrown in for some reason which makes me think you're not supposed to be taking it seriously...

    I found a few different endings, but like I said what you do in the first half seem to only matter for seeing different scenes... and there is a lot of content, it went on way longer than I thought it would (I guess largely due to the massive shift half way through)...

    But I honestly don't know what to say, it was alright, but very forgettable despite being kinda weird.
  7. 3.00 star(s)

    Funny Asian Pirate

    So this is going to be one of the first reviews I make on F95 so here we go. FIrst of all and probably one of the major strengths of the game is the graphics and character models. While not as photo realistic as Depraved Awakening but it is still one of the better looking Renpy games on here. The character models of many of the character are pretty good outside some of the of the supporting character, most of the love interests are very well rendered and sexy. The environments and backgrounds, while are pretty plain looking; a pretty good job at setting the theme and mood of the scenes.

    The sex scenes are decent with simple animations. They don't really have anything too crazy outside of some weird looking partners (and girls "inspired" from other media) but most of the sex stuff is vanilla with options to pick where to cum and branching choice within the sex sense that can warrant a second run. Fetish-wise there is a point in the game where your wife (who has her memories of your marriage lost) sleeps with a black character and ends up getting impregnated before she regains her memories at the conclusion of the game. The game does point out that she wasn't faithful throughout your marriage and your daughters are (possibly?) not yours which sort of gives you justification to hate the wife (even though she is sort of not at fault in this specific circumstance because of her memory affliction and reduce/negates any guilt for your character to sleep with other character. You can also have sex with your (step)daughters with the option of cumming inside them (no pregnancy content for them). For those who do not like NTR or cuckold content, there is an option to not see the content but this doesn't prevent your wife from being with the black character. There is also a scene where your character sees one of the (step)daughters having sex with another character. There is also characters mentioning that they are probably impregnated when the player finishes inside them but outside of two alien plot characters, no actual pregnancy scenes of the other romantic partners including the (step)daughters.

    Storywise the game are Suffers from the "Telltale Syndrome" way of storytelling where most of the choices you make do not really make a huge impact in the story outside of some important ones. There are also multiple endings but outside of three, most are just "bad ends" like death or enslavement. The last act where your character ends up as the leader of the group and getting rid of some of the other male competition, ends up on a Earth-like planet . This probably the weakest portion and feels rushed with the player seeming thrusted into the middle of a conflict between a group of Amazon-like women and a Game of Thrones Daenerys character. This lacks the drama and intrigue of being on the ship. One of the more interesting aspects of the story and is barely touched on is based on your choices, there could be a huge alien population that is related to your character but nope; after scene where you told this, you can kill the alien and the entire plot detail is completely ignored. One of the most egregious blunders is the introduction of the main character's alien daughter (base on your choices) that is barely touched on. She seems like a very intriguing character who is motivated to find you and could possibly have led to interesting interactions and scenes where your character does his best to be a good father to a alien half-breed who all she knows is to fight. This could have been an interesting development (and incestrous romance if you're into that kind of stuff) but nope, she is just relegated to a single scene where you either kill her or the ending where you decide to take her in and basically abandon everyone else to raise her. No middle ground where you integrate her to the rest of the crew in the "good ending". Another ending is a time travel one and that one is pretty seen as the "bad ending:. The "good ending" is where you manage to get everyone to the planet and are treated to a pat on the back by everyone where you get a choice to deal with your remorseful wife who regained her memories, some slight flavor text from some of the characters you romanced (your stepdaughters don't mention anything about you sleeping with them even after they get their memories back). Other than that there are no epilogue or anything to see if any of the other characters you had relations with ended up pregnant or a part of your harem.

    To conclude, the beginning of the game has so much promise but the closing act feels rushed and the endings are just so lame.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    High quality and fun choices, there is something for everyone. It also has a lot of alternative endings which makes the choices more interesting. More space sex for the people, futa devil and skinny specter :)
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    It seemed solid but rushed ending and no difference between choices for the ending kinda ruined it for me. Still gave it 3 stars just cause it was interesting while it lasted and is one of the few things that are "completed" instead of stuck in limbo.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    yes, the game seems to have been rushed towards the end. especially the interstellar savior ending needed to be more elaborate imo. i was curious to see what would happen after incorporating the ship crew into the camp, but oh well.. the writing was decent enough for an adult game, silly and unrealistic at times but this isn't an AAA production in the end. the renders, the story with the many choices you can make, big and small, the variety of characters (the blue skinned girl for example was cute as fuck) and sexual activities with them were pretty good and i have fully enjoyed this game, having finished all endings but one (killed the alien woman, so no alien baby). this game probably deserves 4 stars and not 5, but the 2.5 average i'm seeing definitely doesn't do justice to what i have experienced either. good luck to the dev for future games.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    The NTR switch might do something; I didn't try with it on, but even with it off, I still get unwanted threesomes and quite a bit of watching other dudes get their dick wet.

