VN Ren'Py Completed Gargoyles, The beast and the Bitch [Alx & Khronos]

4.30 star(s) 6 Votes


Jul 3, 2017

the new narration pages are well underway. They are taking a bit longer than I was hoping, but only because I don’t reuse as much material as I was hoping. But that it cool. This just mean, new content for you guys! And I though you guys would enjoy a quick glimpse.
I keep the presence of Eye of Odin in the game secret for the longest time, but, with me forgetting to take it out of a few promo pics, I think the cat is out of the bag right now. In fact the new pages are mostly about it and how dangerous it is. You’ll be able to play with it at your own risk :p

As for the bug fix. There was a major one that was ruining a core element in the game and Khronoss finally manage to fix it! Khronoss is keep pretty busy at work at the moment, but he’s still working on BvB2 as much as he can. He admitted to me last night that it was taking him more time to understand what I want to be fix than actually do the work. Ha ha ha! That is fair. I was never good at explaining technical stuff, especially since I never learn to do game conception and I kinda improvise as I go along. It’s pretty clear in my mind, but for someone used to a good, rigid, structure, it must be a total nightmare :p

I’ll still need 2 or 3 days to complete the new material. But tomorrow, I’ll be back on the Hogwarts comic.

See you guys soon!



Game Developer
Aug 26, 2017
I don't see the alerts for this thread anymore... (I guess I got a bit carried away last time :p ) I tough it was dead

Anyway. yes, we are back in production. in fact I just sent Khronos all the missing elements and new material. it's all in his hands once again. but he seem to be fully back ( as much as his work will let's him ) and resolute to see it through to the end


Active Member
Game Developer
May 29, 2017
I don't see the alerts for this thread anymore... (I guess I got a bit carried away last time :p ) I tough it was dead

Anyway. yes, we are back in production. in fact I just sent Khronos all the missing elements and new material. it's all in his hands once again. but he seem to be fully back ( as much as his work will let's him ) and resolute to see it through to the end
Nice news, about the alerts, if you don't visit a thread often then you won't get any alerts anymore it's a f95zone bug


Jul 3, 2017

It’s a good thing that I didn’t give you a schedule for the week, because it went to hell very quickly :p
It started Sunday ( usually my day off ) with a long back and forth with Khronoss to fix and clarify a few things. And he surprised with a new build last night!

So, today I went with testing it… 6h of testing!

It’s not perfect. There still a few issues that appeared, and I realized I forgot two pages in the new elements I wanted to add to the games, but it is finally looking like a well balance game.

Since Khronos seem to be on a roll, I’m taking an hour lunch break, and then I’ll start working on these still missing elements so I can send these asap. The comic will have to wait a bit. But I swear, I’ll post a new page later this week

See you guys soon!


Game Developer
Aug 26, 2017
Yeah! Kick 'em while they are down!
Forget him. he's got his agenda.

the 95% was always a rough estimation based on the art I created for the game and I still think it's a good one. Testing simply showed me what was needed to pace things better and make some events a bit less jarring and not seems like they came out of of nowhere. out of these, I forgot 2 pages of narrations ( one small action Khronoss is adamant is necessary, and a narrative page announcing that the ending is near and that you should wrap it up... that part might be replaced by a move counter... i'm waiting for Khronos response on that ).

There is no bad news here: this is tweaking. I always knew that the tweaking part would be complicated since we had more than one elements interacting with one an other and I was never sure of what value to give to one action compared to an other. And I knew that new art would be needed ultimately; it was planed from the start ( this happened on every projects I ever worked on; games, tv show, books, there's always a need for last minute changes and new material ). Khronos's depression simply halted development for a few months, and this complicate a few things since so much time has passed and it wasn't exactly clear what I had in mind for some of the mechanics. Still, I can't blame him; I also had my fit of depression last year that halted development, for a few weeks. that mostly was what that long back and forth was about: figuring out the mechanics of the endings and fixing a few errors I did with the new pieces.

As I said, the last build I tested today, was pretty good and rater well balance. All the missing elements from the previous build were in as well as the endings. There still a few bugs, and I gotta do an overall of the texts but we are getting there.


