
Active Member
Jan 6, 2018
The scenes should still be available as an option if you choose to "assist" them even though the "cover" option is gone, I believe. It'll just miss a few lines about Gemma being annoyed.
It seems you can't have fun with claudia if she is appointed in new eden office, hence why i thought there was something wrong. Changing where she works fixed it.
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Feb 15, 2022
I'm trying to complete Gemma story but i stuck at Broken Dreams part. Hints telling me to ask Gemma what happened but she ignores me. And skipped like 20 days its still same. Can you tell me how many days i should wait to ask Gemma what happened ? Here is my save.


New Member
Sep 4, 2022
Im on the training session quest to go to Piper's house while Ava is training her but Ava never goes to her house? Am I missing something?


New Member
Dec 8, 2016
Found a few bugs on a fresh download of 0.3.3:

Text mismatch:
  • Day 1 task "Sleep" tooltip/hint says "Head to bed" is at the bottom of the screen, but it's at the top.
Missing images:
  • /img/cassie/firstIntros01.jpg
  • /img/vanna/mature/toeastparty3.gif
Code fix:
Not sure if I did something out of order, but I was unable to have Charlotte/theodora go on an expedition to meet Quinn/harley on Unus, as Quinn/harley's location was "Unus" but the check was specifically looking for "Off World".​
I was able to get past it by changing the check on line 21116 from:​
if (g == "theodora" && getCurrentLocation('harley') != "Off World") {
if (g == "theodora" && !["Unus", "Off World"].contains(getCurrentLocation('harley'))) {
Ah, I see there's a hotfix already for that last one. It's probably more elegant than mine. Nevermind.


New Member
Aug 23, 2024
How do I complete 'under construction'? It just says 'nothing to do but wait until they've done'. But I skipped many days and nothing happened.


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2018
If I go to the "New Eden Embassy" or click "Trade deal available" my resources jump from 135367 to [number NaN].
Can of course reset my resources through console, but that looks like a bug to me.


Apr 1, 2021
Why Gemma can't be assigned to chill at spa? I know that she can't work anywhere except Velvet Pleasures, but chilling at spa isn't work.

Also, i need Kimberly to go to the pool for "Pool Fun" (already did "Private Tutor"), but she never shows there and there is no pool in her schedule (0.3.3 save).

Ok, found this fix SugarCube.State.variables.schedules.lexi = {18: "pool",19: "pool",20: "pool",21: "pool"} and it worked.
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Nov 24, 2019
I am assuming that, at this point, it's not possible to recruit Patricia as a performer in your strip club/brothel without seeing sharing/NTR content, as it requires the Gemma recruitment be done, which has to be done with another man?

Is there any future plans to allow for either Gemma recruitment option with the MC (once that relationship has evolved enough) or for us to recruit Patricia in another way down the line, for those of us not into the NTR/sharing (with other men) content whatsoever?
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Jun 12, 2017
does anyone know why i caant influence or piggyback your sister Charlie to see Harley. Im at 80 corruption (current max) and whenever i send her on expeditions, its not giving me the options.

Laki IH

Dec 30, 2020
I'm running into what I suspect may be an error in dialogue but could also just be a plot development I missed, so I'll put it in a spoiler.

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All-in-all, I'm really liking how things are shaking up.
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Nov 24, 2019
I can't seem to
I'm running into what I suspect may be an error in dialogue but could also just be a plot development I missed, so I'll put it in a spoiler.

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All-in-all, I'm really liking how things are shaking up.
Yeah, I noticed this as well, and was just as confused myself. Especially as they seem to speak about believing Duvessa gave the MC his powers while MC was in his mother's womb during the Council meeting. And also just the general fact that all the other incest discussions still seem to be intact (like two different off-world substories with possession involved), but these changes seem to make not only Gemma, but also the rest of the family members, by extension, not related to the MC, so it seems like it must be unintentional (at least I really hope).

Also, I seem to have hit a hitch. I am following Gemma's story, and when I get to the "R E S P E C T" step, if I choose "Call her bluff", it doesn't let me select Lillian. When I click on it, nothing happens. Is that choice bugged? Is it not implemented yet?
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Laki IH

Dec 30, 2020
Also, I seem to have hit a hitch. I am following Gemma's story, and when I get to the "R E S P E C T" step, if I choose "Call her bluff", it doesn't let me select Lillian. When I click on it, nothing happens. Is that choice bugged? Is it not implemented yet?
Personally, Megan was the only option I had for that, despite having nearly completed everyone else up to that point (I was doing as much side-content as possible before advancing the main story). My best guess is perhaps the other candidates for the scene were busy? I didn't think much of it at the time.


