I'm more than a little disappointed after reading this thread, I was joyfully ignorant to the fact that the black screens weren't meant to be there.
I went through a large part of the game and while the Camaron didn't appear as Camaron 2, it still allowed me to dose people and progress further and I had no other issues.
However, now I know the black screen aren't meant to be there and I've downloaded the game from about 5 different links, including the Patreon page, all versions still have the black screens and all versions have persistent memory when it comes to saves, negating the ability to start afresh (I'm still not convinced that isn't part of the black screen continuum).
With all the hours I've spent playing the game, trawling through posts for a WT to get some idea what I needed to do, finding out the black screens shouldn't be there and then finding and downloading supposedly "fixed" or "debugged" versions that all had the same problem, I've had enough.
I've deleted all versions, folders and downloads and am moving on to other things.
I've got no doubt this will become an absolutely awesome game in the future, just not with me.