Looks good. I had an error when first starting the game list, but so far on successive starts, no further issues.Version is out
New tag system, you can add your own tags and set them to games.
You can manage tags on the preference window.
you can add tags to a game in it's edit window or in by clicking on the "tag" label in it's window :
View attachment 343893 View attachment 343894
I've already tried to do a few tagging operations and it seems to work well.
Two minor suggestions for improvement:
1. Double-Click-Assign Shortcut: In the tag list where you can assign or remove tags, maybe you can make it so that a double-click on a tag in the available tags list assigns it to the game's tags list and double-clicking on a tag in the game's tags list removes it from that list.
It speeds up the tagging process quite a bit. (The arrows can still remain, the double-click is just a short-cut)
2. Quicker way to edit a game's tags: Currently, you have to right-click the game, open the details window, then click on tags and then you can edit the tags.
I think it'd make it a lot smoother if you add a tag button on the window that opens when you right-click a game. Maybe in front or directly after the listed tags.