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Dec 23, 2018
yes it's not syncing, happens every so often. Normally is fixed within a day or so


Aug 16, 2017
Is there anything wrong with the server, I have not received any updates for the past 24 hours ?!
it's fixed ;)

I'm running a script at home to fetch updates, so sometimes something happen that make it stop. I should ask staff to give me access to a page hosted here that will allow my server to connect without having to let a script running at home.
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Aug 16, 2017
I was thinking about the tag rating system.

If you know empornium (a torrent site) I like their tag system : you don't rate the tag for the torrent but you can click on + or - for each tag, it increase or decrease this tag rating. So if a game has the "big boobs" tag and you click on "+" it will rise the "big boobs" rating.
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Jun 9, 2017
So something like e-hentai or anidb with its weighted points on tags then?
+1 adds a global number to it and makes it more the "main" tag which is highlighted.
It should show more focus on the content, for example a game with more focus on big breasts would have big breasts as its main tag as its upped more.

I like the idea of that sure, it could allow people to search for more specific content.
That way you can find content that might have more use in a title instead of a single small use.
Like for example a game that has a single trap character.... it has the tag, but you have no idea from looking at that tag if its only a single character with a single scene or say the whole game. A weighted tag system would atleast point towards the actual content of the game and its amount.


Jun 9, 2017
That being said, i think other features and the normalization of tags is more important than its weight.
Getting more basic features back and working again and finishing up already started features is prob a good idea.

But do write your plans for your to-do-list for sure! Laying out the plans early makes it easier to make in the end when you know what you actually want.

But the normalization of tags aswell as siblings of tags is a more pressing matter atm i think.
Far too many tags that is the same content and tag but written in different ways.
These really need to be normalized down to a single unified tag and manner while still being searchable on all its other sibling forms.

Instead of me describing in huge detail why such a system is needed and wanted, HyDev has me covered!

Also having an unified sibling list for all users will make it easier for such a weighted rated tag system to work as you won't have duplicate tags flowing around.

Sidenote: would love a standardized tag layout for time to complete/finish.
TTF: <1h, TTC: 6h>, TTC: 12>
For a random example, this should also be normalized and siblinged down to a few standards you might want.
Knowing how long something is should come in handy imo.

The ability to share custom tags is also something that would be interesting as the tags from F95 is QUITE lacking in most cases. (but such a share system would need to be handled with care... Like not auto-upload everything the user adds as custom tags could be quite personal and subjective, which is not wanted at all in a community shared system).


Aug 16, 2017
If I allow users to add custom tags there will be a system to check if enough users are ok with it before adding it. I'll think about it.


Jun 9, 2017
Well you already have a client wide tag list and menu.
Adding a blacklist to that would make sense.

A blacklist that blacklists the tag itself across all title id's.

Think it makes sense, but im quite used to hundreds and hundreds of people uploading all kinds of tags without approval and its automatically made use of on the client. (Hydrus does this for everyone connected to its Tag Repo, which reasons required to remove a tag on a specific file which is then approved by someone)

But such a system isn't required for games like this, the content isnt that reliant on tags compared to images and such.
Deleting and blacklisting the whole tag and its siblings across all titles does make sense though when reported enough.
Could be automated, but the success of automation is up for debate. As you never know if there is false actors in the community that just want to mess things up.

People have been thinking about that though, since you have a login system it would be quite easy to add a rep system which can rule the automated approval process of adding and deleting metadata. Aswell you have a way to ban them straight from doing any online changes.

Splitting tags into an online repo part that will be uploaded and a local client repo that won't be uploaded and shared also makes sense if you are uploading in the first place.
That would allow people to have their own subjective tags locally and those that are paranoid or dont want to share can just use the local repo.

But any and all automation like this have just been debated on for the Hydrus side, but we are too paranoid with ours precious tags so its all hand approved on our side atm. But there have been heavy debates on automation of such things, which atleast is much easier for you with login details already in place. (The Hydrus PTR has everyone sharing the same single login access key, so noone knows where anything comes from)

But in the end, its all just to share tags. And such a system could get quite complex if you really want it too.
But there is for sure would be useful to actually share and expand on the basic and lacking tags we already get from F95...
Tags is really something the F95 site should handle itself with community tags for titles.

Sorry for the ramble again, but sharing of and expansion of metadata is important, and how its done is important.
And sorry for bringing up Hydrus all the time, run their Discord and have been a user for years. And tags, metadata and management is the main thing it does and does the best.
But in the end, its still just a side feature compared to general user experience and workflow support.


May 17, 2018
I have 2 small errors relating to the games version, and I don't know if it is server related or on my computer the error is.

The game The Personal Assistant shows that the latest version is 0.17 but on the site the latest is 0.18

Then there is the game Wizards Adventures Game List says that the latest version is 0.11a and my local version is 0.9.2f, but fore some reason it does not show up on the Updates page


Jun 9, 2017
The site shows these updates for sure. But yes, i have these issues with the filtering too. Seems really broken and all over the place in some weird cases.
Might either be a general metadata issue as i note below or actual filtering issues, as installed state and such also have issues at times when ticked.... not finding the title when you know its there, but its found when the install filter is off.

You should be able to trust the update state of the client. But at this point i don't trust them at all.
Only thing i trust here anymore is the startup popup with updates.

Really shouldnt be forced to open up every game or game i have to see if there is an update since you can't trust the update state of it.

This with other issues like playstates saying you have played a game you don't even have installed. Or with the thumbnail image could be wrong... in my client atleast and often at that.

It all points to issues with the database and how metadata is saved and handled. This really needs to be taken a look at for sure, think i should upload my database so the dev can take a look.

Or maybe start investing in logging issues in a log.
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Dec 5, 2017
I've also noticed that is you use the "last time played" filter in combination with tags, it often returns an exception error message.


