So i've been looking at how the game is constructed and isn't it possible to import girls from the original goblin burrow into ill borne? They even have some left over code identifying anvil and all the old girls in the files. For those a bit more familiar with the files what is your input on this attempt at game splicing?
I've thought about it. It would be require a lot of work.
The most insidious issue is space. First, where the sprites go. It's in the variables file, but probably the most likely to cause a game crashing bug. Second, in the gallery, which would need to be completely rebuilt to allow for that many seedbeds to be accessible (or you would not have it). Third would be on the raiding map. Making it not a confusing mess would be very challenging.
Next most insidious issue would be mismatches. I haven't really looked into this, but I suspect there are a few places where seedbeds are referenced by their ID number rather than their name, which would cause very weird behaviour. Same goes for enemies appearing in stages (encountered this with some sloppy patching work I did on Fable) that they shouldn't. These kinds of issues wouldn't break the game, but would cause very odd behaviour.
Then there's just the mechanics. You can probably ignore rewriting the ending conditions, but you would need to create an entirely new set of conditions for how and when seedbeds appear on the map. There is also a GameText file that contains some things which might be misreferenced, but otherwise most of their scenarios and other stats are relatively self-contained.
That's a lot of manual edits and places where things can go wrong, but the codebase is similar enough between the two games that it is theoretically possible.