Oh, I know. Just making sure that author knows that he didn't win that much financially by cutting some of the darker content out to appease the mob.
People like me that like darker stuff usually aren't that vocal, which is why our shit gets censored or cut out of existance way more than, lets say, gay, trans, incest or femdom.
But we are also the ones that are more loyal, and vote with our wallets the most, just ask any freelance artists that specialise on some freaky shit, how much his usual commisions cost, or sort the site's search and look up 10 most popular games with rape or vore tags, and 10 without one. And then compare those pathreons/subscribe star that has open info on them.
If Solensis made his decision purely because he suddenly started to hate the fetish, then that's one thing, I can respect that. Albeit it makes me kinda sad.
But if he simply did it because of the opinion of few politically driven haters in the comments(usually the same few guys that write "me no like rape, if only it wasn't for that..." under all of the more or less good looking games with said tag, even when the stuff is optional) in hopes of earning few more shekels...
not the brightest move.