I liked the game, the concept is interesting and the end result could be positive. Of course, other games follow a similar plot and approach but this one has a certain originality and really entertained me! I liked the game's difficulty, but it easily frustrates the user. Even though I enjoyed the experience, I had no other option than to edit my save to check all the content.
Some things need to change for the user experience to improve. Some examples, without exhausting the matter: (i) you can notify the user when the content of a certain mission is incomplete; (ii) you increase the amount of money and experience that the player earns when performing activities, linking this to the reputation of the character and the village; (iii) you transform the potion store into an item store, in which you can access weapons, armor and accessories that facilitate the journey; (iv) you can reduce the number of enemies in certain parts of the map or reduce their health and attack; (v) you can make the village's evolution linear, in order to ensure that the player can access more content quickly and reduce the number of bugs that the development branch usually causes; (vi) you can use Novel AI or a similar tool to quickly create more accurate dialogue and descriptions; (vii) you can provide a list of "scenes" available so far, so that the player is aware of how much content he has already explored; (viii) you can improve the game overview to make it clearer what the game already has and what you intend to focus on. None of these points seem mandatory to me, but I believe they would make your game more enjoyable and could facilitate the development of the game.
To conclude, I really liked the female character and I found the plot original, despite having already played similar games. I hope you continue to develop this one and find ways to speed up its development! Anyway, good job.