That's just
NeonGhosts placating people like me, who aren't into sharing even with our other girls.

Which I do appreciate.
Hah! Honestly, as far as stuff on Patreon/SubStar go, the short stories are always canon, as well as things like the recent posts from Britt’s Picogram account, or Nicki’s old LonelyFans photos. Stuff with story relevancy, basically.
The things like the Easter Bunny photos, or these little sexy renders, are more nebulous. I try not to make the characters do anything they wouldn't do in the game, but officially they're non-canonical.
It's difficult deciding whether to play this date update or to wait for the end of the chapter! In one case, I'll have something to look forward to after playing; in the other case, I'll have more to look forward to (rather than a wait for an ultimately supplemental update).
I'd say just play it when it comes out, honestly. At this point this update is going to come in over 1100 renders, putting it squarely in the average range of past releases. For comparison, the release where Britt had her photoshoot, only had 850ish renders.
The only real problem with this update (boy, I do a great job selling my game.. :'D ) is that it's pretty narrowly focused on Ashe, and to a lesser extent, Viola. So if neither of them appeal to you, there just won't be a lot for you. It still advances the overall plot of the story (Ashe's story directly feeds into another girl's, the photo mystery with Ashe grows closer to being solved, etc.), and has some little cameo appearances from Risa, Nicki, and Pepper, but it's mostly just The Ashe Show.
NeonGhosts fantastic game, and I really am enjoying the whole experience. Left a review for more general terms, but will post here some tidbits I really liked:
I love the beginning - crypto is a scam PSA and the even more important if you buy Crypto you're a moron PSA. Ofc its just poking fun, but its very funny and truthful.
'but if you started an onlyfans' - too truthful.
Best description of drunken gambling I've ever read. Spiritual pilgrimage of contemplating the insides of bottles and praying in the temples of RNGesus.
One thing that surprised me is that the MC not only has a personality, that you can mold, but its an interesting and fairly complex but relatable one. Always hated generic self-inserts or dolls for you to control and demand bitches to dick ride you.
I mentioned in the review another thing I loved, which was how all the girls are multi-dimensional, not what they seem, but in a good way, they're genuine but with depth, flaws and issues, plus secrets. They live their lives outside the MC, and want things of their own, which is what makes engaging with them so enjoyable. Apparently Nicki was hated or something, dunno why. She's frustrating, but 100% human and I can completely see a normal person doing that.
The 'male antagonists' (Jaime, Brent, Unknown Creeps, Madison's Husband might be) are somewhat exaggerated and unrealistic - exception: Jaime talking with his gf about the play was great though, really showed some depth here. But frankly, who doesn't enjoy crushing assholes.
Art Wise - Great and varied models, MC is particularly is very unique and realistic, while the girls are pretty and unique, instantly recognizable. Can also def see the art improving, drastically after EP1, and the backgrounds are always at least solid. I reaaaally appreciate not using stock photos for those btw.
So yeah, big fan, and first game to have involved me so much since... ugh... I'm be real cliche, BaDIK. Very different games, different aims and paths, but what they have in common is surprising quality and depth.
Hey, hey! Thanks for the kind words (and kind review!) -- really appreciate that!
I'm glad my distaste for crypto shines through in those early bits.

I started conceiving of this game at a time when crypto enthusiasm was at a peak, and I was watching people throw all their money into it, convinced it was their only chance at earning a decent living, retirement, etc. Sad state of affairs, honestly. And for the MC, the nature of how he made his wealth will become more relevant later, as we learn more about his upbringing and family life.
Touching on what you said about Guy/MC, I'm glad people generally like the fact that he's not a blank canvas. He has a history, things he likes, things he wants, etc. It makes it a lot easier to write him across multiple paths, and keep him basically consistent, when I kind of operate from the same origin no matter what. I like to think that the things that motivate Good Guy to do good and help others, are the same things that make Bad Guy cruel. It's all about how he's processed the things that've happened to him up until now, either growing from it, or becoming emotionally stunted.
Plus, I think that writing him as an actual character just makes all the interactions with other characters a lot richer. It's kind of like the difference in playing as.. I dunno, Fido from Grand Theft Auto III, vs Kratos from God of War. You're steering both, but one has a clear perspective and personality, while the other is just an audience surrogate.
As for the girls, I always start characters off from two basic questions, which I read in some book on writing a decade+ ago: "What do they want, and what do they fear?" Really useful for forming the core of a character, and I think that when you look at some of the girls and ask that question, their various motives and behaviors become a little more clear.
Ditto for the antagonists. So far we've really only seen Jamie, Brent, etc. through the lens of the MC. But, Brent will come back sooner than later, and I'm kind of curious how people take him in that second appearance. Like, he's obviously kind of an image-obsessed dickhead, but in
his version of the story, he's absolutely the underdog good guy. He tried to make some money, failed miserably, lost his girlfriend to a rich asshole, and was left with nothing. In another game, he'd be the guy scheming to get back all the things he lost. But, he's in Guy's story, and that automatically casts him into an adversarial role.