Someone found how to get past the task what vanessa is doing in the kitchen? Without having to start from scratch
You have to check all this variable
if > flags.value('doc_come2_milf_talk_kitchen',999999999):
if not dayflags.has('see_mlf'):
if quests['event_doctor_come_second_time'].completed:
if quests['events_kitchen_mlf_phone'].inactive:
if 12 <daytime.hour < 17:
if Mlf.slut >= 2:
if Mlf.rel > 9:
jump kitchen_mlf_phone
The first (flags.value('doc_come2_milf_talk_kitchen',999999999) ... probably is not set correctly if you use a save from previous version.
You can use console to solve it , after you check what is the real problem