I know. Im just sayin we have one guy here beggin for few weeks for a version. If he really wants it there are ways. He'd be scum, but its still a way.He's among the first I'll pledge to when I get bills and loans cleared out. And he does deliver on what he says. Or close to it and he's active. The point is I'd feel bad doing that to him.
And this too....Liliana on they 2 talk like the night call happened on the previeus day, but it didn't...Is the lewd late night phone call at the end of Day 1 removed?
I started a new game and the call was still there. I know there was a problem with old savegames in some older version were no call happened or maybe you just dont fulfill the requirements?!Is the lewd late night phone call at the end of Day 1 removed?
If you plan to seduce her, tell her you like her how she is.any Edit: i feel like i messed up with Ulya...What should i have choosen on the elevator?
telling her to cooperate a little
or that i like her how she is?
You need to buy cd from store on the first day after school or in the morning day2. You get the hint when you listen her mp3 player on day 1.I did, but nothig happened after it...on day 2 i see her on the bench outsie school, but all she say is "..."; on day 3 i know that she's inside the principal office, but i never see her...