
New Member
Nov 8, 2020
But hey, informal poll! Which girl is your favorite?
Of the one featured prominently so far? Gabby. Each of her paths are great. We get a fun bratty baby girl path, and a dark slave path. He character is well rounded and had depth and complexity in how she responds to MC. Her story interacts with other characters and MC's business endeavors in interesting ways.

Now, out of the partners I'd like to see more of... I think Viola has great potential for MC to use his wealth to slowly coax her submission and unleash her inner desires. She is also in a good position for MC's involvement to substantially improve her life and her mother's. So one day she will be like "Yeah I wear this collar and I'm a slave to my master, but I get to go to school for music, my mom has her medical bills taken care of, and we get to live in this really nice apartment."

Wholesome corruption. (which I think describes this game pretty well)

I'd also like to get into the more incremental corruption and domination of Nikki.


Aug 29, 2022
I wouldn't worry about the game changing significantly. I obviously have certain interests, and those will be represented in FiN until it reaches its natural conclusion.

Now, that said? I do sometimes think about my next game, and how appealing it'd be to do something that's more of a straight-up romance, with the occasional deviant choice.

And I do have plans to tone down some elements of Chapter One, so it makes more sense when Nicki does come back. With my original plan for the game, it made sense that she'd return on the dark path. Then things changed, and it kinda stretched credulity that she'd bother coming back. I think it'll ultimately make for a stronger game, to have her unease with MC ratcheted up until she can't really ignore it anymore.

Thanks so much! It's always kind of a surprise which girls end up being super fun to write, and I'm glad that love comes through in the game. :D

As for Risa, I think she'll make some fans with the next installment.

View attachment 2494540

It's become a goal for me because, over and over again, I get the same comment: "I really like this game, but I had to get past the first chapter before it got good." Which naturally makes me wonder how many people got into Chapter One, and didn't continue. But, I'm determined not to get bogged down in it, and move swiftly into Chapter Five one it's finished.
I think a great solution to this is to make it so that if you pick the really dark choices at the beginning, she won't come back. Pretty much like the 'Anti Nicki' patch

Also: anyone find it weird that all of these AVN MC's have 10,000$ chairs standing around? ;)
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Uriel ☁

Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2017
I also regularly get excoriated on a few pirate sites for pushing my 'LGBT agenda,'
Good guy NeonGhost giving us the chance to rape everyone independently of their orientation, gender, race, etc. :ROFLMAO:
But hey, informal poll! Which girl is your favorite?
  1. Nicky - I like everything about her; love her dynamics with MC, love her scenes, love what you did with her tattoos and the meaning behind those
  2. Brittani - love me some bimbos #1; and it comes with a free netori route, awesome
  3. Ashe - love me some bimbos #2; tied with Brittani tbf, need more content to see who stands over the other
  4. Gabbi - she's in a conundrum situation, I like her too much to be an asshole but not enough to play the love route; I think with the next update and the sugar daddy route she'll climb some positions
  5. Viola - her dark route is too dark at the moment and her corruption route isn't yet fully flashed out; I would love to buy me some "benefits" though
  6. Madison - I'm not in milfs much but I smell a netori route and I love them (when done right)
  7. Everyone else - Need more content to form a not superficial opinion (though I already know I'll like Pepper lol)
  8. Alex - love me some muscle girl but her eyebrows are too odd, they're too light and she looks like she doesn't have them at all
  9. MC with a sweater on - you're a milionaire, dress like one damn it
and MC's pending redesign of the bookstore
Seriously when I read that sentence I did not read "of the bookstore" at first and my mind instantly thought "hell yeah, maybe he'll drop that fugly sweater!" :ROFLMAO:


Active Member
Feb 16, 2022
But hey, informal poll! Which girl is your favorite?
Brittani, with Madison second. I want what i'm not supposed to have, lol. I do wonder why Madison isn't more popular, she's the classic married MILF. I'm interested in seeing how the Nice Guy route will play out with her because she really loves her husband and seems a long way off cheating on him willingly.


Engaged Member
Sep 20, 2018
But hey, informal poll! Which girl is your favorite?
Probably Carolina, though admittedly we've seen very little of her and I may be projecting my preferences on a relatively blank slate. But so far she's attractive, mature and has a nicely sarcastic sense of humor. And Maya is cute, which doesn't hurt. Second place is Ashe; I definitely like her, but I get the impression my preferences would be a little boring for her long term.

