Mar 11, 2018
What in my opinion also doesn't make sense that much so far is that the MC right now in book 4 doesn't seem to be able to water-, fire- or earthbend. Sure, he is now in the body of an airbender and not of the avatar itself. But he is able to contact the sprits in the spirit world. That's actually something only the avatar can do. Either he is the current avatar or not. Then it shouldn't matter that much what body he occupies at the moment. But not partially. That doesn't make much sense.
Maybe MITY should address that at some point in the story. What is interesting though is that Katara pointed the MC to ask Korra a lot of things about the abilities of the avatar like the avatar state for example. Maybe the MC just isn't aware that he actually CAN water-, fire- and earthbend because he assumes to be limited in his abilities due to the body he's occupying right now not being the the body of the avatar of that time.
Thinking back to book 2 when the MC occupied the body of Zuko he actually never even tried to waterbend because he focused that much on learning to firebend. So him assuming to be limited by the body he's occupying at the moment without actually really being limited could actually be an explanation. Maybe that could've been one of the reasons why Katara pointed him to ask Korra those questions: Maybe she's preparing him for the things to come. She and Toph to a certain degree both seem to know more than the MC himself and Katara told him once that he came back to her and told her some things...
Even if the MC could potentially bend all 4 elements in book 4, it doesn't mean he should. You have to be aware of the fact that everyone in that world thinks that there is only one person who can bend all 4 elements (Avatar Korra). Everyone, excluding maybe Katara and Toph, thinks that the MC is some random airbender guy. Having him reveal that he is an Avatar from a different time and just bend all 4 elements willy nilly would be sure to cause a lot of problems and chaos and would make things a LOT more complicated for him than is necessary.

Of course I may be reading too much into this but it's still valid.


SOTD: Sheryl Crow - Riverwide
Oct 28, 2019
Even if the MC could potentially bend all 4 elements in book 4, it doesn't mean he should. You have to be aware of the fact that everyone in that world thinks that there is only one person who can bend all 4 elements (Avatar Korra). Everyone, excluding maybe Katara and Toph, thinks that the MC is some random airbender guy. Having him reveal that he is an Avatar from a different time and just bend all 4 elements willy nilly would be sure to cause a lot of problems and chaos and would make things a LOT more complicated for him than is necessary.

Of course I may be reading too much into this but it's still valid.
agree, that truly wouldn't even fit and well, would end the developing storyline right there, at the moment he pops up this "yo i can do dem all bruv" because it's still about him having to learn the last one, while again being thrown into someone's body, who btw doesn't have all 4 abilities. the book would kind of lose the point.


Feb 2, 2021
Someone raised an interesting point here, albeit unintentionally, so I won't give them credit.

We actually have basically no context for how far in the future the Avatar is, do we? I don't remember any flavor text giving away how many years/decades/centuries/millenia/etc... have passed since ATLA or Korra, except some geographic/city details that confirm it's post Korra (which we already know).

I wonder if it's gonna turn out that the Avatar MC is actually only 1-2 generations removed from Korra, and because of her losing the spiritual connection to past Avatars, that's why current Avatar is a shitter who sits around his house playing games and fapping instead of solving world problem. Yeah, it's implied things aren't terrible in his time anyway, but still - what if losing the connection to the Avatars who put their lives on the line are why he is the way he is?

I'm guessing he just has a serious case of the shitter mentality at the beginning of the game (or Rance mentality through the entire Slave Route, which is even shitter), but still. Would be interesting if there's some explanation or timeline given. Technically if he's in the Republic City most nations have reps there, and the next Avatar should be from the Earth Kingdom, so he could theoretically be as soon as the next Avatar after Korra.

Country roads

Mar 29, 2021
Someone raised an interesting point here, albeit unintentionally, so I won't give them credit.

We actually have basically no context for how far in the future the Avatar is, do we? I don't remember any flavor text giving away how many years/decades/centuries/millenia/etc... have passed since ATLA or Korra, except some geographic/city details that confirm it's post Korra (which we already know).

I wonder if it's gonna turn out that the Avatar MC is actually only 1-2 generations removed from Korra, and because of her losing the spiritual connection to past Avatars, that's why current Avatar is a shitter who sits around his house playing games and fapping instead of solving world problem. Yeah, it's implied things aren't terrible in his time anyway, but still - what if losing the connection to the Avatars who put their lives on the line are why he is the way he is?