    Not my Kind of Porn. I choose to identify with the MC, and am not interested in watching other males get some.

    The graphics and animations are pretty good, but the story, or what I could stomach of it, didn't light my fire.
  12. 1.00 star(s)

    Alfred the Fallen

    The game starts off as a Sci-Fi mystery adventure about a man who is about to head off on a paid voyage with his wife and two daughters. Then he is warned at the last moment that this is actually a nefarious experiment in disguise that will temporarily wipe the memories of all the passengers. The main character avoids that happening to himself, and has to try and investigate everything without being discovered.

    It was a very interesting idea, but one that was never fully used. The game just kept adding new character after new character until you got to a point where it felt as if you were playing a completely different game than the one you started out with.

    The game does have multiple endings, but they all come about in a very abrupt manner. So the overall plot was a mess, and none of the characters were utilized to their full potential. The game feels very stitched together, especially when the porn parody characters get added in, so it's not worth playing for the story.

    The erotic content is mostly rape and NTR, with a some vanilla scenes scattered throughout the game. The scenes are animated, and the character models are quite well done, but that's all it's got going for it.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    As someone coming into this with fresh eyes, gotta offset all the butthurt people with nice review, I've seen waaaay more worse games than this. I would've normally give this 3-4 stars .Seriously people, you gonna get butthurt about some nice black guy bonkin a chick labeled "wife" you barely know (she gets like 2 lines before amnesia pills are introduced,and you later discover she's a cheating bitch anyways, while Andre offers to share her with you at first opportunity)? The butthurt over fantasy-from-scifi switch I get, we don't nearly get enough good scifi games.

    Ok, so the best things about this is renders and scenes, the second is actual branching(your choices mean something,and game has multiple endings,including bad ends) and no bullshit grind mechanics, like collection affection\friend\corruption\ntr\happy points, money, or other some such. Just straight up VN with story that tried to do something original, and writing without typoes or trunced middle-schooler sentences(aka native language). Though the main cast have lot of recognizable models, but with some tuning at least, supporting cast(barbarian and alien girls) were very good.

    Story could've gone different, better route , true, but this might've made project too big and see it die in a development limbo. I much prefer finished games when it comes to story, thanks.

    Anyway, I would recommend it for some nice 3 hour evening for the open-minded people who don't scream "NTR" at any scene where MC doesn't get his dick wet. The "NTR" flag should definitely be on,as it all makes sense for the story (and you might miss downright cathartic scene of Dahlia getting revenge on Elis :D )
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    Well the game is completed which means its time to review now that I have played till the end... Before I go into my categories rating, know that I honestly dont recommend you play this game, heck might got as far as to say to avoid the dev entirely (not that far, but be wary of his future projects, or ongoing ones).

    Story 1/5 - The story started out super interesting... whats not to like if your into Sci-fi after all ? Interesting premise of why your MC and family go into space, interesting development with the amnesia experiment that goes on... Sadly thats where the interest dies... the amnesia was basically a plot point to introduce NTR/Cuck content into the game, not avoidable... but tolerable. The game then goes off the rails and goes from Sci-Fi to Fantasy... a cross between near cavemen and GoT settings.. Then the game ends abruptly, the endings while not bad, came to soon, and were disappointing due to how much story was left to tell, and fantasies unfulfilled.

    Characters 3/5 - Mixed bag here... lots of interesting characters among the cast, but its a newcomer cannibalistic alien that gets the most focus, along her gross half-breed psychopathic daughter...Beside her the wife gets a ton of focus just so she can rub it in the MC's face that she is a slut for BBC... Meanwhile the interesting characters like the daughters, Dahlia, or the cameo by Chloe from Life is Strange are ignored... Also the GoT characters take-over half the story at the end... and only two of them are any interesting..