Nov 24, 2019
Personally, Megan was the only option I had for that, despite having nearly completed everyone else up to that point (I was doing as much side-content as possible before advancing the main story). My best guess is perhaps the other candidates for the scene were busy? I didn't think much of it at the time.
Ah, I tried doing it when Gemma was in a different location (I was getting the error while she was in the Gym, specifically, and tried again the next morning when she was in the office) and was able to choose Victoria, and it went through with no issue. Your post made me realize I hadn't tried doing it in another location, so thanks for that. Hopefully our posts together help anyone else that have similar issues as I had (and hopefully we hear something about that weird text change issue we're seeing as well).
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Laki IH

Dec 30, 2020
Ah, I tried doing it when Gemma was in a different location (I was getting the error while she was in the Gym, specifically, and tried again the next morning when she was in the office) and was able to choose Victoria, and it went through with no issue. Your post made me realize I hadn't tried doing it in another location, so thanks for that. Hopefully our posts together help anyone else that have similar issues as I had (and hopefully we hear something about that weird text change issue we're seeing as well).
I'm not sure whether it's intended to be added at a later date, but currently there doesn't seem to be a listing for this scene in the Movies on the computer, so I don't know how many variations there are or are supposed to be. Given your experience, my guess now is that it is indeed location-based and your options depend on who else is in the location Gemma's at, with some characters being either bugged or not having their scenes implemented yet. I second your hope for an answer about the dialogue situation. :)


Nov 24, 2019
I'm not sure whether it's intended to be added at a later date, but currently there doesn't seem to be a listing for this scene in the Movies on the computer, so I don't know how many variations there are or are supposed to be. Given your experience, my guess now is that it is indeed location-based and your options depend on who else is in the location Gemma's at, with some characters being either bugged or not having their scenes implemented yet. I second your hope for an answer about the dialogue situation. :)
I'm also at the point where my only task is the Music Festival [Future], and I've done everyone's substories, except Megan still has "Progress the main story". Not sure if that's a bug, or if she's waiting on said Music Festival that isn't implemented yet, but for some reason isn't going to the scene hints/completion state. But I figure that, other than hunting out any scenes I'm missing on any of the other girls, I'm likely done for now and will just have to wait for the next update.

I definitely noticed more of the odd dialogue stuff as well, where generally MC referred to Gemma as "mom", and Gemma would refer to MC in ways that seemed more like he is her son, but then Kiara (I forget if the Council member sister is named that by default or if I renamed her honestly) refers to her as "my mom" to MC (indicating that she is not the MC's mom), and it seems to be her that has the most dialogue that doesn't jive with the incest options, so maybe it's something specifically messed up in her dialogue, or a variable that got messed up that makes her talk that way while others seem to still be using the full incest dialogue for the most part. Either way, hopefully Feebs can give us some context as to whether it was intentional or a mistake or what.

Laki IH

Dec 30, 2020
I'm also at the point where my only task is the Music Festival [Future], and I've done everyone's substories, except Megan still has "Progress the main story". Not sure if that's a bug, or if she's waiting on said Music Festival that isn't implemented yet, but for some reason isn't going to the scene hints/completion state. But I figure that, other than hunting out any scenes I'm missing on any of the other girls, I'm likely done for now and will just have to wait for the next update.
For me, Megan updated to "End of current content" upon finding all of her scenes, but until that point it was the same as your experience: "Progress the main story" despite there not being main story remaining to progress.

