Could you fix the bathroom scene to be repeatable at caladon?
This is an introduction scene so currently isn't repeatable. I will be adding the option to go back and go through a similar scene eventually though.
The image aspect ratio is slowly driving me mad. I wish I was just being melodramatic.
Images took a back seat in the priority list for the last week, I'm hoping to spend some time on them soon though. The vast majority of the images are copied from the original Unity build which admittedly had the same issue but I haven't had time to tackle them yet. When you say aspect ratio though, do you refer to the images that look crushed or stretched, or just all of them in general?
At the computer store, to install the bug on Molly's computer, you can only do it if you go the gay route. If you try to pay the 5k it says test and doesn't install the program.
Actually I was able to get Molly's love above one. Seems you can go back to the computer store and pick up her laptop more than once and give it to her which will boost the score. I assume this is a bug.
Both bugs, obviously

I'll fix those today.
Your ProportionalScale code is way off: "return im.FactorScale(img,minscale,minscale)" is forcing a rescale to a square image, then you're forcing the already distorted proportions into a 500x450 area, which distorts the images even further.
Maybe you should try something along the lines of:
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I added the ProportionalScale code after using im.Scale and didn't see a difference if I'm honest, I think im.Scale was doing the same thing. In any case, the original PropScale code is redundant, I've pulled that out. I think the primary issue is that the images originally used are just too big for the small space I'm cramming them into.
So there's no progress with any of the characters other than a 1 with Molly?
For this update, no. Gloryhole, Computer Repair shop, Molly <- primary additions for this one along with the inventory.
I can't locate the mega downloads, can anyone provide me with another link
I'll fix the issues raised today and upload new links on multiple filehosts.
I see the potential, But you should add sound and the option to not play the guy on guy scenes, Other than that its good
Sound isn't high on my priority list at the moment. You should never be forced into the male gay scenes (other than the clinic but that is telegraphed pretty clearly what is going to happen if you keep going back), at least not until far later in the development when the sub/dom stats are used throughout. One example is the computer repair store not letting you pay for something and having to have sex instead, that's a bug and will be fixed today.
Thanks for the feedback everyone, I'll sort the bugs discovered so far and upload new links today. Also, as
@Tyrranus found out - you do need to start a new game this time round, I know how to mitigate that for future variable additions I just haven't added the code yet so it won't be a recurring theme (eventually). I'll also be adding end points for content such as when Lexi asks you to go to the party so you know not to keep pursuing that path.
Edit: OP Links updated with bugfixes