DenseFool -- the sites virus tagging probably just doesnt like the VB programing period. Nothing to do with what you did specifically.
As for editing. like I said.. the game does seem to know what stats certain items should have - like changing food ID's .. it re-jiggers the food stats after load - Clothes/equip seem to keep.
For example..
heres a flower crown that iv enhanced:
"IsEmptyData": false,
"ItemID": 20,
"ItemNumber": 1,
"UseTime": 0,
"Enhanced": false,
"Durability": 9985,
"MaxDurability": 9999,
"CustomColor": {
"r": 1.0,
"g": 1.0,
"b": 1.0,
"a": 1.0
"Weight": 0.010000001639127732,
"EquipWeight": 0.0010000007459893823,
"WeightCapacity": 50.0,
"MaxHealth": 0.0,
"MaxStamina": 0.0,
"AttackDamage": 10.0,
"Defense": 10.0,
"DefenseEfficient": 0.0,
"CriticalRate": 0.15000000596046449,
"CriticalEffect": 0.15000000596046449,
"CriticalResistance": 0.0,
"PunctureResistance": 10.0,
"KnockBackResistance": 10.0,
"KnockDownResistance": 0.0,
"FaintingResistance": 0.0,
"HealthRecover": 0.800000011920929,
"StaminaRecover": 0.800000011920929,
"WalkSpeed": 0.0,
"RunSpeed": 0.0,
"CrawlSpeed": 0.0,
"JumpForce": 0.0,
"AttackSpeed": 0.15000000596046449,
"LightAttackCost": 0.0,
"HeavyAttackCost": 0.0,
"SpecialAttackCost": 0.0,
"DefenseCost": 0.0,
"RunStaminaCost": 0.0,
"JumpStaminaCost": 0.0,
"DodgeStaminaCost": 0.0,
"Strength": 0.0,
"Endurance": 0.0,
"Nimble": 0.0,
"Intelligent": 0.0,
"Willpower": 0.0,
"Charm": 0.0,
"MaxDesire": 0.0,
"MaxHorny": 0.0,
"SexualEffect": 0.0,
"SexualResistance": 0.0,
"SpeechInfluence": 0.0,
"GrowthValue": 0,
"MaxGrowthValue": 0,
"WaterValue": 0,
"MaxWaterValue": 0,
"WaterConsumeSpeed": 0,
"ItemValue": 0.0
So - just for notes for people:
ItemNumber: is the stack size. If you go over, the game will take it, but then separating things becomes interesting, when it comes to things that dont normally stack or dont stack as high as you set it. Not sure what happens if you try and stack clothes, but for materials and such, it works fine.
UseTime: is for things like Oil, Salt, the Metal Bar form. .that have a SPECIFIC number of uses.... so when editing those.. i dont see 9999 as a problem
Durability/MaxDurability: What it says on the tin - Set what you want, Game seems to just take it when it set for clothing/weapons, tools, etc.
Weight/EquipWeight: - you can lower the items weigh for gear and it seems to keep it - you can really lower the take when equipped for those things so it doesnt take a chunk out of your carry weight.. unless you just mod the next part
WeightCapacity: - also what it says on the tin - Add numbers here to increase how much weight you can carry. Sadly you cant carry additional stacks yet .. not sure if that will even change, but at least you can handle heavier loads this way.
MaxHealth/MaxStamina: Positive numbers to increase your cap
AttackDamage/Defense: again Positive numbers to add as bonus
--not sure what DefenseEfficient is supposed to do though..dont think iv seen anything with it set.
CriticalRate/CriticalEffect/CriticalResistance: Crit hit rate, crit damage bonus, crit resist.. probably to lower or mitigate when you get crit hit, but i have not seen it set to anything other than 0 yet.
PunctureResistance/KnockBackResistance/KnockDownResistance/FaintingResistance: - postive numbers - believe these all work, Iv seen some gear with puncture and knockback resist i think.
Dont think iv seen KDresist or FaintResist yet though - but I think they work - Course.. half the fun of the game is letting it happen (heheh) - where as flat out damage and knockbacks are annoying.
HealthRecover/StaminaRecover: Believe these intended to be percentages.. so.. 0.0 to 1.0 - could be wrong, but iv been using things ranging from 0.01 to 0.8 on various gear - seems to be fine.
WalkSpeed/RunSpeed/CrawlSpeed - does what it says - although... TOO fast and when you do get hit sometimes it shoots you all the way across the room.. thats been an unintended interesting and humorous side effect.
JumpForce: probably jump height.. not that its terrible in the game at the moment.. have not touched it.
AttackSpeed: like the Recovers - I think intended to be between 0.0 and 1.0 - so.. 0.15 has been fine and not too crazy.
LightAttackCost/HeavyAttackCost/SpecialAttackCost: Positive is a penalty, negaitive is a bonus - so.. using -1.0 is good. Takes less to do the thing - Special i dont think is actually used yet though.
Same goes for the rest of the "Costs"
"Stats" (Strength/Endurance/etc): Believe these would just be flat out stat boosting. Course I edit the char file directly, been playing with all stats at 9 myself.. not too crazy, can still "loose". But not as grindy/punishing.
MaxDesire/MaxHorny: Im thining these are for increasing the caps, before, you have effect modifiers, but I dont recall seeing anything yet that touches these, so leave 0 for now.
Same goes for SexualEffect/Sexual Resistance, but these are stats shown in the stat screen, and i think there was some gear that modified them.. its either that or the willpower stat alone - helps or hinders your struggling/etc. Have not touched it.
SpeechInfluence: there are items with this stat - no idea what it is supposed to do though.
Growth/Water stats: probably for when seeds are really a thing. There are apple seeds in the drawers to the left of the bedroom door on the 2nd level of the home, probably for some easy quick food at the start - have not touched those much. Once seeds and i suspect farming are in the game in the future this may be worth looking into.
ItemValue - "monetary value" i suspect.. not like you can sell anything yet, or will ever be able to.
Now edited items dont always seem to take effect right away.. sometimes you need to eat something or unequip/re-equip for the game to update the char stats.
Also 0.1.0 has a bug where you can load into the game, and the time progression and your status effects, and food/water rates are all messed up for a bit, until you add/loose certain status effects - this is being worked on for 0.1.0b according to the dev on discord.