3.80 star(s) 13 Votes


New Member
Jul 12, 2023
The reason i asked is because sometimes games mentions other games but it's not the real title. They change a few word and i have to try and guess if it's a real game and if it is, what is the real name.
I tried searching for these by those names and nada. Even for the earlier one called Mixology. If they are real they go by different names.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2021
Adjustment MOD

Hi... I compiled together a few mod's and a few minor visual adjustments that present some pleasing changes that compliment this title's look and play style. (Improved visibility, and some choice information)

  • Changed the default textbox, to a custom bottom shaded version...which aids with viewing the dialog text without blocking the background content. (Theme Default choice in the preferences)
  • Included the 0x52_URM tool, which allows a user to view as well edit Ren'Py titles. (Can be used to verify and view more data behind some of the story choices, as well can be used to display requirement checks as they happen through out the story. To edit press ALT m keys together to bring up the tools search console.)
  • Also included a Universal Quick Menu mod, which hide's or display's the quick menu by pressing your Q key. (Used to help clean up the dialog area by hiding the quick menu from the bottom of your screen.)
  • Included the Universal Choice Descriptor Mod, which can display on screen data that is behind the story choices. Which can offer points and other game related info. (This is not a walk through, but this mod can still provide some additional choice info...as well this compilation of mod's will work successfully along side the Joker / KoGa3 WT mod's...if one is created later for this title.)
  • Included a modified version of the Universal 4+1 Textbox Mod, with a dialog opacity slider (This mod is used to bypasses the default textbox settings, which adds four styles of textboxes, plus the theme default choice which displays the custom dark bottom shaded textbox).
  • Included a font outline script, which adds a dark outline on the dialog and character names...which visually improves the display of the dialog and name text on the new custom textbox.
  • Included an updated custom game menu image, to improve the visibility of the preference setting on screen.
Just extract and merge the mod's game folder with this titles game folder (over write when prompted). Then run your game exe, and enjoy this title's minor changes and added features.

Note: This mod compilation shouldn't need regular updates, (provided no major coding changes have been done to the original script of this title)…as this compilation should continue to work for future game releases.


This Image below is displaying the modified 4+1 textbox mod preference settings, along with the changed game menu background.

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Aug 1, 2019
Yes piss head off... And trash him were he belonge to same the handle Civil.


Aug 1, 2019
Had a lots of error in Ch4... Ignore did not wor and rollback same. So i quite it at the last .... Ch4 some with the halfe bree Ork ... Sex sorry but nice idea only the none sence talk is waist of time in it...THX but No thx


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2018
Just found out about this game and gotta say. I'm liking what I see so far. So much so, I even helped the Dev the best way I can. I bought Season 1 on Steam. It has a captivating story. I will say, I looked up some of the shows that the watch, but couldn't find any games. Maybe those are ones this Dev will eventually release if this game gives him or her enough momentum to do so.


Active Member
May 1, 2017
haven't played for long yet, but something is struck me.
what's with the camera angles? i don't think i've ever played a game with same angles before and it makes me really uncomfortable.
am i playing some sort of voldemort that's attached to the back of mc's head? why is it always in view? :KEK:

p.s. that starting haircut of mc (yes i've read it changes) reminded me of shameful past which my brain has been suppressing all those years, so thanks for that. :LOL:

edit: the camera angle thing changed in later episode, for any1 wondering. much better this way.
also, should probably add pregnancy tag. :BootyTime:
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Engaged Member
Aug 4, 2022
p.s. that starting haircut of mc (yes i've read it changes) reminded me of shameful past which my brain has been suppressing all those years, so thanks for that. :LOL:
Looked too emo for my taste. I had proper headbanger hair until I became too old to have any at all. If it hadn't all fallen out I'd still have it. :p


Engaged Member
Sep 1, 2020
We understand you were only doing what is necissary
should be

Ooops...nevermind...........just saw the earlier posts about
the 'rushed' release....


Super fantastic so far. Just started it.
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Well-Known Member
May 1, 2021
so far the errors and the repetitive question to everybody are the worst part of it,...if you take that put is pretty damn straightforward not so much complication ,....the scriptis okish more for a juvenile fanbase than for any adult ,....
but the felling i have after playing the last update is that the mc is like in neutral gear,he doesnt know if he is a simp or something else,....but im confus ,,,,,in the first chapter tessa tell the mc he can trust the trillonaire asshole,and beware of the agent of chaos,but in the last update she totally tell him that this "thing" isnt any good and he need to be carefull aorund him,,...so wich one of is the true,.....game is okishh ,like a 3 out of 5 nothing mmore ,bcs there is nothing amzing to called upon it or to remember ,.....a sjame i really was wiating for ths update to be something else,........

Canto Forte

Post Pro
Jul 10, 2017
MC is a bum ... effectively. All his life he worked in the gym ... to become a scrawny emo simpleton.
MC is looking on his phone for jobs and cannot find any ... while girls all around him work.
MC is this scared of life he was dead set on firing the concierge of his uncle and selling the house while he turned back home defeated and beat by the ”hardships of life” - now MC can make it his mission to work for the king or oppose his iron grip on the realm - this is not a do or die, the king is not a total tirant, but a strict and demanding one - to which MC is not a fledgeling anymore - so MC is not feeling the grip of the king on himself the way everyone else does, MC has lee way.