I definitely noticed more of the odd dialogue stuff as well, where generally MC referred to Gemma as "mom", and Gemma would refer to MC in ways that seemed more like he is her son, but then Kiara (I forget if the Council member sister is named that by default or if I renamed her honestly) refers to her as "my mom" to MC (indicating that she is not the MC's mom), and it seems to be her that has the most dialogue that doesn't jive with the incest options, so maybe it's something specifically messed up in her dialogue, or a variable that got messed up that makes her talk that way while others seem to still be using the full incest dialogue for the most part. Either way, hopefully Feebs can give us some context as to whether it was intentional or a mistake or what.
Her default name is Ava, and indeed it is with her that the weirdness is most prominent. "My mom" instead of "Our mom" and other such instances. I do hope it's just an error that gets fixed, because while I can enjoy the game without the incest element, I'm sure that many would turn away and feel cheated if the "incest" path ended up containing no incest (what with how it's a choice the player makes at the start and with each participant over the course of the game). Technically, that's already the case with Derek/Derin and by extension everyone from his/her side (Tiff/Millie), but I imagine having step-cest alongside real incest is tolerable compared to a "you're actually adopted" twist. Though, I suppose there could be a reveal down the line that establishes a blood connection with them again. There are hints (some subtle, some overt) that MC is actually Progeny, and that could be used to both explain Ava's power and introduce a connection to those previously excluded family members - though perhaps more distant - as well as add-in a few new ones.


Nov 24, 2019
For me, Megan updated to "End of current content" upon finding all of her scenes, but until that point it was the same as your experience: "Progress the main story" despite there not being main story remaining to progress.

Her default name is Ava, and indeed it is with her that the weirdness is most prominent. "My mom" instead of "Our mom" and other such instances. I do hope it's just an error that gets fixed, because while I can enjoy the game without the incest element, I'm sure that many would turn away and feel cheated if the "incest" path ended up containing no incest (what with how it's a choice the player makes at the start and with each participant over the course of the game). Technically, that's already the case with Derek/Derin and by extension everyone from his/her side (Tiff/Millie), but I imagine having step-cest alongside real incest is tolerable compared to a "you're actually adopted" twist. Though, I suppose there could be a reveal down the line that establishes a blood connection with them again. There are hints (some subtle, some overt) that MC is actually Progeny, and that could be used to both explain Ava's power and introduce a connection to those previously excluded family members - though perhaps more distant - as well as add-in a few new ones.
Yeah, it does seem to be hinting that the MC's father will end up being the first traveler dude and somehow we're the only male progeny - perhaps he decided he wanted to finally have a son for some reason, or Duvessa and/or some other forces conspired to ensure the MC would be a male rather than a female, despite being born from him - which would also go some way to explain why there was even any question as to whether the MC could potentially become a traveler in the first place, considering the family all knew that only women could travel, and MC being born a male, they must have had reason to assume there was a chance that he could be the exception. Also bonus incest points for making him Kylie's uncle and Astra's half-brother that way (plus all the extra progeny incest that could happen).. But I definitely think that if that were to be the case, it would both be something that could still easily fit into the standard incest story with Gemma as your mother and Derek/Derin as step-parent, and the other siblings all either half or full siblings depending on whether they were fathered by the same father or not (assuming Derek/Derin preferred to stay as Derek and "watch" rather than be the mother themself), and would be really awkward to have it first tell the MC that he's not related to the rest of the family, only to turn around and then say "actually he is, but in a different way, I guess".
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Laki IH

Dec 30, 2020
Yeah, it does seem to be hinting that the MC's father will end up being the first traveler dude and somehow we're the only male progeny - perhaps he decided he wanted to finally have a son for some reason, or Duvessa and/or some other forces conspired to ensure the MC would be a male rather than a female, despite being born from him - which would also go some way to explain why there was even any question as to whether the MC could potentially become a traveler in the first place, considering the family all knew that only women could travel, and MC being born a male, they must have had reason to assume there was a chance that he could be the exception. Also bonus incest points for making him Kylie's uncle and Astra's half-brother that way (plus all the extra progeny incest that could happen).. But I definitely think that if that were to be the case, it would both be something that could still easily fit into the standard incest story with Gemma as your mother and Derek/Derin as step-parent, and the other siblings all either half or full siblings depending on whether they were fathered by the same father or not (assuming Derek/Derin preferred to stay as Derek and "watch" rather than be the mother themself), and would be really awkward to have it first tell the MC that he's not related to the rest of the family, only to turn around and then say "actually he is, but in a different way, I guess".
I don't actually think Duvessa had anything to do with MC's birth and merely capitalized on him opportunistically. After all, it would contradict the intro scene where she's asking how he relates to everyone. She would already know, since she had interfered with his birth and -as she herself put it, not that she can necessarily be trusted to be truthful- MC was her first so it's not like she had a whole bunch of other pawns to remember yet. I suppose she could just genuinely not care about those details, but then why ask? Out of character it's just a setup for the relation selection, but in the narrative this is a conversation that did happen and is referenced several times in the narrative thereafter, so it should not be dismissed lightly.
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