Beyond that, the other girls go something like this:
  • Nicki: I like her as a friend, but by her own admission she's not in the right headspace for a proper relationship right now and I don't want to lead her on.
  • Brittanyi: I liked her a lot more than I was expecting to. The problem is that after her tear-filled soliloquy about how much she craved the normalcy of her boyfriend's family there's no way I'm pulling a creepy old man on her. She's just too effective an actress, I guess. :p
  • Madison: I've no interest in breaking up a (seemingly) happy marriage.
  • Gabby: I realize she'd be pissed off to hear me say it, but she just doesn't seem mature enough for such a lopsided relationship. Hopefully she'll grow up a bit if we keep things strictly above board.
  • Cassie: I'm so sick to death of incest that I'd pass even if I had the Taboo patch running.
  • Mason: Can't judge until their story actually starts.
  • Alex, Viola, Pepper: They've barely made an impression in the little I've interacted with them.
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Super User
Respected User
Aug 5, 2016
1. Ashe, the perfect combination of airhead and cunning woman in a voluptuous body ready for some kinki action.
2. Viola, cause I'm a sucker for lost puppies.
3. Nicki, the fuck buddy and Brittany got milk?


Active Member
Jan 11, 2022
And I do have plans to tone down some elements of Chapter One, so it makes more sense when Nicki does come back.
NGL, that makes me a little worried :unsure: Hopefully nothing too drastic?

Honestly, if I just did what was popular, the menu screen would look like this. :'D

View attachment 2496111
"Also at least three girls have dicks now"
:LOL: You really know how to tempt a man and then snatch it away :cry::p

But hey, informal poll! Which girl is your favorite?
TBH man, it's constantly switching moment-to-moment because the writing is so good that I'm just down for w/e character comes my way :) It's very hard to choose. That said, maybe so far I'm leaning towards Gabbi. If the question becomes characters we haven't seen as much (if at all) that I'm most looking forward to, though... Mason looks interesting and like (s)he maybe has a kink or two that I'll like ;) And Cassie and the "mother" certainly has me extremely excited... can't wait to see what you come up with there!

BTW, er, um... you don't happen to have any GILF encounters planned, do you? It's just that GILFs, and I mean true GILFs not MILFs with white hair, are such a rare sight in VNs and it would be so fascinating to see the sexual and romantic perspective of an older gal from you. Maybe the gal that used to own the photoshoot apartment? :unsure: (maybe she moved away, though, can't remember) Obviously your plate of characters is already overflowing, so I'm sure you have no plans especially for a niche market, but even a minor character w/ one encounter would be so welcome and refreshing for us wrinkle freaks :ROFLMAO:
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The Crawling Chaos, Bringer of Strange Joy
Oct 23, 2016
But hey, informal poll! Which girl is your favorite?

Hard choice to make, as I find something likeable in all girls and from some we have seen very little so far, and going by optics alone would make no sense.

Gabby probably is my favourite for now. I usually like more voluptuous ladies, but she has a nice tight body, I like her hair and I really like the mixture of both vulnerability and spunk, of relative sexual inexperience, but very willing to try stuff.
Brittany would be second now, initially I just really liked her visuals, but I am a sucker for sad stories and always want to help people in hard times (I use a mod to be able to adopt more children in Skyrim fe. :) ), plus her boyfriend is such a douche, I just have to free her of his idiocy.
Third would probably Ashe right now, sexy and very approachable, kind character. I like that.

There are several women I do find fascinating from what we've seen so far, Pepper, Carolina, Risa, but we've seen too little of them to be sure whether I like them more or less than others.

Nicki would probably rate higher, if not for 2 reasons, she is definitely not my type visually AND while I (as the MC) might have forgiven her for what she did, it's still pretty shitty how she treated the MC. There are reasons, yeah, but that doesn't mean I don't hold a bit of resentment.

And while I don't want to start an argument or something, I am seriously wondering, what is your LGBTQ agenda?
The only thing I can think of is that Mason seems quite genderfluid for now, but I admit I just figured they were a girl trying to hide that fact, to live a little safer on the streets.

But even if they are trans or non-binary, one character out of so many wouldn't exactly make much of an agenda.

OTOH, gamer bros already scream woke agenda over a single trans NSC in a game with a few hundred characters, or claim that the new Dead Space is woke (still not sure why, maybe one straight white male too few for them :cool: )
  • Red Heart
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Mar 27, 2018
Probably Carolina, though admittedly we've seen very little of her and I may be projecting my preferences on a relatively blank slate. But so far she's attractive, mature and has a nicely sarcastic sense of humor. And Maya is cute, which doesn't hurt. Second place is Ashe; I definitely like her, but I get the impression my preferences would be a little boring for her long term.