I'm guessing he just has a serious case of the shitter mentality at the beginning of the game (or Rance mentality through the entire Slave Route, which is even shitter), but still. Would be interesting if there's some explanation or timeline given. Technically if he's in the Republic City most nations have reps there, and the next Avatar should be from the Earth Kingdom, so he could theoretically be as soon as the next Avatar after Korra.
He should be the water bender avatar in the cycle but idrk since we learn fire before earth but that could've been a slip up on mitys part


Engaged Member
Mar 9, 2018
Wait so is there more content with 9.5 passed the Jinorra date?
To be fair I was playing a build and thought I hit a wall, there's an interaction with kuvira and imprisonment?
unless the latter is slave route not love but I hit a point & nothing happened so I shrugged and figured I was out of new stuff. I started a new job and wasn't really able to confirm anything due to long hours.


Active Member
Oct 6, 2020
Wait so is there more content with 9.5 passed the Jinorra date?
To be fair I was playing a build and thought I hit a wall, there's an interaction with kuvira and imprisonment?
unless the latter is slave route not love but I hit a point & nothing happened so I shrugged and figured I was out of new stuff. I started a new job and wasn't really able to confirm anything due to long hours.
Yes there's more content after Jinora's date.

joe nemo

May 6, 2018
Someone raised an interesting point here, albeit unintentionally, so I won't give them credit.

We actually have basically no context for how far in the future the Avatar is, do we? I don't remember any flavor text giving away how many years/decades/centuries/millenia/etc... have passed since ATLA or Korra, except some geographic/city details that confirm it's post Korra (which we already know).

I wonder if it's gonna turn out that the Avatar MC is actually only 1-2 generations removed from Korra, and because of her losing the spiritual connection to past Avatars, that's why current Avatar is a shitter who sits around his house playing games and fapping instead of solving world problem. Yeah, it's implied things aren't terrible in his time anyway, but still - what if losing the connection to the Avatars who put their lives on the line are why he is the way he is?

I'm guessing he just has a serious case of the shitter mentality at the beginning of the game (or Rance mentality through the entire Slave Route, which is even shitter), but still. Would be interesting if there's some explanation or timeline given. Technically if he's in the Republic City most nations have reps there, and the next Avatar should be from the Earth Kingdom, so he could theoretically be as soon as the next Avatar after Korra.
There are hints and comments in the game that the MC is decades past Korra's time, not centuries or millenia. The book 4 slave route in particular implies that the MC is from the 2020s to Korra's 1920s. The MC comments on various places in Republic city as having changed a bit and remembers a lot of characters as if it was recent history.

I always thought the MC was just a horny slacker who gets dragged through the story by forces beyond his control. All he really wants is the have a harem of the girls he fucked throughout the story as permanent teenagers.


Active Member
Oct 6, 2020
how do you get it?
I don't remember what happened lol. When you sleep, some knock at the door and it's Sujin going to assassinate Kuvira. MC was like "OK" and went back to sleep. Check out Sujin's home then other people, got to the pond to see an earth soldier.

Dunno if this is right after the date, or there's still content between, the date and what I'm talking about.


Engaged Member
Mar 9, 2018
Odd I couldn't get anything to trigger when I tried last night that said I only went a single day and it was really quick.


New Member
Sep 10, 2021
I also have neither lags nor any other problems with the kuvira fighting minigame, but tbh I guess its because many people who play porn games here have the shittiest potatoe PCs in existence of mankind.
Thats also why you always have people on this forum begging for Android versions or mobile ports in general :KEK:

when is the next update

Country roads

Mar 29, 2021
Also unless I'm remembering wrong then they said they give every location two updates before a swap but if republic city is the final stop then we might get more than two
Dec 26, 2019
Idk but either way imma see this thru xD I hope not tho, cuz i kinda want a chance to give kuvira some of her own medicine, yknowwhatimsayin'?


Engaged Member
Dec 1, 2017
Am I the only one got chill when MC just realize he talk to no one?I mean all this time I though there is someone else in the other side of the wall.Then,we all found out there is no one there.Just a storage closet.No wonder the guard feel sorry for him.
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