Seeking Games centred around or heavily focusing on rape


Oct 31, 2020
is it wrong that i like this thread as a girl? Lol
No, it's not. This is probably the birth of BDSM. It's a total domination/dominated fetish, but with people who still have morals. I hate the people here who make a huge deal with it, but then turn around and play incest/grooming/loli shit. No one is causing a ruckus over how those people might be acting like it's real life? So if I go play a game as a mass murderer, does that mean I desire to be one in real life? Nah. Most sane people know how to separate fantasy from reality. We can't help what turns us on. It's only a concern when you start actively seeking out this fantasy in real life. For the rest of us, we can continue to play these games and choose partners who want to role-play with us.