Beyond that, the other girls go something like this:
  • Nicki: I like her as a friend, but by her own admission she's not in the right headspace for a proper relationship right now and I don't want to lead her on.
  • Brittany: I liked her a lot more than I was expecting to. The problem is that after her tear-filled soliloquy about how much she craved the normalcy of her boyfriend's family there's no way I'm pulling a creepy old man on her. She's just too effective an actress, I guess. :p
  • Madison: I've no interest in breaking up a (seemingly) happy marriage.
  • Gabby: I realize she'd be pissed off to hear me say it, but she just doesn't seem mature enough for such a lopsided relationship. Hopefully she'll grow up a bit if we keep things strictly above board.
  • Cassie: I'm so sick to death of incest that I'd pass even if I had the Taboo patch running.
  • Mason: Can't judge until their story actually starts.
  • Alex, Viola, Pepper: They've barely made an impression in the little I've interacted with them.
This is probably the most 'level headed' answer I've seen, and I've got to agree. I'm in my late 20's. I just don't have the mental energy to deal with high school level immaturity. Gabby 100% acts her age. Solution there is honestly just time and experience. The only character so far I would describe as 'a kid'.

Brittney's a little better (largely due to her issues being much more serious/abuse related so I personally am willing to be more patient with it), but honestly I don't think I'd be willing to try and defuse that bomb. If you do defuse it though she'd probably be a great partner.

Madison I agree. I'm no homewrecker.

Ashe is a bit ditzy for my taste to be honest. She isn't shallow, but she isn't my type either (tragic since I love blondes). Perhaps fitting given the game events thus far, but Ashe strikes me as a one night stand and that's all.

Carolina definitely has it together. Easily the most mature (from what we've seen so far) of the lot. She does have a kid though, which shouldn't be taken lightly since you're adding two people to your life, not just one.

Not much to go on so far for the others.


Mar 23, 2019
But hey, informal poll! Which girl is your favorite?
First place is honestly between Viola and Brittani. Our interaction with Viola so far is very, very brief (assuming you choose not to be an asshole), but it shows a lot of potential room for developing a relationship with her, and I like where that is going. In both directions, actually.

Brittani, on the other hand, is a gorgeous, determined, and fairly bright young woman who wants to become an actress to the point she mentally clicks in between. I've always had huge respect for actors since they can actually keep track of the various personalities they have to keep track of when they're doing their job. Brittani shows a lot of potential as an aspiring actress and her boyfriend honestly doesn't deserve her. Better she goes to me, instead.

For the others...

2: Ashe, because everyone likes a hot blonde every now and then.
3: Risa. Instant impression, but I have yet to see anything with her.
4: Nicki. Good friend, possible submissive servant, either way, she is reliable.
5: Gabby. Feels a bit forced on me, but I'll play along since she is cute in her own way, but I've never liked the "angry at my parents for keeping me in the dark, and I show it by lashing out at others without care for what they have say" type.
6: Cassie. I have done so many incest games on this site, this'll be nothing new to me. The only real difference is that Cassie has only made appearances in photos or dreams.

The others, I don't know enough to give a good rating. Need more input and data for a fair judgment.
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Game Developer
Apr 8, 2018
But hey, informal poll! Which girl is your favorite?
For me it's Nicki by quite a ways, I like her look the most and her story is the most interesting/developed.
From their Brittani and Viola I think by looks and type of content with them.
Then Madison and Mason I am most interesting in what their content might bring.
Then finally Gabby and Ashe I am not really interested in.
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Engaged Member
Oct 30, 2019
But hey, informal poll! Which girl is your favorite?
Gabby ofc ; but I find my second place a tie between Brittani and Viola ; i can smell drama on the both of them and they are so cute....
And 3rd place, despite her decision making skill rivaling Activision Blizzard and John Romero combined, Nikki ; against my better judgement I must say....

I'll keep an eye out for Ashe and Mason, who knows.


Active Member
Jan 11, 2022
And while I don't want to start an argument or something, I am seriously wondering, what is your LGBTQ agenda?
The only thing I can think of is that Mason seems quite genderfluid for now, but I admit I just figured they were a girl trying to hide that fact, to live a little safer on the streets.
Yeah, I was wondering the same thing... some people are really, really sensitive I guess? Like, I understand if you're being preached at, although I don't think anyone likes it when things are too on-the-nose, even if they're in support of it, as that's just bad writing imo. But everything Neon's written so far is just traditional good VN stuff, i.e. put a character forward to the player and let them decide on what to do. Like everyone else, I have my own political opinions and what not on sex and gender today (among other things), but my god, ree-ing over something as minor as the mere inclusion of (what appears to be) an LGBT character is just embarrassing and makes whoever these guys are look like terminally online weirdos :LOL: 'Variety is the spice of life' is a motto I agree with here.


Jan 14, 2021
But hey, informal poll! Which girl is your favorite?
Brittani number one with Nikki as a close second. Nikki is a fuck up but c'mon, she was *fucked* by the bf (legit forgot his name). The only mistake she made was going back. She got rammed up the ass with everything after that. And honestly, she has some huge fucking ovaries to get out of the situation she was in and make it back to MC safely. Bad things can happen to anyone with just the smallest bad decision. I think she definitely gets way more hate/non-interest than she deserves

But coming in at a surprise #3 based solely on looks is Risa! Legit so excited to see what's gonna be up with her!
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4.50 star(s) 190 Votes