
Active Member
Jan 10, 2018
I can almost guarantee there's a Book 5 to this. Gotta wrap everything up neatly. Not sure what's gonna happen to the MC though; would be pretty lame to both the Slave and Love routes ended with MC losing access to their waifus, whether won by romance or rape.

My only hope is that the ending has more balance to it than the branches. I like MITY's humor, but his writing is biased to all hell toward the Slave route, from what I've seen. I highly prefer the Love route plot, but it just seems to get so pushed to the side... especially in Book 2. I'm really hoping for some redemption at the end of it all. Like if giving in to Slave routes more than Love routes means that your character becomes some imbalanced asshole who gets put down by a hero of their time. Otherwise, as much as I enjoy the actual gameplay/humor/individual moments of the story, I fear the Slave route is just another "Sociopath Romance" series, like Rance...
How was the book 2 Love route pushed to the side when it was much better and had more feature than the slave route ?
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Active Member
Jan 11, 2018
My feelings on LoK are

1. It’s atilk an avatar show filled to the brim with stuff I love like great world building, action and some charming characters.
2. Korra is smokin hot sexy chocolate tomboy goddess and I’m too busy drooling over her to have any sort of issue with her. Seriously. She is all the things I want in a waifu. Worth the price of admission. I’m probably biased.
3. Okay. Salivating aside, she is a boring protagonist who doesn’t go through anything interesting, and when she wins I don’t really know why. I’m not really invested in hw struggles.
4. The villains are the highlight of the show(besides chocolate goddess and Tenzin) but they tend to have great concepts but terrible execution. All of them had some interesting philosophical points and ideological ideas brought to the story, but the best example of Amon’s reveal to show how they get screwed up in the end.
5. A lot of the new good guys were annoying. Not nearly as fun as the old ones. There some great ones like Tenzin and Lin, but they are fees and far between.
6. The romance shit was ANNNOYIIING Jesus Christ. Fucking teen drama.
7. The original cast were far more interesting than most of the new cast. I wish we got to see more of them.
8. The original was one, long story where every step was importanT and weighty. In Korra it was a new villain and story every season, and it felt like a Saturday morning cartoon “villain of the month” thing, where nothing really changes? It doesn’t feel as grand. It doesn’t have the same weight.

Overall, I think the original show was lightning in a bottle that’s hard to capture again. I think the passion wasn’t quite at the same level. I think the story was over, and they couldn’t do it again.

I still enjoyed the show. It has a lot of the stuff I loved form the original and I’m glad I watched it. It just...couldn’t have ever lived up to the original.
Idunno, the writer's new show on Netflix does pretty well capturing the feel. Dragon Prince, that is. IMO. The mixture of seriousness and childishness is different, though in that in Avatar I think it was more childish in the first book and slowly got more mature and serious, whereas they're both kinda concurrent in Dragon Prince. Also, sassy small queen.


Feb 28, 2018
does anyone have the save to the beginning of this update, my hard drive got reformatted and all my save got scrubbed out of existence


Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2018
OKAY. THIS IS A PORN GAME. I know. I know. Filled with comedy. I'm not expecting Citizen Kane. But the story usually follows logic? THey do absurd things but its within reason. I rarely have complaints,or cause to question the "logic" of this game. Where the characters do something stupid that I feel the need to talk about it

In fact I can only remember three times this whole game

1. "oh no! My house is on fire! IT'S NOT LIKE I CAN FIREBEND! I'm in real danger! Even though I can literally control 3 of the four elements!" That was silly

2. "I'm going to tell Korra, who I've been terrorizing and raping by pretending to be Amon, that she is strong enough to fight him! very smart!"*why would he even say this) "oh hey! she suddenly starts acting strange! I don't care!"

3. "Oh hey! She now thinks that she is strong enough to fight amon! She says she won't! While acting insane! I don't believe her! Lets NOT even keep an eye on her!"

I mean, I know the MC is a Tool, but come on now. You can come up with something better than this.


Jun 12, 2018
Korra will prompt you to go back to the south pole for a surprise. Give Jinora a nice birthday party with lots of guests. Once back in town visit your bedroom often and Jinora will ask you to visit her by the Koi pond. Do so. Later you will hear a voice I think asking you to visit the Tower. Enjoy the following scene.
could you give me a save of the scene I think I am missing something to complete the birthday and that's why I don't get it I just get the pregnant korra scene


May 12, 2018
Where's on windows are save files located? I can't access new content of 0.8.6, but I can't use downloaded saves becasue I don't know where they are suppose to be put into


Sep 15, 2017
Replaying Book 4 from the start since it's been OVER A YEAR AND A HALF since the route sarted and I lost my save.

Gotta say I forgot how sassy the writing got after Book 3 was finished. It's both amusing and concerning, as if the writer is releasing his pent up tension on the player. Not that I care though, he does deserve the criticism, but reading this route again is quite entertaining after everything we went through to see it finished.


Sep 11, 2017
Good stuff, good stuff, Jinora content was added so I'm satisfied.
Is there a non-half asleep version of the after-birthday party scene? I think I grabbed everything, but I can't quite tell.
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May 19, 2018
nice... birthday seems to be broken. i tried everything. klicked every pixel. twice! she just won't get her present and the mine is locked...
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Jul 12, 2017
I cant get any of the Jinora scenes to work, I've done the party 100% and I even talked to her after the fact, but nothing
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Aug 8, 2016
Anyone got a solution the meditation puzzle in the tower with the 4 wind icons? I really hate these puzzles


Feb 24, 2019
Where's on windows are save files located? I can't access new content of 0.8.6, but I can't use downloaded saves becasue I don't know where they are suppose to be put into
try pressing windows key + r, type "appdata", clcik on the roaming folder, go to the renpy folder, then look for the "Avatar Harem" folder
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