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2017
Forget him. he's got his agenda.

the 95% was always a rough estimation based on the art I created for it and I still think it's a good one. Testing simply showed me that we needed a few new elements to pace things better and make some events a bit less jarring and not seems like they come out of of nowhere. out of these, I forgot 2 pages of narrations ( one small action Khronoss is adamant is necessary, and a narrative page announcing that the ending is near and that you should wrap it up... that part might be replaced by a move counter... i'm waiting for Khronoss response on that ).

There is no bad new here: this is tweaking. I always knew that the tweaking part would be complicated since we had more than one elements interacting with one an other and I was never sure of what value to give to one action compared to an other. and that knew art would be needed. it was planed from the start. The Khronos depression simply halted things down for a few months., and I can't blame him; I also had my fit of depression last year that halted development, for a few weeks.

As I said, the last build I tested today, was pretty good and rater well balance. There still a few bugs, and I gotta do an overall of the texts but we are getting there.
His own agenda? I was just enjoying some drama but now I want the backstory!


Game Developer
Aug 26, 2017
His own agenda? I was just enjoying some drama but now I want the backstory!
just forget it ^^
You can basically read the whole story here, and I won't go back to that well.
The game is back on track and that is all that mater


Jul 3, 2017

EDIT: Sorry if you see this twice in a row… I kindda jump the gun thinking Khronoss was done bug fixing...
Than erased it when I realized he was still on it…
And now he just confirmed that he IS done with bug fixing, soooo….

This is where we at:
Bug fixing is suppose to be done ^^ … until I get the new build ( probably tonight )
Right now, I’m doing an overall on the texts, correcting the grammar, reformulating a few things and formatting it so that the format is a bit less blocky and more of an international standard, with“” for dialogues, stuff like that ( those need \ in front of them to show up apparently. :p )
It’s such a BOOOOOORING process...
And quite hard on my dyslexia, I might add. So I need to take a short brake every hours or so, or my brain will explode. I'm really hoping that I will be able to integrate the new texts in the files tomorrow.

I spent most of my time on the game this week, but 5/6 of the linework is done on the new page. Hoping to get to it on Saturday. Otherwise it will have to wait on Monday… Since Khronos is in a good streak, I’m really working hard so that we can finally release the game.
See you guys soon!


Jul 3, 2017

You had your share of updates lately :p but it’s Sunday, so here’s your weekly update.
I’m sorry I didn’t hold up my words and release a new page this week. As you guys know, we are busy finishing the BvB2 game. And while I was busy testing the new builds ( yes… plurals… I almost received a build a day this week) I got inspired by the new She-Ra show on Netflix.
So, where are we at?
We are still debugging. Every day I received a new build, I test it 15 - 20 times to find every bugs I can, write a report, I draw what might be missing, Khronoss fix the bugs I reported on, send me a new build, rinse and repeat, until I can’t find any new ones… If you ever worked on that kind of projects, you know that this it pretty standard in the end of every projects.
Once I can go through a few playthroughs without finding anything new, I’ll send it back to our final tester, and depending on his finds, then we should be able have a Patreon release ( 1 month exclusive ) before going public.
So… it’s really just a question of days now ( 1- 2 weeks??? )
I’m hoping for an end of November release. Crossing fingers!
See you guys soon!


Game Developer
Aug 26, 2017
Hi, do you have the ETA now like before the end of this month?
That is what I’m hoping for. I couldn’t find any bug on the latest build, so I was very hopeful. Of course the tester did (that is why I hired him after all). Khronos tell me he’ll fix these this weekend. And hopefully this will be the final build. Crossing fingers.

At this time I am aiming for a patreon release next week and a public release around Christmas.


Sep 14, 2017
That is what I’m hoping for. I couldn’t find any bug on the latest build, so I was very hopeful. Of course the tester did (that is why I hired him after all). Khronos tell me he’ll fix these this weekend. And hopefully this will be the final build. Crossing fingers.

At this time I am aiming for a patreon release next week and a public release around Christmas.
4.30 star(s) 6 Votes