
Active Member
Nov 20, 2017
oh that's not really funny new update with max 5 min me playtime make a REAL content or let it be eifach that is just annoying and hardly makes you want a new update
the game is not bad looks good and I would like to play more but so?
May 5, 2017
I'd like to see a game where the sister-screwing was a difficult story arc to reach instead of the star of the show. No one wants a long-term relationship with their sister or mother, just a month or two of reckless lust. It shouldn't be a primary story arc. Like a side-story where she pops in every few minutes to blue-ball you with sexually teases but you can't respond to until the per-requisites are met. You see this alot in JVNs. They'll make routes with unique girls (teachers, mothers, ghosts, aliens, microwave ovens, etc) available only after you've met a bunch of pre-requisites - like a tasty desert amplified by the anticipation ... maybe I've just been on this scene too long and seen too many incest variants taking up the front page. And now with Patreon sucking all the good bits out of games, it's like whatever.
Lol dude like ur desire for game but i think it will rare to come by i also want those type game cz i think jvns are little bit low level in moral

xhoni spica

Active Member
Aug 9, 2017
Correct me if im wrong he say 0.3 gone be a big update but as i can see is a small update.

V.A. Laurie

Game Writer & Editor
Game Developer
Oct 9, 2017
Correct me if im wrong he say 0.3 gone be a big update but as i can see is a small update.
oh that's not really funny new update with max 5 min me playtime make a REAL content or let it be eifach that is just annoying and hardly makes you want a new update
the game is not bad looks good and I would like to play more but so?
I am sorry you guys feel this update was too short. I'm trying to let the content that is going into these updates dictate their length.

To me, one of the most boring things in these games is clicking past 100+ screens of nothingness. I don't even mean lack to sex, I mean lack to story and progress. I am trying to avoid excess filler content. Who really wants filler in these games? There are two ways I could have elongated the v0.3 update: I could have added a bunch of bullshit conversations between characters that lent nothing to the story itself, or I could have added in the next day... Neither seemed ideal. Adding in the next day would have more than doubled the amount of renders and programming FFCreations would have had to do and I didn't think that was a great idea.

The story that this game will tell is quite focused and planned out already. Unlike a game such as DMD, where you have monthly updates that were built by a small team of people, this is just FFCreations and I -- I write, he does everything else. So we want to provide you all with great updates in terms of graphical quality and story progression. The next update will be longer, though, so fear not. You will get a longer update (I don't know how to gauge a "time" of play, but I promise longer), and this one will have a couple opportunities for some sexy scenes... if you play your cards right ;)
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May 4, 2017
Well not to sure about this visual novel/game... It is another one of those Family Sex themed VN/games, but at least it offers you the option for the step-sister to be a friend instead...

The visuals of the characters are not bad, although some of the body proportions are bordering unnatural for a couple characters... Some people have a breast or butt fetish, and that shows in some visual novels, where they are exaggerated, and that slightly throws off the immersion of the story, for me at least... The backdrops are alright, nothing spectacular...

The script has very little in the way of flaws, as I only noticed a couple grammar errors... The story is about a male protagonist living with either his step-sister or good friend (depending on your choice), and they are attending college together as well... The characters the protagonist runs into at school, are way over the top in both their personalities and how they act/dress... The characters at the school (the female students and especially the teacher) all seem like stereotyped roles with no real foothold in reality... Teachers would get fired for dressing like that, as usually schools have dress codes for their staff... I mean come on, her breasts are practically falling out of her dress... And what is up with all that sprawl on her white board? Students in a college would be expelled for that kind of stuff... This isn't a high school over the top comedy... It's a college, and the story doesn't seem like it's meant to be a 70's or early 80's comedy... Schools, these days, are very unforgiving of that kind of behavior from students... So that all really detracts from the immersion, of this being a real college setting...

The students have over the top personalities... One being mean and over bearing to everyone she runs into (she acts more like a rebellious young high school student than a college student)... The other female student is very slutty (in the middle of a class room btw) yet stand offish with attitude... The teacher plays out almost like a dominatrix who wants to have sex, or at least flaunt sex (aka seduce), with every male student she has... And what is up with the indemnity paperwork? As no school or teacher can legally be indemnified from acts of harm (which this contract seems to be hinting at) from a teach on a student... And any sort of paperwork, like that, would have been handled in registration, not by an individual teacher... Really over the top personalities... The only character I actually find has a semi-reasonable personality is the step-sister/friend... I almost feel like this was written by a high school student with no real college experience...

