I received a suggestion from one of my Patrons on how to improve the presentation of Vanessa's thoughts in the dialogue.
Previously, there were instances where her thoughts could be mistaken for the narrator's voice.
To address this, I made some changes. Whenever Vanessa is thinking, the game will display a side image of her, which was not there before (the side image will be slightly blurred and transparent to distinguish it from the regular side image), the text color will be slightly darker than the regular speech (which was plain white), and the name tag will show '[thinking]' to clearly indicate that she is not speaking but only thinking. The text itself will remain in italics.
I still need to apply these changes to the entire game, but they will be available in the next release.
You can compare the before and after images in this post.
Please let me know your thoughts.
And please continue to send me your suggestions as they may be implemented to make the game even better!