It's strange? quest villa said you've unlocked all available content with alice but, i speak with alice and say that i don't want go for other show, after i speak with her and say i wont and unlock sex scene in swimming pool, i have unlock all or not?
Is that part of Kate's route? That's Silver being so careless as to not bother moving the "End of content" text box to where the content actually
does end. It still references 0.11 FFS.
If it's Max's route, I can't help because it'd have to have more content before I invest my time in that.
I just wish there were more things to fill the Saturday and Sunday slots with. Now I just wake up, have breakfast, spend three hours watching Erotica, go to work, come back home wait around for a few hours, have dinner, spend more time watching erotica while waiting for Nick to show up. When he doesn't, it feels like a wasted weekend.
Julia tells us fairly early on that the gym has reopened. That would help kill some time but people wanted more BDSM content instead. Go figure.
Before I become a Patron, I'd like one of two things to happen for 0.21:
Beach dates with Sophie
The god damn gym
I know it's not going to happen for a while yet as 0.20 won't be ready for some time.