I'm in agreement with you Brother, Sluts bang around with everyone, and as often as they can. Even if it means they flaunt the fact, or leading to particular fetish, that not many (myself included) what to experience.
In this case, I see them as sexually active, not sluts. We're not having to watch them with multiple partners, and it's evident that, the MC is the main source of attraction for them. So when the story starts fleshing more out, and the girls will then start to have more personalities and individualism. Mainly toward the MC, peeps will have a better feel and opinion of the girls as the game moves forward.
You guys are doing great so far Brother, I can't wait till we get more in....especially some cock/ pussy action with whomever...Lol!! to get the ball rolling......My vote would be for sis, but anyone at this point for some good fapping, while we wait for more story building.
Any way you guys are awesome......Thanks so much, for your game Brothers...................Peace!!