
Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2018
What does any of your post have to do with Glamour?

Glamour - это пик деградации DS как игр одела, много постов с само рекламой и обещания играбельной версии 1.0 и желания 40 баксов с каждого и я до сих пор не понял это песочница или сюжетный квест.

Как некоторые могли уже заметить, каждая следующая версия игры была гораздо больше предыдущей. Не исключением станет и 0.8. Однако, именно 0.8 будет содержать в себе 90% всей игры, за исключением основного сюжета. Это значит, что 0.9 и 1.0 придётся ждать после выхода 0.8 не долго. Но до окончания работы над 0.8 ещё потребуется время.

Glamor is the peak of the degradation of DS as games, many posts with advertising itself and promises of a playable version 1.0 and the desire of 40 bucks from each and I still have not understood this sandbox or story quest.

As some may have noticed, each subsequent version of the game was much more than the previous one. Not an exception will be 0.8. However, it is 0.8 that will contain 90% of the entire game, with the exception of the main plot. This means that 0.9 and 1.0 will have to wait after the release of 0.8 is not long. But before the end of the work on 0.8 more time is needed.



Conversation Conqueror
Apr 27, 2017
Glamor is the peak of the degradation of DS as games, many posts with advertising itself and promises of a playable version 1.0 and the desire of 40 bucks from each and I still have not understood this sandbox or story quest.
That's nice... Yet nothing in your prior post indicated that. At all. You posted some videos, and linked to an entirely different game. All without any context whatsoever.


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2018
That's nice... Yet nothing in your prior post indicated that. At all. You posted some videos, and linked to an entirely different game. All without any context whatsoever.

Glamour была проблема в том что DS перфекционист и ему отчасти надоело искать контент в игру и он начал работать над BB в Daz3d и то умудрился облажаться
Попробуй поиграть в Гламур на смартфоне, если глаза быстро не установятся, и ты станешь скучно из-за повторяющихся однообразных и повторяющихся картинок.
Glamor had a problem in that DS was a perfectionist and he was partly tired of looking for content in the game and he started working on BB in Daz3d and then managed to screw it up
If I’m wrong, try playing Glamor on your smart phone, if your eyes don’t get tired quickly and you’ll get bored with repeated repetitive taps and repeated pictures


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2018
Если обычные картинки имеют формат *.webp то у видео *.webm, и если DS надумает создать анимацию то заскриптует от 20-30 картинок которые будет делать несколько месяцев и я не уверен в их качестве
If ordinary pictures have the format * .webp, then the video has * .webm, and if DS decides to create an animation, it scripts from 20-30 pictures that will take several months and I'm not sure about their quality
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The Pirate King
Feb 19, 2019

0.15 is almost ready. Or, more accurately, everything but poker is already done. The minigame still needs some extra work. Hopefully, we'll work out the kinks in the next couple of days. We're aiming for June 14th release for our $40 Patrons.
Since we moved away from strict deadlines, we can't afford to release a half-baked update and need extra time for testing. We don't want you to feel like you're part of our QA team.
We understand you don't like the idea of vague and uncertain releases, so we plan on adding a public roadman for 0.16 and forward. In the future we will also add global roadmap for the finished 1.0. We're still going to continue working on the game after release of 1.0, but those will be thematic updates and we'll talk about them when the time comes.

Next paragraph will have spoilers for 0.15.
In 0.12 we added the villa as a hub with interactive locations, correct display of different characters and much more, but we didn't have the time to also add any content. In 0.15 we did the same thing with Veronica's apartment, but 0.15 also has as much content as an average update. There's some content with Veronica like lessons, striptease, breakfasts and dinners. All basic functionality of a new house: options to sleep, eat, shower, do Kate's homework, etc. Various events with Fedor for alternative ways to pay off rent (many different sex scenes, all optional). A new event in the hotel where Kate can now clean Fedor's room naked. Kate can pay off her entire debt or pay off what she can if she doesn't have enough money. And there are new dialogs with Nicolas about Veronica. We'll go into more details in the release post.


Active Member
Feb 10, 2018
but 0.15 also has as much content as an average update
That's some damning with faint praise if I ever heard it.

Advertised feature list for 0.15 as I read it:
1. Another money grind (whee!)
2. Yet another location with little content.
3. A small handful of nude scenes with little to no sex action.
4. Maybe a new poker minigame because everybody loves these chance based minigames. Since this is DS what are the chances that winning at poker several times is necessary to advance the storyline, and that you only get a chance to play once every few days and even then it's a roll of the dice if the event triggers?
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Conversation Conqueror
Apr 27, 2017
If ordinary pictures have the format * .webp, then the video has * .webm, and if DS decides to create an animation, it scripts from 20-30 pictures that will take several months and I'm not sure about their quality
unsuccessful attempt
they are not involved in the game
I have no clue as to what you're talking about. Again, you've given no context as to what relevance your earlier post was about. Your other posts continue to lack this same relevance.

Are you saying you want animations?
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Apr 17, 2019
The walkthrough given on the OP a bit confusing for me . Does anyone has a better walkthrough for v0.13 ?


Jul 13, 2018
I do not know how to play this game. Can anyone guide me how to start? And how do I get the money


Active Member
May 5, 2017

0.15 is almost ready. Or, more accurately, everything but poker is already done. The minigame still needs some extra work. Hopefully, we'll work out the kinks in the next couple of days. We're aiming for June 14th release for our $40 Patrons.
Since we moved away from strict deadlines, we can't afford to release a half-baked update and need extra time for testing. We don't want you to feel like you're part of our QA team.
We understand you don't like the idea of vague and uncertain releases, so we plan on adding a public roadman for 0.16 and forward. In the future we will also add global roadmap for the finished 1.0. We're still going to continue working on the game after release of 1.0, but those will be thematic updates and we'll talk about them when the time comes.

Next paragraph will have spoilers for 0.15.
In 0.12 we added the villa as a hub with interactive locations, correct display of different characters and much more, but we didn't have the time to also add any content. In 0.15 we did the same thing with Veronica's apartment, but 0.15 also has as much content as an average update. There's some content with Veronica like lessons, striptease, breakfasts and dinners. All basic functionality of a new house: options to sleep, eat, shower, do Kate's homework, etc. Various events with Fedor for alternative ways to pay off rent (many different sex scenes, all optional). A new event in the hotel where Kate can now clean Fedor's room naked. Kate can pay off her entire debt or pay off what she can if she doesn't have enough money. And there are new dialogs with Nicolas about Veronica. We'll go into more details in the release post.
Delaying a game to implement another goddamn godforbid poker/BJ/dice game yikes


May 2, 2017
Glamour - это пик деградации DS как игр одела
Это проект для дойки денег с глупцов.Когда DS плюнул в лицо людей неоднократно,они это приняли и все равно дальше начали носить ему деньги.

This is a project for milking money from stupid people. When DS spat in the face of people more than once, they accepted it and still began to carry money to him.

Serj 07

Jan 1, 2019
Это проект для дойки денег с глупцов.Когда DS плюнул в лицо людей неоднократно,они это приняли и все равно дальше начали носить ему деньги.

This is a project for milking money from stupid people. When DS spat in the face of people more than once, they accepted it and still began to carry money to him.
However, you are here ... Many D.S. are scolded, but everything is on his hook. Someone pays (they have their own truth), someone does not (we have our own truth) ... BUT ALL LOVE THIS GAME! How not cool, but D. S. worries everyone ...


Active Member
Oct 12, 2018
For being able to take the first quarter of the damm pill you need to get all the night events in the quest progress.
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