Great update overall! The sex scenes were really cool and the tone of the episode was pretty different from the others so far. The one that I liked the most was with Leah, but it was a tie between her and Melody. But it seems that the only that could have been canon is with Karina, because she could be officially a non-virgin right now. Anyway, a point of view question anyway.
I'll speculate about the future of the game, but it's pretty clear that eventually a choice will need to be made. Even the girls know that and it's pretty clear that none of them want to think about this for now. I actually can feel that they're afraid, considering how their personalities are different (and maybe how my writter's mind works towards some questions, but I'm just rambling). Maybe the illusion of choice is what the developers want us to think, but from all the games I've played on this forum, this is the one that wouldn't bet in a harem, even I wanting it so much.
It was pretty clear that Alice felt jealous over the MC for staying with Leah on the past chapter. Also it's pretty obvious that Leah doesn't want to admit, but frankly would fight with the other girls to stay with him. After all, she's a lioness that's getting domesticated by him. Melody... well, what to say. That was the second time that she let her feelings clear for the MC, but she seems pretty insecure about it. Honestly, she seems insecure about everything related to herself and uses the crazy persona to vent some of her thoughts.
Considering that we'll fully enter in a Summer Vacations phase, maybe this vacation will be essential to change the whole dynamic of the game, like how it was when the Aunt Hailey appeared, or some definitions will happen eventually.
But even Alice not caring enough, I was pretty disappoint that the MC treated Alice so bad because of the job stuff. Let her be, I would work as hard as possible to make her live confortably anyway...
About Alice being sided for another characters: Alice is my favorite character, she's my queen and I ever said that if her period wouldn't end probably I would eat her anyway. But honestly, too much focus on her made the other girls look less attractive for some people. Of course, there's always people which prefer one or other by the start, but maybe the updated focusing in Melody, then Leah, and then a mix between them with notes of Karina made the people realize that the other girls also have background and their personalities are as good as their looks. Also, you always need to taste before say that you didn't liked something right?
Also, I never thought that we could see a fight of the people that likes the Harem option and the ones which would prefer the sole-girl path. Both options for me are cool, but I honestly wouldn't like to let any of the girls sad because of me.
I mean, when I played the Side-Story of Karina, I got really jealous because on that story Leah wasn't the bad-bitch that she used to be, Alice was with the life that we promised to each other and Melody already had kids and had a fiancé. All the girls outlived the MC, and it seemed that he was okay with that. The fact was that I wasn't really bugged me and I hope that, in the end, we'll be able to reach at a point that any of the choices will be a satisfied one.
So, at this point, I'm 100% harem team, but I wouldn't fight the people that would prefer Leah, Melody, Karina or even Hailey. Susan too, but she'll need to come back first.