Overall, I get the sense from the content thus far, that this will be yet another sex hyper-focused, and over the top, game with a script... More so than a deep, meaningful, and interesting Erotic Visual Novel... There doesn't seem to be much in the way of a plot, beyond sex related stuff, so far... It's still in early stages of development, but I get an uneasy feeling about the direction this story is really going to go... Only time will really tell... I may try this one again somewhere later into it's development, or I may not... I just don't know at this point based on what it shows right now...
you seem to be expecting this to not be a pornographic game.

i think your expectations are a bit off, buddy.

V.A. Laurie

Game Writer & Editor
Game Developer
Oct 9, 2017
It's listed as a Visual Novel not as a Porn Game...

An adult or erotic visual novel is a fictitious prose narrative of book length, typically representing character and action with some degree of realism, with visuals to support the story, usually including content with an erotic and/or adult theme...

Porn is a depiction of sexual behavior (as in pictures or writing) intended to cause sexual excitement, usually with little in the way of plot that doesn't focus on achieving that goal... Do people watch porn movies for their story, heck no... Hence why most porn movies are considered B-rated, because the story takes a back seat to the sexual stuff...

They are two different beasts, even if sexual stuff is a part of both... Hence why I liken this one as leaning more towards porn like than actual visual novel, based on it's current content...

Anyway, it was a review/feedback on what I experienced with the play through...
i think i understand the other reply - this website in general is for erotic/adult/pornographic games. It should be the expectation that even a "Visual Novel" is going to have pornographic plots and themes.

I would be hardpressed to name a single entry on this site that is 100% Safe For Work or without any erotic content.

I would even venture to say you're being too particular with the terms, but I'm not here to try and stop you. It just seems like you're set on the idea that a VN needs to be entirely believable... which also is not going to be the case.

Regardless, I'm glad you tried the game and hope that you'll come back and check it out as we progress! Thanks for the feedback.
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Respected User
Aug 5, 2017
you seem to be expecting this to not be a pornographic game.

i think your expectations are a bit off, buddy.
i never read a positive comment from this Zippity guy in a incest game
wonder what he's doing here when its's clearly not his cup of tea

Edit: Great game, btw, renders are rly amazing
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Ninja By Sea
Game Developer
Sep 21, 2017
I say we report him for trolling.

i think i understand the other reply - this website in general is for erotic/adult/pornographic games. It should be the expectation that even a "Visual Novel" is going to have pornographic plots and themes.

I would be hardpressed to name a single entry on this site that is 100% Safe For Work or without any erotic content.

I would even venture to say you're being too particular with the terms, but I'm not here to try and stop you. It just seems like you're set on the idea that a VN needs to be entirely believable... which also is not going to be the case.

Regardless, I'm glad you tried the game and hope that you'll come back and check it out as we progress! Thanks for the feedback.
Correct, my first demo I posted had over 3600 words of dialogue and over 6000 now but oh how he was, "...swamped with porn it felt like I was watching a B-rated porn movie and had to end the game early..."
He cannot read the tags on the page? He told me he couldn't read the changelog. "Hence" is why he'll never make a decent critic, or find the themed game he's looking for if he is in fact looking for one instead of seeking out incest themed games and handing out bad reviews. I've read them and it's either too much grind before any action or too much action and no story or mine I had too much porn and spelling errors which he could not mention where and I doubt exist as I ran mine through several translators without errors. I doubt he would know the meaning of the title of my game without googling it. "Hence" why he did with the definitions of several topics he mentioned, English is not his first language.
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Jun 7, 2017
In many countries you are considered "step" if one of your parents remarries. Father remarries, that woman becomes your step mom, her children become your "stepsiblings". Same for Mother remarrying. If your father remarries and then gets that woman pregnant, or your mother remarries and becomes pregnant, that child will be your "half-rysibling", instead of step. It's definitely different from country to country.
Thanks, Great explanation. Step = related only by marriage, no blood relation. Half = share one biological parent but not both. There is NO variation from country to country. These definitions go all the way back to the Bible. You all need to watch Cinderella again.

Hot women, no disappointments here. Thanks.


Devoted Member
Sep 7, 2017
Well you could always just use the ignore function found when you mouse over your username and select people you ignore and add whoever you want to the box and hit enter and their posts will disappear.
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Jun 1, 2017
The small content updates have been killing me but the renders are amazing especially the Alice character! Keep up the great work @FFCreations! Can't wait for the next update! Happy holidays everyone!
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