The College Committee chain just has those few quests with percentages. Once those are all done and you talk to the principal and then to Karen about not going to the club and staying in college that one should have said finished. And yes that is the end of this one for now. 0.45 part 2 (if it gets posted that is) adds some more of Max's quests but only bug fixes for Kate so just gotta wait for everything going on to settle down where they can finish 0.46 for more of Kates.Hello, I've played this game as Kate and my only uncompleted quests are College Committee and Villa. There aren't instructions anymore on Villa and on College Committee, the game wants me to attend an anatomy lesson, but nothing happens after joining those lessons anymore. That must be the end of the current version of the game?
Also, I'm thinking of playing as Max but the game is pretty grindy so is playing as Max as grindy as playing as Kate?
The Villa chain however will not say finished. Once those tasks are done, then it's just about who you want to have power over the punishment in the house (Max or Alice) with their authority. Doesn't really matter which one.
I will warn you though, Max's quests do not start off like Kate's where you jump straight into it. It is an extremely boring grind to start with.