forgotten royals is one of the hottest ntr game ideas. The females are very diverse from (at least for me) really hot ones like Queen and Charlotte, to average ones like Rosie and Healer - I just don’t understand the existence of Caroline... she is more a lolie even she might be “18” according to her profile... there are enough goblin games where the girls look all like lolies or average flat. There was one other game with feat quality and hot curvy girls in fantasy goblin game but I don’t know if it’s still worked on... called Tales of the Exciled. But the goblin is a tad too small. But still TotE and Forgotten Royals are still the best goblin games but unfortunately (for understable reasons) have very slow updates - way slower than the other goblin games which are all at least not to my taste cause goblin there are also too small and the girls are way too boring looking with nearly no curves. + are often simple harem games. That why I think Tales of the Exciled has the hottest women and forgotten royals is the best all around package and I look very forward to the new update even I hate that little barbie Caroline. Keep it up!