Aug 16, 2017
Client crashes when you try to load the detailed page of:

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It's a weird title and it doesn't have normal images in use there at all.
Not interested in the title personally, but it crashes the Client.
Yes I've seen that, there is a problem with screens on this game, I'll add an exception catching here (Ok I know I should do it everywhere :p )
An update is almost ready to be released, with a few bugs fixed and a new design for the game's window.


May 7, 2018
Hey, haven't used the program in a while and when I started it up again today again I checked what was the last stuff I played. The 8 games that I finished last are all some games I haven't even heard of. Did someone hack into my account (dont know why anyone would lol) or was it some update that did this bug?


Jun 9, 2017
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Yeah, its a bug. Play states is not uploaded online as far as im aware (yet).

Hopefully the dev will fix this, been a bunch of issues over here on my personal client with metadata as a whole as i covered in a post a bit ago.
Playstates, thumbnails and more can be messed up seemingly. Lets just hope it gets fixed soon and hopefully can be reverted too.

Got last played on titles i never downloaded or wanted to download and install so i know for a fact i had titles i never touched with the wrong play state. So yes, a bug.... sadly.


Aug 16, 2017

First release of the new game's window, feel free to send feedback.

After this I'll focus on bugs so if you have bugs to report it's now!


Dec 5, 2017

First release of the new game's window, feel free to send feedback.

After this I'll focus on bugs so if you have bugs to report it's now!
When combining "last played desc" with a tag, I still get an error:

Other than that, the new interface looks good, though it's a bit underused currently. Lots of empty space.

Would it be possible to implement a function that allows searching specifically for games that have more than 1 version installed?
Currently it's pretty hard to find duplicates or to pick up on the multi-episode entries.


Jun 9, 2017
Not sure how i feel about this new UI.

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The tag list is def better for sure with weights now (?).
Everything on one page is nice too, no need to load different tabs and such. Makes it easier to clean up the mess of old versions (that should have been cleared up automatically imo).

Its all flat, really not sure about this one.

Think the categories themselfs should have another background as a banner maybe so its not THAT flat.
Can get behind the action buttons too aslong as they are not in the middle of the screen.

It really might look decent and ok on a smaller window, but i think it should work well on both small and large windows.

Also things bleed into each other for example on the smaller sizes, Mods/patches (typo there i believe) will go over thumbnails.
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I can see hints of my shitty layout photoshop for sure.

That is good i guess, the title should be locked to the left so its not out of place, creator and version numbers shouldnt be on its side like it is now, should be next to the title imo.

The banner image should not be placed in the middle and its canvas shouldnt scale too much with the window size. Makes sense to have the image to the left with the title so they dont look apart.
Would be the same with the actions.

Mods/patches, Installed Versions and Screenshot should have its own text (screenshot is missing)
And they should have its own background which is different from the flat gray. That way they will look like banners, if you want to have a collapse system ontop of that then it would make perfect sense to have them clickable to hide unwanted elements.

All in all, this new ui grows on me as i have been typing this, think the biggest issue is the placements of the title, banner, versions, creator name and the actions. And with how flat it all is without say banners behind the categories that split them apart.

Also missing urls as a whole, but having it close to the actions make sense for sure.
Having the main actions at the same place, just locked to the left and having the url logos (if you still want that) on the right next too it.

EDIT: maybe it should scale with the width and size of the window better.
For example if one where to maximize it on a 1440p screen it will look really empty.
All the thumbnails for most titles are all on one line, instead of this happening, loading one or more of the other categories next too it when the window is that big would maybe make sense.

Also feel mods/patches should be after versions maybe (?)
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Aug 16, 2017
Oups I see that I have forgotten some debug display (screen sizes on the left of the screen)
Changes that are not obvious to find:
- The title is a link to the F95Zone page
- The author is a link too if I have set it up, a thing that I haven't done in a while.

The weight (8) is a place holder, for now, it'll stay like this. Later I will ask you for a default value ;).

Mods/patches are supposed to be after version but it is buggy.


Jun 9, 2017
Oh, in the title and the creator name makes sense kinda.
Will prob get messy when there is more than those urls though.

Many have alternative sites and places to buy the titles.
I for one would love the steam urls there that can be reused with a stream launch option too with the run command.

Both url options is broken atm though, errors out.

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Did verify that the urls are still saved in the edit menu soooo.

If you dont want the urls to be visible then you could enable a way to right click the title to drop down extra urls for other sites. Think that could make sense, F95 would always have an url so that would always take up the title name, right clicking it would list any other url that might be saved.
Any Patreon or any other site you might have linked that is specifically the creator could be tied to the creator.

Smaller icons next to the title or creator name might be good for the sites, default favicon of the site would be decent, small as the text or smaller. (maybe that will also be clickable on the side of the dropdowns?)

Also the default weight for tags should be either 1-5 (where 0 = not having it at all)
or 1-10.
Think 1-5 is enough wiggleroom for tags really.

EDIT:Also to note that the manually set thumbnail images is getting reset all the time still over here.
Unsure if this is caused by the titles getting updates from the server or not.

EDIT 2: Noticed the new detailed page does support gifs and animations on its main banner, On the title for example you can choose the tub gif and it animated neatly at the top of the detail page. Really love that, wish it animated on the media viewer when viewing such files at full screen though, and on the main thumbnail gallery view (normal queries).
There is a small playback issue where it flicker though! Would be neat if that would be fixed and follow up with animations elsewhere too.
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May 7, 2018
Don't know if this is a bug or not. The "completed" tag doesn't always work. For example when I tag completed "Lucky Mark" isn't displayed. Can someone check if it works for them or if its only me?
4.00 star(s) 5 Votes