Major paths are opposing the king and holding his ground - MC is here to go through the trials like Hercules, without bending the knee - or you can be pliable to the king demands and coast on your power surge fame that makes you interesting for the king to toy with.
so wich one of is the true,.....game is okishh ,like a 3 out of 5 nothing mmore ,bcs there is nothing amzing to called upon it or to remember


Feb 22, 2020
This is really minor but while I appreciate the ability to name non-mc characters, it would be nice to know something about the character before you have to name them.

For example, right at the beginning of the game you are given the option of giving Callie a different name while you are on the train talking to Chuck on the phone. At that point, we don't know anything about her (what she looks like, what her personality is like, what her relationship is/will be to the MC) so it's hard to make an informed choice about what to name her. If you pushed back the naming prompt just a bit to when you meet her coming off the train it would be better imo. Like I said this is a tiny nitpick. Just something to think about.
Mar 29, 2023
MC is a bum ... effectively. All his life he worked in the gym ... to become a scrawny emo simpleton.
MC is looking on his phone for jobs and cannot find any ... while girls all around him work.
Why would the MC feel the need to look for a job? The MC earns 30k dollars a month from monthly returnings. If the MC lives frugal, he doesn't need to work for the rest of his life. Also if he invest half of what he "earns" a month, he can grow his wealth without doing anything.

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Gotta love it when it's only 800Mb and it freezes 3 times while extracting. Never had a problem when I used HDD, shitty SSD >=(
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Canto Forte

Post Pro
Jul 10, 2017
Do you know the tale of the heart of a mouse in the body of a tiger? Beside the point that MC worked out all day at the gym with little to show for it - which could be a dire indication he was slacking a lot - or a harsh reminder that MC really had it hard in his life in between the good tiems he spent at the uncle villa - to which he is back now, but his mindset is still so dim and low.
MC is handed a PC which he accesses and sees whatever his uncle - a real estate magnate who had purchased half the town in his lifetime and had organised returns off of deals he had made- had kept as a reminder at some point in time.

We do not know when the uncle had made that screenshot of his fortune - could be a month, a year, ten years before his demise - it could be accurate or just a sum of a couple of his revenue avenues. Trouble is, MC never inspencts or questions people around town about the deal they had with his uncle, because a table in excel about some numbers without the context means very little - so little that MC is not thinking of doing anything about it, thinking that it represents the current state of affairs based on literally nothing.
Why would the MC feel the need to look for a job?
MC is stuck in that mentality - he thiught he had to fire his conscierge, sell the house and go back home pennyless and jobless;
why do you think MC is about town and across realms looking for a job?
Mar 29, 2023
Do you know the tale of the heart of a mouse in the body of a tiger? Beside the point that MC worked out all day at the gym with little to show for it - which could be a dire indication he was slacking a lot - or a harsh reminder that MC really had it hard in his life in between the good tiems he spent at the uncle villa - to which he is back now, but his mindset is still so dim and low.
MC is handed a PC which he accesses and sees whatever his uncle - a real estate magnate who had purchased half the town in his lifetime and had organised returns off of deals he had made- had kept as a reminder at some point in time.

We do not know when the uncle had made that screenshot of his fortune - could be a month, a year, ten years before his demise - it could be accurate or just a sum of a couple of his revenue avenues. Trouble is, MC never inspencts or questions people around town about the deal they had with his uncle, because a table in excel about some numbers without the context means very little - so little that MC is not thinking of doing anything about it, thinking that it represents the current state of affairs based on literally nothing.

MC is stuck in that mentality - he thiught he had to fire his conscierge, sell the house and go back home pennyless and jobless;
why do you think MC is about town and across realms looking for a job?
First of all, no I don't know the tale about the heart of a mouse in a tiger. I do know about wolves in sheep's clothing but that's something different =P

Second, we kind of do know from when that spreadsheet is. Why bother make a monthly balance sheet if you haven't used it for years? My guess is that the spreadsheet was updated in the last month before the uncle's/******'s death. Because there were open investments that gives revenue, property etc. So that would be the limiting factor that that spreadsheet was used by the uncle.

The MC didn't know about the villa. The uncle didn't own the villa until he worked for/with Charles. And that was after the MC moved out of his hometown, so the MC never knew that the uncle had a villa. Because before all that, the uncle had a gym, wasn't well off and lived in some shitty apartment in the city.

Last but not least; The MC is crossing realms to look for a job? Ehm... That was not the story I read? In my pov, he was being pingponged (mc's own words), between worlds. The MC is desperately trying to get rid off his cognitive dissonance but every answer gains more questions. I haven't seen the MC looking for a job at all. The only thing that comes to mind is the "quest" for the dagger, which the MC already has.
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And after playing this, I don't think money will ever be a problem for the MC or his friends. If they need something, the MC can just simply *poof* it into existence, so why bother work for money?

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Jan 7, 2021
Tried to find High Earth Orbit, one of the shows the watched in the game, i assumed its a cameo of another game, is it real? if so anyone got a link to it?
3.80 star(s) 13 Votes