Did you complete the special chemistry quest, that was fast, had Kate taken the pill at night?
Sister quest??? If you are talking about the quest named progress... Last two of it will begin only after special chemistry quest is done. For money keep working at the hotel and steal time to time.
Now i don't know if i can continue the 3some quest at home, and i'm sure that i complete at the 100% his quest log. But Kate is still dressed when Kate make cum his BF during tv event. Any tips?
Now i don't know if i can continue the 3some quest at home, and i'm sure that i complete at the 100% his quest log. But Kate is still dressed when Kate make cum his BF during tv event. Any tips?
Hi, I'm not getting any option for kate to take the pill,
Does it happen just when Julia and Nick go to bed and I go to couch? (in progress quest I cannot proceed any further, have completed shower+ bath event with single and both, bed event is 11/17, midnight event(not sure what) is 0/5 ) and can take shower whenever I want with Julia. How to trigger the pill event
Getting No options yet for Kate to take pills, what exactly is the necessary criteria. How to start the midnight event? Also Julia and Kate mostly take showers together, still Kate and Julia hot shower is 0/7
You need to wait after 23.00 o later and click on the couch. You will have the pill option plus the normal sleep option. Make sure the quest tracker tell you Kate wants to try again
How to take 3/4 pill?? In the special chemistry quest it says Kate take the pill at night when everyone is sleeping, in progress quest I've completed (Shower + bath with Nick, Julia and both, bed event is 11/17, midnight event is 0/5, kate + Julia take hot shower is 0/7) can't proceed any further. What next.
How could you do that?
The Adam quest says "finished" Kate can not take him to the cafe, she got his phone number but no option to send selfies. Kate has the pills but does not use them.
Level with Julia and Nick is 6/6 now with all events completed except Nick comes into shower (7/11) and midnight event (11/15) grinding for weeks no progress anymore.
Also hot shower with Julia is not possible (0/8) Kate always refuses to do more, aroused or not.
Hi, how did you trigger Midnight event, I'm still not getting any. I've finished the shower and bath event, only hot Shower with Julia and midnight event is pending.
How to catch Julia masturbating, at what time (any specific criteria)? I've completed
all Villa, Progress quest and special chemistry quest, Julia has taken the last quarter and discussed BDSM, plus they keep doing in kitchen, or Julia masturbating Kate in shower is always etc.
I am to the part as kate where i have to get the key from principals office but the only option that I have is to knock on the door which does nothing. What am i missing?