A few pages back there's an update download that solves it.Having the same issue.... I think it's some kinda bug the developer hasn't picked up on or fixed yet... kinda dissapointing as I would wish to progress and see some more sexy scenes... seems like the only thing to do but cant
At what point did this happen? What dialog lines were shown before the bug?cannot talk to the garrison master... i get the options of tavern :/
Samecannot talk to the garrison master... i get the options of tavern :/
You use latest version? If i remember right, you should just go to Krushitsa. If you see dialog with Margot, you did all right. Just complete this quest.Where do I find new resident to settle please?
ThanksYou use latest version? If i remember right, you should just go to Krushitsa. If you see dialog with Margot, you did all right. Just complete this quest.
Norwegian or swedish. Those words are the same in both languages.Something random, but the game title is driven from the nordic languages, specifically norwegian. Freedom (frihet) earth (jord) is the title. And the game's dev SPodvohom Games is not that far off from the norwegian word "spådom", meaning either divination or prophecy. Suits the game's theme as well.