    Grahpics 4/5 - The game's strongest point, the game is beautiful when not compressed... the models show that a lot of work was put into altering them, and making them unique and for the most part attractive with a few outliers... the sci-fi background was also one of the better ones I have seen in this type of games... the fantasy backgrounds on the other hand... well lets just not talk about them...

    Overall 1/5 - Due to the story and the abrupt endings, the game suffers greatly... bringing down the enjoyment you might get from how pretty it looks, or the interest you might have on a particular character.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    The NTR content is good enough, good renders, the story was interesting but was wasted and rushed. Some times is like the dev would have forgotten about the story or what content he put in the game. The Amazons say that you and all your crew can live with them. I fucked both daughters and they act like nothing happened when they meet their father in the planet. They don't show shame, hate, nothing. I don't understand why they added pregnancy if only 2 women would get pregnant. I was waiting all of them would get pregnant or at least the daughters, even if you didn't impregnant them. I don't get it what was planned for the Alien (Mother), part of the story was about she and what she do and you can kill her in just a second, a
    "powerfull queen", she can abduct people from other planets without problem but dies without giving a fight. Someone could think, like she is the queen she has her sons taking care of her if something happen, but no. This game needed more time to be really good and a good writer too.
  16. 2.00 star(s)

    Darth Helmet

    I would love to give this one star and the only thing that stopped me was that the first half of the game was decent enough. BUT then the Dev had the brilliant idea of just screwing up the entire Sci-Fi space based game by adding a GoT type game inside it, Completely got rid of the other characters and introduced us to some Amazon looking type of girls. A COLOSSAL DISAPPOINTMENT!
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    what can I say, Rushed Endings, Horrible Plot with no Direction, Space opera turned GoT rip off, and a disappointed fan base. Skip this game.

    At least the Models were nice. Best girl is the youngest daughter ...
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    I would've rated it 3, but in light of the ending content, this is how I feel about it, from the start the game looked good, the MC leaves much to be desired in his weak personality, I'm not into NTR, but if there are ways to stop or fight it, I'm all for it, you know CHOICES is the best thing in games, everyone wins that way, NTR fans get their NTR and those who don't like NTR get to stop it.

    The story took a huge dive once the MC went planet side and the GOT season 7 & 8 deleted scenes found its way into the story, the story had a chance to be redeemed with the alien daughter and alien mother but that took a dive too, there should have been more with the alien daughter, but her story ended just as she got introduced, a huge let down.

    And now the endings, rushed, poor writing, regardless, the endings felt crap to me, no real closure about your relationships(I wanted my alien daughter along with my other two daughters!), with the characters you've been saving, helping and getting to know, its too bad space is so small that we ended up landing on a planet where Daenerys was testing out her Queen of the Ashes personality.

    The game tries too hard in keeping your character down and being a weak ass cuck, if a dev wants a game to be full NTR then do it, don't give people false hope that you can rise up and fight it
    I enjoyed the game, then I didn't like it, then I enjoyed it again, then I hated it
    A Roller Coaster it sure was.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    I'm going to be generous and give this one 3 stars. It should honestly be 2, but there are a few really enjoyable bits.

    It started out with a lot of promise as a space science fiction story, and turned into a weird Game of Thrones fanfic. I mean, there's nothing wrong with that if that's where the dev wants to take it, but it just felt rushed (despite taking 2 years) and jumbled together / disjointed.

    The plot had several glaring common-sense type plot holes as well that can only be explained by the MC being a moron of the nth degree.

    The 2 endings I achieved were also equally unsatisfying.

    One BIG issue, which should honestly make me give the game less than 3 stars, is the forced NTR content. See, despite there being an NTR On/Off button, it really only applies to scenes where not-Liam fucks your wife.

    There are several other scenes I'd classify as NTR since they involve your girls being used by someone other than your MC in some capacity, either through rape or willingly participating.

    I'm sure some NTR fans will disagree with my assessment of what actually constitutes this type of content, but as far as I'm concerned, that's what it is.

    Oh, and one more thing, I don't know if such a thing exists, but this game (and a few others) needs a "Hairy" or "Merkin" tag.
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    They should've just stayed in space.

    Everything was better in space.

    Things was going fine while in space, until they left space.

    Never leave space.

    Space is your friend.

    I love space.

    I miss space.

    The MC was annoying, he didn't even try to fight for his Wife. And how easy was Cassandra? She gave it up within hours. MC seemed too weak and cuckish for my taste. The real crime is that there was no romance between the alien daughter and MC. Instead the choice was to kill her? Very poor writing.